Training Week 159

By , November 4, 2012 10:08 am

Highlight of the Week: Running Andrew’s first trail race with him (race report tomorrow… hopefully)! Second place highlight – awesome outdoor strength workout on Friday that involved playground equipment… and lots of burpees and pushups. 

Monday | October 29, 2012: 3.1 m run (w/Anne)
Loc: Half Day FP, Temp: 48°/45°, Time: 38:51, Pace: 12:31 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Tuesday | October 30, 2012: rest
Wednesday | October 31, 2012: strength + 6 m run (w/Bobbi and GRCers)
Strength: Spartan Circuit + core, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: really sore in my hips
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 41°/37°, Time: 1:02:06, Pace: 10:21 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: somewhat labored from class
Thursday | November 1, 2012: rest
Friday | November 2, 2012: strength (incl. 1.75 m run)
Strength: Suburban Assault Workout, Difficulty: hard, Felt: challenged
Saturday | November 3, 2012: Shoal Creek Living History Wilderness Run (5 m run, w/Andrew)
Loc: KC, MO, Temp: 36°/39°, Time: 48:29, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: somewhat taxed
Sunday | November 4, 2012: rest


  • Well… I think I got my rest week!
  • I used to be really good at working out when I travel, but lately, my travels are so filled with activities, that unless I find a race, the only way to fit a run in is to wake up super early… which is hard for me when I am staying up much later than I am used to. Wah wah wah. 
  • The closer I get to the end of the year, the more I know I won’t make all of my 2012 running goals, as I am running out of time (har de har har). And that’s okay. I think my focus for next year should be on #8 on that list. Ha. I say that every year. But really. 2013. Yep. 

13 Responses to “Training Week 159”

  1. Christina says:

    This week I ran a total of 6 miles. I worked out 3 days this week. I just didnt have it in me to workout more. I guess its the end of the quarter and I am mentally fried. Haha. I am doing my 5 mile training run today on a trail and I am somewhat nervous/excited. Have a good day 🙂

  2. That’s ok though! Sometimes life just gets in the way, right?? 🙂

  3. Pam says:

    Eeeeeek, a 200-mile month! Did you do that one this year? I think I’m hot stuff when I reach 100!

    I’m gonna be sooooooo close to my 1000 mile goal. Today’s 19 put me at 802.5 for the year. I was almost certainly gonna hit it until I missed a 30-something-mile week last week because of my leg. Now it’s super iffy.

    • kilax says:

      I got really close in April – 190.5 😉

      Ahhh! You will be super close! Do you think you will run extra in Dec, to make the goal?!

  4. ChezJulie says:

    So where are the pics of you doing feats of strength on playground equipment? And is driving part of your workout now? 😉 (Friday pic)

    • kilax says:

      Ha! I didn’t have my phone with me during my Friday session. And I normally don’t take pics during my one-on-ones, so you get this lame selfie instead. Believe me, when I put the pic on this post I was not happy with it.

  5. Anne says:

    Working out while traveling can be so tricky! I’m trying to figure out how I can fit a run in while I’m in Ohio this week, since there’s a great forest preserve there and I’d otherwise go close to a week without exercise, but it’s hard to make the time sometimes.

    And wow, those are some impressive goals! I was excited to see that I ran almost 40 miles in October – but 200 in a month? You’re hardcore!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo! I do hope you get to check out the forest preserve! It would be a good de-stresser if you could fit it in!

      Thanks 🙂 A 40-mile month is awesome! Is that a new monthly PDR (personal distance record) for you?

  6. Meghan says:

    Working out on the road is definitely a tough one! I have never run a race while on vacation, but have maligned myself to crappy hotel treadmills. Ugh.

    But then, of course things are different in NYC with Central Park:) Last time I was there I was able to get in a 7 miler and a 4 miler. I love that place.

    Nice week, lady!

  7. Erin says:

    Nothing wrong with a lower key week! It’s good to have those every once in a while even if they are caused by life craziness.

    You will have to share your playground workout with me! I’m intrigued.

    • kilax says:

      I will definitely have to tell you about it! It involved climbing across monkey bars, burpees, pushups, etc…. Brian always makes these things fun. 🙂

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