Friday Question #212

By , October 26, 2012 3:31 pm

What candy did you most hope to get while trick-or-treating as a kid? Do you still love that candy?

(and how awesome is it that we can just buy what we want, now?!)

Mine was definitely Dots, and still is. 

We would go trick-or-treating in my mom’s mom’s hood, and get a ton of candy. Afterward  my three siblings and I would lay it all out by type of candy and do some trading. My candy lasted me two or three days at best. Yes. I’ve had compulsion/delayed satisfaction issues since childhood.

17 Responses to “Friday Question #212”

  1. Xaarlin says:

    Cherry jolly ranchers, cherry laughy taffy, Heath bears. I haven’t had any of them in a loooooong time 🙂

  2. Michel says:

    Smarties OR Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. I don’t buy anymore since we are out TorT’ing ourselves but when I did I would buy dum dum’s because I wouldn’t eat them. LOL.

  3. Christina says:

    Dots are awesome! On Wednesday I saw a guy on the redline with a jumbo size box of Dots and a 20oz Arizona Tea. I wanted that meal too but had no money and would have been sick. Haha :)Reeses are my all time favorite!

  4. I see those amazing kitkats in the pic!! lol
    I actually think just as today, I was happy with ANY Type of chocolate – as long as it’s not dark chocolate.

    I remember we’d fill a huge pillow case of candy when we went out!

  5. Erin says:

    Probably mini Snickers bars? I hated those nasty peanut butter things in the black and orange wrappers.

  6. Kandi says:

    There was a trusted old lady on my street who always made homemade popcorn balls. They were always the highlight of trick-or-treating. Looking back I’m not exactly sure why… I think it was just the allure of homemade goodies. Either that or I used to like such things.
    As for regular candy, I always went for the chocolate! Snickers and Reeses making the top of the list.

  7. Pam says:

    Reeses peanut butter cups. Hands down. No contest. And yes, I still love them!

  8. Pete B says:

    Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I always make sure I have lots of these in the candy bowl for the trick-or-treaters. They are usually the ones to be gone first on Halloween.

  9. The Linz says:

    Ohhh…i love that you have mini sour patch kids in your hands! I never had those as a kid, but they are definitely one of my favs now!! Oh and I always liked to have extra reeses on hand, in case there was any extra.

  10. Maggie says:

    I do not remember what candy I liked as a kid … but I can tell you what I like now! Take 5 bars. Chocolate + PB + Caramel + Pretzels + Peanuts. All in one. Does it get any better? There’s gotta be some recipe on some blog somewhere for homemade Take 5 bars.

  11. Losing Lindy says:

    I kind of wish I couldn’t (totally wrote wouldn’t first, and prob too true) buy it now.

  12. Jenn says:

    Kit Kat and Reese’s peanut butter cups! Anything chocolate, really. I think my brother and I may have done a little trading, but I don’t remember what he likes/dislikes any more. I do know that we both tried to hide our candy before my dad could eat all of our Snickers.

  13. Emily says:

    Chocolate. Any chocolate. Especially crunchy chocolate, such as chocolate with almonds in it, Crunch bars, and Kit Kats. But in the end I’m really an equal-opportunity chocolate eater!

  14. martymankins says:

    I was a weird kid and have always liked coconut, so Mounds and Almond Joy still remain my favorite candy.

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