Does the gift of jewelry ever get old?

By , October 25, 2012 10:25 pm

For women, anyway?

Please answer no.

Erin and I hit up the JF&A Jewelry, Fashion and Accessories show today. You pay a very small amount ($5 pre-registered, $10 at the door) and get in to a a huge trade show with jewelry, scarves, purses, perfume, etc. galore. And the prices are decent. 

I’ve gone to this event the past three years! My fave coworker told me about it, so I went with blogger friends Tori and Diane the first year. Then last year with Erin and again with my mom and her mom later in the year. 

Surely, I wouldn’t see anything I “needed” to buy this year, right?


At first I was like, “Meh, I don’t see anything I like… what a waste.” Then I got to a booth and spent forever there trying tons of things on and loading up a little basket. Oopsie. So really, I do hope my female family members and girlfriends don’t mind receiving jewelry from me… yet again.

I picked up the necklace in the photo above at that booth and threw it on for dinner. It’s so fun! I may or may have not picked up two of these necklaces. Hmm, should I put one on the blog for a giveaway?

34 Responses to “Does the gift of jewelry ever get old?”

  1. whoa, that is such a beeeeautiful necklace!

    And, I literally said “NO!” out loud when I read the title. haha!

  2. Melie says:

    this is such a beautiful (and really original necklace). I love pendants, and necklaces, and large rings. I might never wear them, but I still love them. And I get so excited to choose jewelry for gifts or to receive them myself.

  3. Amy says:

    cute necklace!!! I don’t think you can have too much jewelry. Especially jewelry that someone gave to you because then it makes you think of that person as you wear it. I love the necklace I won on your blog last year – I wear it a lot and it always makes me think of you and smile!

  4. Kim says:

    The gift of jewelry does not get old IF the jewelry is super cute (which that is!).

  5. I would say it never gets old. But then again, I rarely receive it. Also, I get overly excited about little things like that… so I could be in the minority?

  6. ChezJulie says:

    Love the little birdie charm in that necklace! That sounds like it would be a fun (but dangerous) event.

  7. I’m usually pretty meh when I get jewelry for gifts. Probably because I wear so little of it these days. The only time I’ve ever been excited to get jewelry gifts were for my 30th birthday (my aunts turned my grandmother’s engagement ring into a necklace for me and my parents bought earrings to match) and when I got engaged. =)

  8. kelsey says:

    ohhh that looks fun! I love finding jewelry on super super sale and getting it cheap. WINNING.

  9. Kristina says:

    Great necklace! As for jewelry, it depends. I feel that I’ve almost hit my limit, so unless it’s something really unusual or specific, I don’t feel that I need jewelry these days. I also find that if I don’t know someone well, I’d never give them jewelry. I think that it’s different for family, however.
    Now, bags – you can definitely NEVER have enough!

    • kilax says:

      Ha! Are you a bag collector? I am the opposite with them! I try to put everything in my pocket, or not even bring my wallet if I go some where with my husband 🙂

  10. Anne says:

    No, of course not! I love jewelry! There’s 2 great boutiques in my neighborhood, and I’m always excited to see one of their boxes on my birthday or Christmas.

    And if I’m the only one who wants you to give away jewelry on the blog, you can just give it directly to me 🙂

  11. Christina says:

    I love your necklace! I have a necklace simillar to that!

  12. Wendy Flynn says:

    I definitely think you should have a giveaway .. that necklace is just adorable!

    Actually, how about you just pick me to win the giveaway, and then we won’t have to go through all this? 😉

  13. Kristie says:

    As long as the person you give the jewelry to actually wears it, then no it doesn’t get old. 🙂 I have had a couple friends get me earrings… and I don’t have my ears pierced. Necklaces are a different story – the one you picked up is so cute!

    • kilax says:

      Ugh, I did that once (earrings for someone w/o pierced ears) and felt awful! I got her a bracelet and kept the earrings for me.

  14. Emily says:

    Gorgeous necklace! This is the first time I’ve heard about this show, and it sounds amazing! Next year I’ll keep it on the radar.

    I do love jewelry – but sadly I get a little lazy about wearing it. When I’m in a hurry, I just go for my standard silver hoop earrings and a silver pendant instead of trying to get creative. I’m inspired now to change that. =)

    • Erin says:

      There’s another one in December! I’m doing a post about our trip to the show on Sunday and I’ll put all the details in there 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I have standard stuff I wear over and over too. Lately I have been thinking I would like some more “statement” jewelry.

      And as Erin says, there is another show in Dec and several throughout the year 🙂

  15. Losing Lindy says:

    the necklace is amazing

  16. Cute necklace! I rarely buy jewelry because I have such a hard time deciding if I really like something or if I’ll wear it. I guess it’s easier to tell if jewelry is cute when it’s on someone? Who knows!

  17. That’s such a cute necklace!

    Jewelry is always a good gift!!! I’m pretty boring though. I typically wear the same earrings (gold studs), necklace (my monogram), gold watch and rings (wedding) every day! I don’t switch it up often.

  18. Erin says:

    Obviously I like jewelry! I’m glad I went this year and I’m happy I went with a plan for a few things I want. Actually, now that I’m home, I’m thinking about a few things I saw that I wish I had bought. Trying to decide if I should try and squeeze in another trip or wait until December.

  19. Holly says:

    Yes yes yes you should to a giveway!

  20. Michelle says:

    What fun! I love jewelry!

  21. RunningLaur says:

    That necklace is so cute!! (Had to come post just to say that. Also, I’m bummed that I’m just reading blogs now and missed the giveaway – jewelry is always great! Well, not always, an exboyfriend used to try to get me jewelry for gifts by getting one “like one you had already so I knew you’d like it” umm, I already have that, I don’t need a crappier/cheaper version of it… that’s part of why he’s an EXboyfriend 😉 )

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