My first paycheck!
Woo hoo! Good news!
I can join the proud, and the few, who can say…
I actually get paid to do something I love!
Heh heh heh. Okay, hopefully more than a “few” can say that.
I got my first paycheck for teaching strength class this week. I still can’t believe someone pays me to do something I love! And that I get a partial workout while doing it! SCHWEET! Dreams do come true!
It sounds like I am being a sarcastic a-hole, but I am not trying to be (unlike I usually am). I have had a few adult “role models” in my life who absolutely despised their job and I vowed never to be like that. I don’t despise my full time job, but that doesn’t mean it’s my passion. Being active is something I am passionate about, and to get to do that, and get paid for it? WHAT THE WHAT?! That rocks!
Do you get paid to do something you love? If yes, what is it? If no, what would that be, if you did?
Yay – congrats!!
I LOVED getting paid to be a fitness instructor. Getting paid to help others reach their goals is the best!
Awesome! I used to get paid to lifeguard (sit in the sun all day) and work at a ski resort (play in the snow all day). There were times that I hated my job at the ski resort(mostly due to frustrating coworkers) but most days I loved it so it was nice to get paid for it and get all the free skiing I wanted!
Congrats! And this is a big deal. Work REALLY isn’t work if you love it. I’d love to get paid to run..or bum around and listen to music. hey, it’s what I love to do. lol!
Love this! The older I get the more I realize I want to get paid for something I love and the amount I’m getting paid starts to be less and less important.
Isn’t it awesome? It feels weird to get paychecks for BODYPUMP and not pay to take the class, especially when I have fun with the participants. I hope I continue to enjoy it as I move forward with Make Shit Happen 2013.
P.S. Thanks for the reminder that I have not been paid for those circuit classes – I emailed them this morning.
Totally awesome! Awhile back I thought maybe I could start a mini business at home because although I work in a “left brain”/science/math world, I love to be crafty and scrapbook and knit and crochet and create things. So I started crocheting baby blankets and booties to see how long it would take me and it turned out that it took me about 30 hours to create one blanket and with cost of yarn and cost of selling it on etsy, I would earn about 5 cents an hour. So not exactly worth it. But I still really want to do a side business that I really enjoy because I love my job but I also love crafts and planning parties and stuff like that.
Aww man! Why did you have to go and do the math on it?!
Congrats! It’s an amazing feeling!
I enjoy my job some days, but it’s mostly just a paycheck. I think the one thing I love that I would love to be paid for is cooking. I love being creative in the kitchen!
When I was teaching classes and training I got to the point where I didn’t like to workout unless I was getting paid…it only took a few years to get to that point…which is a great example of my general jackassery.
Now I workout (run) more hours than I ever did then, and boy do I miss that supplemental income! Running is expensive!
That’s so exciting! My dream job is doing something fitness related, I would love to teach any kind of fitness classes! You’re so lucky!
Who hoo congrats!! I’m not passionate about accounting for a janitorial company. But it supplies money to my passion of being active and is relatively low stress. I don’t even know what I would do now if I could switch careers to something I’m passionate about… Must think on that one.
YES!! It’s so empowering to know that what you love is a valued service to others. I am being paid to write and talk about what I love, that makes me very happy
amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO wish I could come to your class!!!!!!!
ME TOO!!!! I think I might ask about having a one-time blogger class on a weekend.
Congrats. That’s awesome.
At one point in my life, I did get paid to do what I love. I was a freelance writer for several tech publications back in the early to mid 90’s. Loved it and would love to get paid to write again.
Congrats snister!!
I wouldn’t say I LOVE my job, but I definitely like it a lot (most days)! And I definitely LOVE getting paid!!
My dream job would be editing (newspaper, books, magazine, whatever), or running a no-kill animal refuge.
My dream is still to get certified to teach Mommy and Me baby yoga. *sigh* Someday…
Congrats!! That’s so exciting! I wish I could come to one of your classes… hopefully someday :).
I hope!
That would be awesome
I wonder if I could get enough interest to do a one-time weekend class 
Congratulations! That is so exciting and rewarding to get moolah for something you love to do! I would love to get paid to shop or eat chocolate LOL. As a blogging goal, it’d be incredible to get paid in sponsorships, ads, etc…but that is later on..after I’m self hosted
I’ve always wanted to teach a fitness class like Zumba or BodyPump or something…that would be a ton of fun!
That is fantastic you must be over the moon well done ! When I sold 5 paintings last year I was in my element, nothing better than being paid to do something you love:)
Ooo! I would love to see the type of paintings you make!
Yay!!! Congrats – i think thats what we all dream about. When are you going to start offering a city class??
AHH! I wish! We are only in Grayslake. Sigh. So far away
yay!! Congrats! That’s the best feeling I’m sure!
Woo hoo, congratulations!
I actually really enjoy what I do. I mean, I get to play on Facebook for work, what could be better??? But in all seriousness, I really enjoy working in public relations. I love sharing stories. And that’s what my job is (most of the time), sharing interesting stories and information with the people who want to read about it. (At least, that’s the goal.) So I like the root of my job, but there are a lot of external factors (long commute, general work frustrations, unresponsive/difficult people, boring topics, disconnect from the mission/goal of what we’re trying to do, etc) that make my job frustrating. But that’s what makes it interesting and makes me good at my job, right?
Yay! Congrats. Very cool.
Hooray!! That is SO EXCITING! I would love to be paid to help people with things they want help with. I feel bad charging for my closet consults but I don’t think I would feel bad charging for personal training if I was a certified fitness instructor
I like both my jobs but I certainly don’t love them. I love kids and I usually love the people I work with…but no, I don’t love my job. Everyone thinks working in a school is cake. BLAH! I take work home with me at night, on weekends and (gasp) my holy summer vacation! If you work in a school and haven’t been there for 23897 years, you likely have a second job to compensate all the out of pocket money you spend. VENT SESSION OVER!
Anyway, I would love love love to get paid to work out. Or travel. Or cook!
Congratulations! I’m so psyched for you. Like I said, I think you’re perfectly suited to be an awesome trainer.
I would like to think I get paid to do what I love. I spend 8+ hours a day on Facebook, Pinterest and blogs doing social media for my clients. It isn’t all fun and games, but many aspects of my job are a ton of fun. I’m lucky.
how awesome!
So proud of you! Don’t call yourself an a-hole, because this is awesome!
How very cool! I think that there can be a difference between getting paid for ‘regular’ work and then getting paid for something that you are mad passion about. It doesn’t make your other job less important, but there is something ‘rock star’ like about getting paid for something that is truly fun.
So, way to go!
Yes! That is exactly it
YEAH! That’s amazing, Kim! I bet you are an incredible instructor. I’d love to take your class – maybe over the summer when I don’t have to work??? Congrats!
Awesome! Getting paid to do what you love is such an awesome feeling. I hope you continue to love the job!
Soo fun!!!
I would love to teach a yoga class or group fitness class. Congrats to you!!!
Awesome! So glad for you! If you asked me at 15 what I’d be when I grew up, I’d say a teacher. Here I am, reaching. It’s not as glamorous as I thought, but I wouldn’t change it for anything else!
Now, we just have to find jobs where we can get paid to be snarky and drink chai lattes!
I struggle with the idea of finding a job that I’m passionate about (Derr, what AM I passionate about?) and finding a job that I don’t hate but allows me to do things I am passionate about outside of work. I think we’ve discussed this several times, ha! I think the danger of trying to find a job that you’re passionate about is that you worry that you’re doing something wrong if you don’t wake up and say, “Wheee! I love going to work!” At least, I worry that I will feel that way if I look for some mythical, amazing “job I love” that I don’t think actually exists.
I do want that job!
Were you and I having the convo about how many jobs people have in a lifetime? I guess its 4? So I just wonder if those people who stop having that “Wheee! I love going to work!” feeling switch it up.
I know that is how Steven likes it – he likes to start things and stick with them then move on and do it again.