Friday Question #204

By , August 31, 2012 4:40 pm

What’s your favorite thing to get at an ice cream stand? (it doesn’t have to be ice cream – any treat your favorite stand sells)



Nom nom nom. The stranger the color, the better.

It’s so hot here today, I think I am going to ask Steven to take me to our favorite place – Dairy Dream!

10 Responses to “Friday Question #204”

  1. Kelly says:

    One day we will get there!

    I love chocolate fudge sundaes. I’m also a big fan of costco’s chocolate frozen yogurt. Nom.

  2. Michelle says:

    Definitely a slushy!! Yummy!

  3. Now I have a craving for a slushy! Ahhhh!

  4. Erin says:

    Vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce and nuts.

    Jason and I just got back from 7-11 with Slurpees. Pretty good on a day like today.

  5. Chocolate soda or banana split.

  6. Losing Lindy says:

    we love Yogali Mogali (froyo)

    At the pool V likes push ups. I normally don’t get any, it gets so expensive.

  7. Molly says:

    I’m in love with those chipper sandwiches. You know what I’m talking about? Chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches make me salivate.

    Annnnnd I found some at Trader Joe’s that are out of control.

  8. Emily says:

    I like all ice cream treats. I am an equal opportunity ice cream treat eater. I eat it all!

    But if I really had to pick something, I love ice cream sandwiches. Such a neat little package. =D

  9. sizzle says:

    Single scoop of peanut butter and chocolate on a sugar cone, please!

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