Last day to donate!

By , December 31, 2012 12:51 pm

Our lives are so totally interesting. Big item on the calendar for New Year’s Eve? Take items to Goodwill to donate. Gotta get that donation in before Jan 1st so it’s tax deductible!

It amazes me how much stuff we donate to Goodwill each year. We have a huge list of items. Does anyone else feel like they are constantly donating stuff too?

Anyone else making any last minute donations? Tangible or monetary?

I remembered there was a fundraiser I wanted to donate to, and made sure to today. That makes me sound really bad, but hey, it’s the truth!

Training Week 167

By , December 30, 2012 11:57 am

 Highlight of the Week: Definitely those runs with friends/family – I have been getting a bit lonely out there. And Saturday and Sunday were 1000th mile runs for two people – Riyanti hit 1000 for 2012 on Saturday and Kate (from the running club) did on Sunday!

Monday | December 24, 2012: 3.1 m run (w/Aunt Sue)
Loc: Cedar Falls, IA, Temp: 18°/18°, Time: 48:25, Pace: 15:38 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Tuesday | December 25, 2012: 3.3 m run
Loc: Cedar Falls, IA, Temp: 1°/0°, Time: 36:55, Pace: 11:12 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent
Wednesday | December 26, 2012: 3.1 m run
Loc: neighborhood, Temp: 28°/28°, Time: 30:37, Pace: 9:52 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: surprisingly good!
Thursday | December 27, 2012: 3.1 m run + strength
Loc: neighborhood, Temp: 28°/28°, Time: 30:36, Pace: 9:53 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: so so
Strength: BOSU and weighted bars, Difficulty: hard, Felt: broken
Friday | December 28, 2012: 7 m run (w/Riyanti)
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 30°/30°, Time: 1:13:56, Pace: 10:34, Difficulty: medium, Felt: out of shape
Saturday | December 29, 2012: 8.5 m run (w/GRC incl. Bobbi & Riyanti)
Loc: Gurnee, Temp: 28°/27°, Time: 1:31:09, Pace: 10:43 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: not too in to it
Sunday | December 30, 2012: 4.3 m run (w/Kelly, Bobbi and GRCers)
Loc: McDonald Woods FP, Temp: 12°/19°, Time: 45:41, Pace: 10:38 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: okay

Streaking notes:

  • Earlier in the year, I was obsessing over my weekly mileage amount. I was tracking it in my weekly training posts and kept trying to see higher and higher numbers. When I redid my weekly training post style (whoa, back in April!) I dropped that number to try to quit fixating on it so much. I still was thinking about it though. Until… the streak. Now the focus has just been on getting a few miles in each day and I have completely stopped caring about (or adding up) weekly mileage. It would be nice if I could stay rid of the obsession post-streak, too. Do you tend to obsess about your weekly mileage number?

Overall notes:

  • Who is making a 2013 goal list for exercise/fitness? I may skip making an entire list this year, but keep the goal of trying to run more than the year before (wait, isn’t that counter-productive to the bullet above?!). So far this year, I’ve run 130 miles more than last year. 

Random Thoughts Thursday XXVII

By , December 27, 2012 6:14 am
  • I hope everyone had a spectacular holiday! I had a wonderful time with my family and enjoyed being mostly unplugged for a few days. 
  • Check out my guest post on Loop Looks! It features my favorite color… you know what it is, right?! What is your favorite color?
  • Who is in for the Wisconsin Half Marathon or Marathon in Kenosha on May 4th? This will be my fifth year running the half marathon! I asked the race director if I could be an ambassador to promote the race for them. While they don’t have a program like that set up now, they did give me a $5 off code – KIMRUNSWI. If 10 people register using this code, I get a free entry. Not sure if that will happen, since there are other $5 off codes out there, but I just want to promote my FAVORITE half! It’s not too crowded, scenic, and has good support for it’s size.  Prices go up Jan 6 so register before then if you can!

  • It was a bit colder in Iowa than Chicagoland. It was only 1° on my Christmas Day run! And was 0° when I ended it! Check out the frost on my hair and eyelashes! Did anyone else travel somewhere with a bit of a temperature swing? 

  • I don’t think I will be winning Otter Mother of the Year award. First off – I am not an otter. But secondly, we spent the night in Galena for Steven’s birthday and I forgot my otter baby, Kate, behind! Ahh! I felt like Kate McCallister leaving Kevin behind in Home Alone! Just kidding. Although I also did realize in transit (on the car ride) that I forgot my stuffed animal. I felt a bit odd calling the hotel… but they had her! Phew! Although, I am not sure she enjoyed spending Christmas IN A BAG. And why is the word otter in quotation marks?!?! SHE IS CLEARLY AN OTTER. Sigh. She is going to be scarred for life. 


  • I received five puzzles for Christmas (one is a two-in-one). Which shall I do first, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?! Tell me below! I am craving some quiet puzzle time. 


Unexpected great customer service

By , December 26, 2012 9:49 pm

Steven’s dad, his brother, and I joined forces for Steven’s birthday/Christmas gift (hence the wrapping below), and got him a fancy schmancy camera. 

Steven and I spent Saturday night in Galena, Illinois for his birthday, and Steven really enjoyed taking some night and day shots with his new camera while we were there, and more photos on Christmas Eve. 

What could that prezzie be?!!! It is also a camera, from us, for my parents!

Then on Christmas Eve, the camera battery was dead and wouldn’t charge. So, no playing around with the camera on Christmas Day! Kind of a bummer. 

We were just going to get a partial refund from the online seller, but per my aunt Sue’s suggestion, we took the camera to Porter’s, the local camera shop today, to see if they could figure out if it was the charger or the battery (before we went on buying the replacement). 

They checked, and to our surprise, it was the battery. 

Also, to our surprise, they gave us brand new battery, for free. They took the old one to send back to the manufacturer.

We didn’t buy the camera there. We didn’t buy anything else there! They didn’t have to help us, and they were extremely kind to fix it for us, and deal with it on their end! Their generosity really made our day – we were disappointed and frustrated with the nuisance of getting a replacement part for a brand new camera and they made it a breeze! And now Steven can start taking photos again!

Have you had any unexpected great customer service lately?

Ha ha ha. And I think this story proves that there is still value in buying things in brick and mortar stores…

Training Week 166

By , December 23, 2012 10:03 am

Highlight of the Week: Being able to run in a town I have always wanted to run in – Galena, Illinois. Although, I am not sure if you can call it running. I should have had my snowshoes on instead of my Yak Trax! 

Monday | December 17, 2012: 3.5 m run + ice skating in Central Park (w/Gina)
Loc: Astoria, Temp: 41°/41°, Time: 35:48, Pace: 10:14 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great… until I turned around in to the wind!
Tuesday | December 18, 2012: 3.1 m run
Loc: neighborhood, Temp: 36°/37°, Time: 32:37, Pace: 10:32 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | December 19, 2012: strength class + 3.1 m run (w/Bobbi & GRCers)
Strength: kettlebells, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: capable
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 36°, Time: 33:24, Pace: 10:47 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent
Thursday | December 20, 2012: 3.5 m run
Loc: neighborhood, Temp: 45°/45°, Time: 37:03, Pace: 10:35 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: slightly sluggish
Friday | December 21, 2012: strength + 3.3 m run
Strength: kettlebells, dumbbells and step, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: decent enough
Loc: neighborhood, Temp: 25°/25°, Time: 33:00, Pace: 10:01, Difficulty: easy, Felt: cold on my face!
Saturday | December 22, 2012: 4 m run
Loc: neighborhood, Temp: 23°/25°, Time: 42:16, Pace: 10:33 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: okay
Sunday | December 23, 2012: 3.1 m run
Loc: Galena, IL, Temp: 14°/14°, Time: 37:42, Pace: 12:10 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: okay

Overall Notes:

  • Our Garmin is being really weird about uploading to Connect lately! At first I thought it was a database connection thing, but now I think it may be the watch. Some runs never even upload! Womp womp. That’s okay – I still have the data in the watch. Updated: Garmin fixed the ANT stick issue and the missing runs appeared!
  • Friday was my first run this fall/winter in tights (and then I wore them again on Saturday… and Sunday…). 
  • Only 8 days left of the streak!

Friday Question #220

By , December 21, 2012 6:16 am

WARNING! This post contains spoilers… or rather, it eludes to the truth about Santa Claus. You’ve been warned!

Growing up (or even now), did (do) you get gifts from Santa? Were all of your gifts from Santa, or just some of them (and some from your parents)?

Good thing I didn’t ask this question again

I think I need to explain this question a bit better. Gina and I were chatting this week about how different families “do” Santa gifts. When she was a kid, all of her gifts at home were from Santa – none from her parents. But when I was a kid, we received gifts from Santa, and from our parents. If I remember correctly, we were allowed to open our stocking from Santa before our parents got out of bed. And there was a gift from Santa wrapped in Santa paper (which maybe we got to open early too?). But the rest of the gifts at home were from our parents, and we had to wait for them to get up to open them*.

I was surprised to hear some kids only got gifts from Santa. Gina was surprised to hear that I got gifts from Santa and my parents!

And yes, “Santa” still gives me a stocking… I love stockings!

*As you know, they were not sleeping in, we were just up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning!

Random Thoughts Thursday XXVI

By , December 20, 2012 6:21 am
  •  Fave coworker and I exchanged holiday gifts yesterday. Among other things, she gave me Fifty Shades of Grey and a bottle of wine. This makes me laugh.

  • Other things that make me laugh – this Camera+ update on my phone.

  • And one more thing that made me (and Gina) laugh – people’s comments on our Best Friends hats. I think we agreed the best one was the guy in the subway that said to us “All you need is ‘forever’!”

  • My mom gave Steven a frother for his birthday. I am not sure why, but something about adding frothy milk to our homemade drinks makes them seem so fancy!

  • Steven’s birthday is this Saturday! And… he is sick. I really hope he feels better soon so he can enjoy his birthday and the holidays!
  • And on a completely vague note, I would really prefer NOT to be involved with other people’s drama. It’s exhausting. I tend to miss out on most “drama” because I am clueless to it… I think I would prefer it that way (and I am talking about being drug in to other people’s drama – hearing about it and lending an ear is fine with me).

Other Random Thoughts Thursday Posts: XXVXXIVXXIII, XXII, XXI, XX, XIX, XVIII, XVII, XVI, XV, XIV, XIII, XII, XI, X, IX, VIII, VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I.

Totes is totally a word

By , December 19, 2012 4:55 am

When my family was visiting two weekends ago, we were having a conversation on the train ride home from the city, and I said something along the lines of “We totes have to do that!”

Blank stares.


Yes! Totes! Like a shortened version of “totally” – it was added to the dictionary last year! (duh)

They didn’t believe me. I had to look up an article saying it was added to the dictionary, and show it to them*.

I tried to get them to add it to their vocab while they were visiting, but I don’t think it stuck. Darn. Maybe when I see them next week, ha!

So I was thinking about all the stupid little words I say that are shortened versions of longer words. I knew I would be able to make a long list of them, but they just weren’t coming to me. Muah ha ha. A few days with Gina fixed that. Because we sometimes** talk and act like children, and the words were coming out left and right!

However, I think most of these are slang and some of them are made-up. So… you won’t find them in the dictionary, Mom, Dad or Grandma Pete, but you will hear me saying them!

Kim’s list of shortened words she uses that make her sound über intelligent:

jeal / jelly
din din
fajayjays / fajays
fo sho
compli / complis

Edited to add:


Do you say any of these words (or any different ones)? Or are you an actual adult, who thinks it is annoying and immature when people talk this way?

I also have a list of words that Steven and I pronounce incorrectly to each other on purpose… which is unfortunate, since I already cannot pronounce most words!

I bet posts like this make you REALLY want to meet me in person, if you haven’t already. I just sound like such a delight to talk to! Oops! Totes a delight! Obvs. Fo sho.

For what it’s worth, I don’t talk like this all the time, and try not to be too ridiculous at work!

*Ahh, smartphones – can always use them to prove yourself right, or, err, sometimes WRONG!
**Meaning usually.
***A word Gina uses, but I don’t. Yet.

2012 Racing Statistics

By , December 18, 2012 5:32 am

As I mentioned, Sunday’s race was my last one of the year! Woo hoo! I thought it would be fun to look at my 2012 racing statistics. In 2011 I ran 22 races in all 12 months in 5 states, and what did I do this year? Read below (and you can always see my overall race stats here)!

Also, if you would like to fill out your own 2012 Racing Statistics in the comments or on your own blog, I created a google doc here for you to copy and fill out/edit! I’ll paste the blank doc below my stats, as well. 

And on to 2013! The first race I am registered for is my town’s local 5K in February, but the snowshoe 5K is calling my name in January…

Click “more” for the 2012 Racing Statistics Survey! And feel free to add your own new categories of statistics!

Continue reading '2012 Racing Statistics'»

NYCRUNS Hot Chocolate 5K Race Report

By , December 17, 2012 6:17 am

Woo hoo! I just realized my last race of 2012 – the Hot Chocolate 5K/10K yesterday – and my first race of 2012 – the Cherry Tree 10-Miler Relay – were both in NYC! And, they were both with Gina and her brother-in-law, Greg! And Gina’s husband Steve joined us for the 5K yesterday!

Me, Gina, Steve and Greg – all photos from Gina’s camera, photos taken by a family member. Notice how we all have different bibs? The race recycled bibs from other races for this event. Green effort? Money-saving effort? Who knows. Funny? Yes. 

The Hot Chocolate 5K was put on by NYCRUNS, on Roosevelt Island. Roosevelt Island is a small island (about two miles long) between Manhattan and Queens, in the East River. Gina had done a few races on Roosevelt Island and told me how much she loved them – flat course, scenic views of the island and Manhattan (and Queens?), easy to get to from her house, not too crowded… I was itching to join her for a Roosevelt Island race! I am pretty sure I have never raced on an island before, ha ha. Edited to add – derrrrp, Manhattan, Staten Island… yes I have raced in these places before. Thanks, Gina. 

Have you ever raced (or run?) on an island before?

So Gina told me about this race well in advance… maybe in October? And I penciled it in my calendar, but was not sure how to make it work – December gets kind of crazy. But one day, I checked flights, saw they were $137 round trip and knew I had to come for this race! You cannot say no to a price like that!*

Blah de blah blah. On to the damn race report!

This race ended up selling out with over 1500 runners between the 5K and 10K (which had two different start times)! Gina, Steve, Greg and I all lined up together in the back of the start chute. The race was chip timed, so I was not worried about delays in crossing the start. However, there was a bit of weaving in the first half mile, which was unfortunate, as I was there to pace Gina for a PR! I tried to get us to run the tangents, and avoid as much weaving as possible, but I am sure we wasted a bit of energy until it cleared up in the second half of this first mile. And after that, we didn’t have any issues (with weaving, that is). 

Looking good at Mile 1!

Gina told me her goal was to run A 32:xx 5K. She also told me I had full rein to play drill sergeant. She probably now wishes she hadn’t said that. I yelled at her for exerting too much energy (high-fiving, getting people to cheer for her), walking, slowing down, saying she couldn’t do this… I also told her I expected her to feel like she wanted to throw up, that 5K PRs are supposed to hurt and that I didn’t want her to feel like she left anything on the course. 

I don’t think she did. 

Wait. Maybe our friendship got left behind?!

Just kidding! I hope. Gulp.

She looks like she still likes me in this post-race picture… right?!

Gina did really well. But! I am going to leave her story of her race and the finish for her** to tell! My story is just of me enjoying pacing my friend in a 5K, in a new location that I loved. And with her wonderful family there to support her (her son, Dad, Dad’s wife, sister-in-law and nephew)!

The boys did well too! Steve came in before us (with a PR!), and one second before his brother! What a surprise! We lost Steve right away on the course, but kept track of Greg… so it’s neat they ended up finishing together despite not starting all that much together!

As the title suggests, there was hot chocolate after the race. And we got mugs instead of t-shirts. I really like them!

Luca is not so sure

I’m happy I got to do a few races in NYC this year! I hope to be back in 2013, for the 10-mile relay that started my racing season last year. This time, we hope to enter TWO teams… stay tuned…

*Ugh. Too bad my flight was delayed over an hour and a half though, and I got to their house at midnight. Sorry, guys!
**Gina, update your blog already! 

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