The friends who…

By , January 12, 2013 8:32 am

Ugh, yesterday’s post was a bit too downer for me. Let’s get something cheery up in here!

Today is my bestie Erin‘s birthday! Happy Birthday Erin!


Erin and I met through our blogs. In spring 2009 I noticed a run she posted was close to my office and commented on it, and from that we figured out we work super close to one another (two blocks away). So we had our first running date in early June that year! Erin is the first friend I have been able to get close with, in person, since college. I met her before I was in the running club, and still didn’t have a lot of connections in Chicagoland.  Since I’ve met Erin, I have made a lot of other close friendships too, and I think it is because through my relationship with Erin, I learned how wonderful friendship can be! That probably doesn’t make very much sense. Shortened version – I had no close in person friends before I met Erin. We had so much fun together it made me want to make more friends and quit being a shut in. There you go. 

Anyway, as I was doing my little digital photo frame exercise on January 1st, I realized I had an abundance of photos of me and friends. And it really made me think about the close relationships I have formed, and how happy I am to say I have friends who…

… know their way around my kitchen/home and feel comfortable showing someone else their way around.
… know all of my jokes and stories that I tell time and time again, but still put up with them!
… will call me out on my crap.
… know what I am talking about when no one else does (that they “get me”).
… know the foods I dislike. 
… know which songs I dislike and to change the station when they come on!
… scheme with me.
… I can send blog posts to for proof reading.
… tell their secrets to me first.
… can debate a topic with me, and not let it affect our friendship.
… know the names of my family members and my other friends. 
… ask for my help with things I am good at doing (Photoshop – that’s about it). 

The list could go on and on, and on and on. And I could get really mushy, so I will start there.

Does that list describe any of your friendships? What would you add to “the friends who…” list?

18 Responses to “The friends who…”

  1. …who I can not see for months and when we do see each other it feels like we saw each other yesterday
    …who know me better than myself
    …who aren’t afraid to tell me I’m being ridiculous
    …who are there to lift me up when I’m feeling down
    …who seem like I’ve known them forever even though I haven’t know them that long
    …who are up for new things and will be adventurous to me
    …who I admire and will help me become a better person


  2. bobbi says:

    I love this post 🙂

  3. -Knows that what I portray on the outside is not always what is going on with the inside.
    -Supports me in events that they may not find interesting, because they know it is important to me.
    -Is always there for the BIG stuff (notable birthdays, personal crisis…etc.)
    -Can take a 2+ hour road trip with me and is okay with the occasional silence.
    -Isn’t afraid to tell me when I need to be told!

    Lastly, and most importantly, a true friendship is one that is not conditional.

  4. Erin says:

    … A friend who starts washing my sink full of pots and pans after a dinner party!

  5. Anne says:

    Wait, yesterday’s post was a downer? I thought it was super interesting!

    I love all of the items on your list and that everyone else is adding (especially Erin’s – I need more friends like that!), but for me I think the one and only necessary thing on my list is someone who gets me, because I’ve had friends in the past that don’t.

  6. Erin says:

    This is a great post! You were my first real friend in Chicago, too!

    My biggest thing is that I want friends who leave me feeling energized and not drained.

  7. diane says:

    …met me on my first day of college, and still meets me for coffee in the city (okay, that’s just ONE friend, but she’s extra special!)
    …buy me the perfect gift every time (not because of the gift itself, but what you’ve said about knowing someone that well!)
    …listen to me have a complete and utter temper tantrum about something stupid without correcting or judging me
    …accept that I talk to and dote upon my cats, even if they’re not cat people 🙂
    …put their ipod on shuffle and I never find myself asking them to skip a song
    …offer to come over and help me clean the house when they know it will help me relax from my anxiety about the house being a mess(even though I will never, ever take anyone up on this–it’s the thought that counts!)

    • kilax says:

      I think you really hit a point with the letting you have a temper tantrum and be a cat lady (lol) – when they support our interests even if they are not the same, or if they think it is ridic – they still let you have a little episode 😉

  8. Michelle says:

    The friends who are there to pick you up when you fall, as well as rejoice when you’re doing well!

  9. Emily says:

    Happy birthday to Erin!!!!!

    I’d add: Friends who will be there for you unconditionally and never judge you, period.

  10. Valerie says:

    What a great post! Love your list..and happy birthday to Erin! 🙂 So wonderful that blogs brought you together!

  11. Happy Birthday to Erin!!
    I smiled and looove that you guys met through blogs – how cool is that?!

  12. Pam says:

    If I’m being completely honest, this post makes me sad. 🙁 I have one friend who is any of those things to me, and she’s 600 miles away, and I don’t get to see her nearly often enough. 🙁 I need friends in my kitchen too!

  13. Sizzle says:

    Friends who. . .
    can help me fill in the blanks with my shitty memory
    have inside jokes with me
    can buy me a gift I actually like and will use
    know how much I love mail and send me some
    know my neuroses and still love me, even rib me for it sometimes

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33 ‘queries’.