Training Week 174

By , February 17, 2013 4:06 pm

Highlight of the Week: A kickbutt long run on Friday (with friends!) where I wanted to keep going… and would have, had I not had an appointment to get to! Okay, and ending my week with a windy race that left me feeling ready to tackle my 5K next week (more about the race tomorrow)!


Oops. I did NOT mean to have two flexing pics. Obnox.


Monday | February 11, 2013: 5.4 m run (4.4 w/Anne) + strength class
Loc: Vernon Hills, Temp: 32°/32°, Time: 1:05:15, Pace: 11:43 avg, Difficulty: easy (icy), Felt: good then hungry
Strength: circuit + core + cardio, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good
Tuesday | February 12, 2013: 10 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 26°/25°, Time: 1:43:52, Pace: 10:20 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Wednesday | February 13, 2013: strength class
Strength: kettlebells, Difficulty: medium, Felt: on fire
Thursday | February 14, 2013: 10.2 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 35°/35°, Time: 1:39:17, Pace: 9:44 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Friday | February 15, 2013: 15.6 m run (0-6.35+ w/Pam, rest w/Bobbi)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 22°?, Time: 2:25:59, Pace: 9:22, Difficulty: easy, Felt: spectacular
Saturday | February 16, 2013: rest
Sunday | February 17, 2013: Cherry Tree 10-Mile Relay (3.4 m)
Loc: Prospect Park, Brooklyn, Temp: 30°/31°, Time: 26:38, Pace: 7:52 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: strong


  • Man, something really clicked after I took my rest day on Friday the 8th, and I’ve just felt GREAT since then! Maybe all this healthy eating does pay off? Nah… Whatever it is, I am going to ride it for as long as I can. I LOVED getting some middle distance runs in a few times this week!
  • I did miss getting a bike session in this week though. Or any sort of cross training. Oops. Does walking all over Manhattan on Saturday count?!

25 Responses to “Training Week 174”

  1. Queenie says:

    You totally rocked your relay leg!!! Good job! I know for me, running really well before a goal race helps my confidence so much. As of right now, I’m 90% sure I’m going to come up and run the race.

  2. robyn says:

    A great training week, I think a rest day always helps!! And of course walking all over Manhattan on Saturday counts – especially if it involved a bit of shopping:)

  3. Anne says:

    Whoa, nice pace on today’s run! And I’m glad to see myself on your training recaps again – I’ve missed our runs! 🙂 And running in daylight!

  4. Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

    Holy cow you rocked your relay leg!!! What up Speedy?!?!

    Again, I feel like you’re an overachiever…lol. That’s okay though, you keep me motivated!!

  5. Courtney says:

    Your arms ROCK!!! I can’t wait to hear how the Cherry Hill Relay went!!!

  6. Beth says:

    Sounds like you kicked butt last week! Awesome job with that relay run. I’m glad that you’ve been feeling great. Here’s hoping that you continue to have that feeling!

  7. oh girl! what a week you had. woweee..and that LOOONG run on Friday – please, give me some of that energy! I’ve hit a mental block with running long. GREAT week!

  8. I want to her more about what you’re eating!

  9. Erin says:

    Wow! Awesome runs this week! I bet that rest day really helped. Sometimes our bodies just need a break so they can kick butt later.

  10. Kandi says:

    Wow, you fit in a lot of miles this week! And I didn’t read the ‘relay’ part first and thought you ran a 7:52 pace for 10 miles!

  11. Look at those guns! It makes me want to get back into strength training because I’ve been slacking a lot lately. Great long run. And isn’t it nice to run more in the sunshine again! The getting dark at 4:30 pm thing was really starting to get to me.

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