Chicago Runner Bloggers Holiday Party and… jet set!

By , December 15, 2012 6:30 pm

I really have my priorities straight when it comes to packing – presents* and running shoes.

Funny (creepy?) story about the shoes packed in the pink bag. I haven’t worn them since October when I went out in a muddy cornfield in them… when I got them to pack, there was a piece of corn stuck in the shoe tread. The corn had mold growing on it.

I know. I know. I should’ve taken a picture. Sigh. Blogger FAIL.

Where am I going?! NYC of course! To run my last race of the year with Gina, and do some shopping and cuddling.

But! First things first! It wouldn’t be December if my schedule was not crazy busy**, so this morning we had the Chicago Running Bloggers party at Erin‘s house!

We did a run in the rain***, had a huge chili bar and appetizers potluck, did a Yankee Swap and even had voting for the best “holiday-themed” dressed.

There was a HUGE turnout (20+ people), and I was excited to catch up with bloggers I already know, and meet a few I hadn’t met in person yet!

From L to R, starting in the back:
Back Row: Anne, Katie, Emily, Cary, Lauren, Maggie, Bobbi, Charlyn
Second Row: Amanda, Katie, Kelly, Amy, Marcia, me
Front Row: Riyanti, Emily, Lindsay, Sara, Erica, Erin
By herself: Kelsey
Not pictured: Christina

The Yankee Swap was fun! I am too anxious to choose a new gift to open when I play, so I usually steal one. So I stole the Philosophy Bubble Bath that Emily won. Hee hee hee.

Are you doing any gift swaps this year? Do you usually open a new gift or “steal” one in a Yankee Swap?

I had a lot of fun at the party, and am really excited that I have met such a huge amount of new (to me), local bloggers this year (and gotten closer to the ones I already knew)! It’s so much fun to have a huge network of friends all over Chicagoland. And I love that many of us share similar interests and can hang out outside of running events too! Now if only we could hang out ALL the time and silly work… and other commitments didn’t get in the way… one can dream!

*Prezzies, as I usually call them.
**Ha ha, this makes it sound like I had no control over this, when in fact, me and Maggie picked this morning for the party.
***I am on team SNOW!!!

31 Responses to “Chicago Runner Bloggers Holiday Party and… jet set!”

  1. kelsey says:

    I died laughing when I read this:
    By Herself: Kelsey.


    I want to spend everyday with you forever.

    This party was too sexy.

  2. Xaarlin says:

    YAY!, So lovely to see you again today.

    ***I am also on team snow. (Running in the snow is on my “Winter bucket list.”

    I want to see the moldy corn hitchhiker on your shoe…

    • kilax says:

      Can’t wait to see YOU again πŸ™‚

      I need to go look for this moldy corn when I get back home… I hope it’s still in our yard!

  3. bobbi says:


    Too fun! Must do more often!

    (I am team snow with you. and I always open a new present.)

  4. Marcia says:

    Um if i remember correctly, Kelsey shared that row with a gorilla.
    So so much fun! Many thanks to you and Erin for hosting!
    I always choose a new ‘prezzie’!

  5. that sounds like so much fun. sooo jealous of a blogger meet-up!!

  6. Aww…poor Kelsey! Such a fun day! πŸ™‚

  7. Anne says:

    I’m still really bummed about the Yankee Swap that took those awesome LED light gloves away from me. Sigh. Today was super fun, even despite that πŸ™‚

    And when you say similar interests outside of running, obviously you’re talking about bottomless fries at Red Robin, right? Because that’s all we have in common. But I’ll take it.

    • kilax says:

      Those gloves were SO popular! I didn’t even know they existed! I’ll have to be on the lookout for them now.

      I wish we had more than running and food to talk about too. Sigh πŸ˜‰

  8. how awesome!! Looks so fun!

  9. Maggie says:

    Yaysies! I’m so glad we planned this. And I forgot to take a picture of my lone store-bought item in a sea of homemade food. Ha.

  10. Erica says:

    So fun to meet this group — sooo many blogs to read. I may have to quit my job and just read blogs and run from now on. My husband may never forgive you all. πŸ™‚ Thanks to Erin for hosting and Maggie for including me πŸ™‚

  11. […] out Kim’s great post here for a recap and link to all of the bloggers in attendance. (The only bad news is that I learned of […]

  12. Cary says:

    Yay. This was such a great time. Thanks everyone!

  13. Christina says:

    I should have stayed longer but I had to leave :(. It was fun running with you guys and I hope that the next time we meet up I can stay longer. I ran and dashed! The philosophy butterscotch smell is TO DIE FOR!

  14. Meghan says:

    Looks like it was a blast! Sorry to have missed it!

  15. Kayla says:

    Looks like you guys had a blast!!! I wish I could have been there!!!

  16. Erin says:

    It was a great time! Thank you and Maggie for coming up with the idea. It was so fun to meet everyone.

    And it cracks me up that your entire suitcase is presents πŸ™‚

  17. So much fun! Next time I hope to run with ya bc I miss our random forest preserve runs… πŸ™

  18. I had so much fun at the party and I loved all of your photos. The Facebook party afterwards was also da bomb. πŸ™‚ Thanks for contributing to the swag for the costume contest. πŸ™‚ I’m not shy about stealing a present if there is one that I like. Hehe.

  19. I had so much fun on Saturday! We had such a great turnout (considering the rain) and I loved meeting all the new (to me) bloggers as well! Thanks for painting my nails too- no chips yet!

  20. Emily says:

    SO. MUCH. FUN. When can we do it again!?!?!?!? Your vegan chili was AWESOME, by the way. Please bring it again to our future gatherings!!!

    • kilax says:

      Yes! We do all need to get together more often. I think I liked your idea somewhere… once a month? πŸ™‚ And all over the burbs too? πŸ˜‰

      Thanks about the chili! I would be happy to bring it again! πŸ™‚

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