Things cracking me up tonight

By , October 22, 2012 6:53 pm

1. I ordered Halloween costumes today for me, Steven and my parents. My parents have no idea what the costumes are. Ha ha ha. This really cracks me up. Here we are last year:

Sorry Dad, this year’s costume might not get you any action:

2. Speaking of my dad, he likes to send me emails when he notices typos on le blog (so, daily). Today’s typo was when I wrote “trow” instead of “row.” For anyone who has ever been to El Famous with me (more of you than it should be, probably), this really cracked me up. 

3. I’ve started purchasing holiday gifts. Yes, it is too soon. Because I like to just buy things and give them to people year round, therefore… I have a hard time holding back the gift-giving. I CAN DO IT! I will make it through!!!

3.5. How lame is this? I tried to find the post I wrote on October 1 asking if it was too soon to buy gifts, and I found a post of me asking the exact same question on October 18, 2011. To my credit, I wrote in this year’s post that I ask this question earlier and earlier every year. NO I AM NOT CRAZY. 

4. I ordered new arm sleeves. Or so I thought. I got them today. Only them was not “them.” Them was “it.” I got it today. Apparently I needed to order not just one “sleeve,” but two. DUH. How did I miss that?! 

5. My passport with my married name came today. Oh my gosh my photo is so so awful. But I am making you wait until tomorrow to see it. 

What is making you laugh tonight?

25 Responses to “Things cracking me up tonight”

  1. Michelle says:

    The pic of you guys made me giggle tonight. Thanks, I truly needed that after feeling pretty low tonight.

  2. oh gosh, your halloween outfits last year – amazing!! haha I love that!

  3. Xaarlin says:

    Love thehloween outfits from last year! Can’t wait to see what you are this year 🙂

    My dad also sends me emails to correct spelling and grammatical errors on my blog.

  4. Emily says:

    Those sombreros are hilarious!!!

    Thanks for the tip regarding arm warmers! After this past weekend, I was considering trying to get some, too – and I had no idea that you need to purchase them individually. Good to know!!!

  5. Pam says:

    haha This post is what’s cracking me up tonight! Last year’s Halloween costumes are hilarious. You’re gonna have a hard time topping that.

    There’s no way your passport photo can be any worse than my passport photo.

  6. Maggie says:

    I just bought a couple Christmas gifts today on (I’m so obsessed with that site right now!) I figure if I start looking now, I can take my time and wait for the gift ideas to come to me. Or, wait for a good deal.

  7. Christina says:

    The thing that is cracking me up is this video that someone posted on Facebook: I literally was ROFL’ing.

  8. Anne says:

    Those costumes are hilarious! Can’t wait to see what you got for this year. And see, when I moved here, I was told that “trow” was the correct pronunciation.

    Earlier today I was cracking up at the fact that I still remember the lyrics to “MMMMBop,” when Hanson completely randomly came up in conversation at work. With a bunch of dudes. I mean, at least I was a teenage girl when that song was popular.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! You would have fit in at the ZOOMA house this weekend! We were playing the 90s Pandora channel the whole time! 🙂

  9. J says:

    I can’t believe Halloween is next week. We aren’t doing anything, just sitting at home answering the door and handing out candy. That is so lame you have to order two arm sleeves! What is the world coming to! Why wouldn’t they just include both arm sleeves!

  10. Losing Lindy says:

    what? the sleeves should come in a pack, otherwise you would need to choose which arm it is for

  11. Amy says:

    I loved your costumes last year – I can’t wait to see what this year’s will be!

    BTW those mushrooms are not edible, they are poisonous and can make you hallucinate (magic mushrooms, anyone?)

  12. Kiersten says:

    4. Seriously?? Who sells arm sleeves as singles??

  13. You have to purchase arm warmers individually?? What is this madness? What a messed up world we live in… Good to know though!

    • kilax says:

      I think it is just the particular site I was ordering from. I have ordered them many times before and gotten both. I don’t know when you would only need one arm, so I am asking the site about that.

  14. The Linz says:

    Oh my, I totally remember those costumes from last year!! If I remember correctly there was some dancing as well? We were talking about what our first kiddo’s halloween costume would be next year and a sombrero and fake mustache came to mind. I mean heck, we practically live in Mexico, it should be easy to find!!

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