Friday Question #236
What is the best gag gift you’ve ever given, or received?
What?! You don’t do gag gifts?! Come on, they’re so fun… as long a real gift accompanies them. Ha ha ha.
The first one that comes to mind is this blow up bear head that we got for my sister’s fiancé, Will, for his birthday. Yeah, there is a story behind it… that is not worth telling*. But! Will hung Brutus (that’s the bear’s name) up in his man cave. Woo hoo! And don’t worry, Will got a real gift, too.
Ha ha. The second story is worth telling, imho. For the longest time, we kept teasing Gina and Steve that we were going to get a giant stuffed giraffe for their son, Luca. We were only teasing, because their house in Queens was small and there was no room for giant giraffes!**
But when they moved to Texas, it was ON. Muah ha ha.
Gina sent me this photo a few days before we went to Dallas for Luca’s birthday, letting me know a box addressed to me had arrived at their home.
I asked Gina if she wondered what was in such a big box. Muah ha ha.
She said “It says ‘stuffed plush giraffe’ on the side.”
Boo on you, Amazon!**** Good thing Luca can’t read yet.
I also asked Gina if she thought some choice words when she saw what it was… I know Gina so well… I was very close on what she was thinking when she saw it. Ha.
Come on. We had to get it for him (along with some real gifts).
If not just to include Raffie in the group pics we take when we visit!
*Because I am a bad story teller and don’t know where the pic is that explains it.
**I had an entire paragraph here about how I try to ask the parent what would be appropriate to get a kid, because I don’t want the parent to be like “Ugh! More junk to take up space!”*** But the paragraph came out wrong.
***Except for giraffes, obviously.
****I told my coworker we got Luca a giraffe. She asked from where, and I told her from Amazon. “Straight from the Amazon? How legit!” was her response (well, something like that). Ha ha.