
By , September 12, 2012 4:59 pm

Even though I am not running the Chicago Marathon this year, I am still excited to see the banners up:

When I did run it in 2010, I worked downtown a lot, and walked by the street with the banners up several times a week.  It really pumped me up for the race. 

I love seeing race banners and other promotional items out for races. It just reminds me of how much the community comes out to support runners. When I ran NYC last year, I didn’t walk by all the banners/signs in person, but Gina would text or email them to me so I could still enjoy them!

Does your city have a race where they put up banners/signs/whatever and come out to support the runners?

And just for fun, another photo from my afternoon walk to the train station:

7 Responses to “Banners”

  1. bobbi says:

    ok, NOW it’s getting real! YAY!

    that picture? is awesome!

  2. Xaarlin says:

    When I started seeing the banners a week ago I got goosebumps. Something about those banners and the crispness of the air have gotten me super excited for October 7, and this weekend 🙂

  3. ChezJulie says:

    Are you having a three-way with a taco and an ice cream sundae?

  4. I ran Chicago in 1995, much lower key then. I’m excited for 2013–Laima and I are running it for her 40th birthday!

  5. Erin says:

    Um, what exactly are those guys promoting??

    I’m still sad I never snagged a banner or a CTA placard of the 10-10-10 race 🙁

    • kilax says:

      They were from GrubHub. Have you ever used that? They gave me $10 to use.

      What would you have done with the banner or placard? I still have my poster rolled up 😉

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