Making me laugh today

By , January 23, 2013 11:56 am

My little secret.


Grumpy Cat, why you gotta hate?

Ha ha ha. Kelly supports my little t-rex obsession and got me this shirt! I love it! Poor T and his short little arms. Heh. Maybe he should use those pushup bars.

I had to find a way to wear the shirt to work to show fave coworker. Now I just need to find one for her… or get her this one.

As silly as they can be, inside jokes with coworkers make the day a lot better! Do you have any ridic inside jokes with your coworkers/fam?

31 Responses to “Making me laugh today”

  1. Pete B says:

    Love the t-shirt. Does anyone remember “push-ups” the orange flavored frozen snack? I wonder if T-Rex likes those kind? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I’m glad you’ve found the bright spot in your day!!!

  3. Anne says:

    Both of those T-rex shirts are awesome!

    My relationship with Bob is almost entirely inside jokes. That’s one reason we can never break up – no one else will ever understand us. But I have tons of inside jokes with just about everyone in my life, most of which are wildly inappropriate.

  4. I’m so glad you’re wearing it to work. This also makes me smile!

  5. Erin says:

    I think the next time someone tells you about an assignment you don’t want to do you should just email them that picture of Grumpy Cat. That is all.

  6. Maggie says:

    OMG I love Grumpy Cat so much.

  7. snort. that’s awesome. love grumpy cat.

  8. You need to get Data a gig like that. lol.

  9. Valerie says:

    That shirt is hilarious! I LOVE all of the ones on…I would wear all of those on a shirt. In fact, I just ordered the one-a-day desk calendar so my coworkers and I can enjoy the humor!

  10. Beth says:

    Ah, I love the T. rex meme. As a yogi, I think my favorite is “T. rex hates chaturanga.” That t-shirt is awesome and I really like the sweater, too–looks cozy. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. No inside jokes with anyone at my work, though one of my co-workers likes to call me princess. ha.

  12. haaa love the shirt ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. gingerfoxxx says:

    Yes. And it involves a banana phone! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. ChezJulie says:

    Great t-shirt. But I love pushups.

  15. Brittani says:

    I lalalaLOVE inside jokes with fun co-workers! I changed jobs about 6 months ago so I’m still on the prowl for a work buddy. They definitely make the whole work thing feel a little less like work.

  16. Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

    Too cute! I want that shirt! Seriously! We have lots of inside jokes between the hubby, son, and I, and sometimes people think we are really strange, but that’s okay, because we are strange!

  17. Courtney says:

    LMAO!!! Too funny, you just crack me up!! David and I have lots of inside jokes, so many that sometimes I wonder if we share a brain, you know, our two brains make a “normal whole” brain?!?!

  18. Stephany says:

    HAAA. I love that shirt. Poor T-Rex!

    My brother and I exist on mainly inside jokes. We have so many! And, at work, all my coworkers and I have this inside joke where we scratch right above our lip when our boss says something asinine. It’s our way of saying WTF?! silently in a meeting. HA!

  19. Emily says:


    On a tangent, when I was in college I had some friends who used to pour vodka or wine into their portable mugs and then drink them while sitting in lecture hall. (And yes, when I say “friends” I really do mean my friends. I never did it myself!)

  20. martymankins says:

    Love that t-shirt.

  21. The Linz says:

    OMG — I can’t stop laughing after looking at your shirt! Too funny!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I need that shirt for when I get back into crossfit. LOL!

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