When earplugs are necessary

By , August 29, 2012 6:15 am

Do you ever sleep wearing earplugs (or using some other noise-cancellation device)?

You’re doing it wrong, Data.

I had to bust my earplugs out last night to try to fall asleep. Our next door neighbors had guests* and they were talking very loudly outside, near our bedroom window. I finally fell asleep but Steven said he kept waking up because they were talking on and off until 1:00 am.


Anyway, wearing earplugs to sleep is odd. They shut out so much noise that all I can hear is my breathing… which also keeps me awake. I wish I had noise-cancellation window shades. Or considerate neighbors.

When I grabbed my earplugs, for some reason, I started to think about the reason I bought them initially – to use on the train.

I’m not so crazy that I don’t ever want to hear people talk on the train. Just not when I am trying to sleep in the morning. Or after I’ve worked all day. Let’s just say I am thankful for the Quiet Car.

A few weeks ago, I had lunch with Amy, Erin and Molly. I had never met Molly before! She’s new to the Chicago area (as of last “winter”) and is a total sweetie (and super cutie), so check out her blog! During lunch, Molly asked me about where I live and it came out that I have a long-arse commute of an hour and 20 minutes on the train. So she asked what most people do – what do you do on the train?

It always make me laugh when people assume I do work on the train**. No. I already am at work for 9.5 hours – that is enough for me.

What do I do?! In the mornings, I sleep. On the way home, I read blogs, if my pos Verizon wireless card is working. Since it usually isn’t, I just get really irritated and get off the train with an elevated heart rate and a bad attitude. Lucky Steven.

During lunch that day, I really dorked out and told the group about what I think you need to sleep on the train. The essentials: jacket and gloves to stay warm (am only), pillow to sleep on, and a comfy seat.

The comfy seat makes or breaks the deal. In my opinion, not all Metra seats are created equally! And there are at least four different ones I have sat on – new blue, old blue, new red and old red.

Old Blue was not available for a picture.

So here’s the deal. The New Blue seats are too stiff. I am not sure what is going on with them, but you can tell by looking at the seat that it’s rigid. I think maybe the springs are not worn down enough in them? Anyway, they HURT to sit on. You have to arch your back to get comfortable, and by the end of the ride, your back hurts. I’m sad when the train pulls up in the am and the Quiet Car has these seats in it.***

Wah wah wah.

I sadly did not get a picture of the Old Blue seats, but those are all nice and worn down – the seats are actually kind of sunken in from so many people sitting in them – so they are comfortable to sit in. The Old Red ones are my favorite because they are really tall (so you can lean your head back on them) and the seats are nice and soft. The New Red ones are decent too – not too rigid.

But Old Red and Old Blue are my faves.

And now you know how dorky I really am!

If you’re a Metra rider, tell me what you think about the seats – am I totally off?****

*I really hope they were just guests
**Molly did not, I am just bringing this up, because a lot of people think this
***The type of car changes nearly every day. Not sure why.
****About the seats. Obvs, I am off my rocker.

30 Responses to “When earplugs are necessary”

  1. Molly says:

    This post has me giggling. Thanks for the shout!

    I’ve tried to wear earplugs to sleep before – the hubby is a snorebeast – but I always take them out in my sleep. Would it be wrong to hang a noise canceling window shade down the middle of our bed?

  2. CourtneyInControl says:

    I have honestly thought about buying a pair of earplugs for bed- sometimes the tv is so loud- but I haven’t yet. Data is so cute with his earplugs!! You look all cute and toasty and warm- like you’re ready for a good nap! And your seat info cracked me up!!! Too funny!!

  3. gina says:

    So funny – I ran into a former train buddy today and reading this post reminds me of my former Long Island Rail Road commuting days. I was telling my buddy that I don’t miss those days at all. I used to pass the times by sleeping in the morning and reading in the evening. I do kinda miss that extra nap and reading time.

  4. I like the tall red seats….ummmm……cuz I’m tall. And if I am lucky enough to be able to sleep then I can scrunch donw and actually have a place to put my head.

  5. Michel says:

    I haven’t ridden the train in awhile but totally agree just by looking at the picture! I always sit upstairs now on the train so people leave me alone. lol

    • kilax says:

      I try to get a seat to myself too. In the am I get on far enough north on the line that I always do. Rarely in the evening though. Those seats go first!!!

  6. This is foreign to me. Sitting on your commute? 🙂 Although I might cry if my commute was 1:20 andI didn’t sit.

  7. This makes me laugh so much! When I was on the metra a few weeks ago, I ended up with a new blue.

    Just think of it as me breaking it in for you!

  8. sizzle says:

    I wear earplugs every night. It started when I was an apartment manager to help me sleep in the building with noise outside but then Mr. Darcy and his constant snoring moved in and now I REALLY have to wear them.

    • diane says:

      Ha! Yes, P snores and has mild sleep apnea which can warrant earplugs. Sometimes he holds his breath and then lets out this long “phsheeeew!” in his sleep. It freaks me out, but thankfully, is not an every time occurrence.

  9. Marcia says:

    I’m very rarely a Metra girl but spent most of my college years commuting on the el (buses too, yuck). Totally get the whole seat thing.
    That Data pic may be in the running for cutest ever. 🙂

  10. Erin says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever worn earplugs except for when they gave them to me during my MRIs. They always fall out of my ears so I never bothered.

    Do you use them on the Metra? I just turn the volume on my iPhone up really loud to drowned out annoying people. But, I can’t read on the train so I just listen to podcasts.

  11. Meghan says:

    I drive to work, but I would love an opportunity to sleep/read blogs on my commute. And I love your system – it sounds like you’ve got it down!

  12. Seals says:

    I have at least one earbud in my ear all day. I listen to hours and hours of podcasts, so I’m used to it.

    That being said, I wear earplugs when I nap on weekends when my grandson is at the house. I nap like a baby. 🙂

  13. I currently take a bus and the blue line. Total commute = 50 minutes. I am on my phone for said bus ride and first part of blue line trip. Then, I switch to a book and hope for un-annoying seat mates. I can’t sleep on the blue line. I may be switching to the Metra soon, so I’ll have to keep your seat tips in mind! Love your post! Commuting is always an interesting experience. 🙂
    – Heather

  14. Jen says:

    I used to live in a college town with noisy drunks. I have a sleep machine from Sharper Image that has all different sounds. Now I live in a quiet suburb and I’m very happy to hear real crickets instead.

  15. Amy says:

    You have a long commute! When I worked in Brussels I had a half hour train ride both ways and it was just perfect. I read so many books, about 3-4 a week, just during my commuting time.

  16. gina says:

    Just came by to check out Data’s picture. It makes me giggle. : )

  17. Anne says:

    Wow, I had no idea there were so many seat types! I’ve been riding on the same car of the same train for as long as I’ve taken the Metra. It’s got new blue seats – I haven’t even seen the red ones before! I don’t find them too uncomfortable, but I can sleep pretty much anywhere.

    I work on the train if I’m busy, but there’s not a lot that I can do without a network connection (and I don’t have a cool card for that), so it’s typically mindless stuff like formatting spreadsheets.

    What’s your total commute time? Mine’s an hour and 40 minutes, including a 20 minute walk to the train, 45 minutes on the train, 10 minutes waiting for a bus and a 25 minute bus ride. Which is why I work from home a lot.

    • kilax says:

      You are so good for working on the train! I am like “no way, jose!” My door to door is an hour and 45 minutes. So… we can totally feel each other’s pain. That’s a 7 minute drive, hour and 25 min ride and 15 min walk. UGHGHGHGHHGHGHGHHG

  18. Susan says:

    I think they must have different seats now vs when I took Metra into the city for nursing school…it was always bench-type orange seats that you could flip depending on what direction the train was going. Woo!

    I wear earplugs sometimes when I sleep during the day, although in the summer my window AC unit more or less does the trick. For whatever reason I’m worried that with the earplugs I won’t hear my alarm go off, although that hasn’t ever been a problem!

  19. kandi says:

    I don’t wear ear plugs but would consider them if I go to any more concerts. My ears are getting too old for that.
    I understand the train seats. I don’t sit in the quiet car (those people can be really mean) but I listen to my ipod in the mornings while I sleep. We have 4 seat options too – old cattle car bench seats (comfy but no real separation from a seatmate and sometimes the springs can be wonky because they are so old), new bucket seats (on double decker cars), newer bucket seats (on refurbished double decker cars), and the 3 by 2 seaters on the single level cars. The single level cars (2 seats with full backs on one side of the aisle and 3 seats with the aisle seat having a lower back on the other side) are my favorite! I always wear a sweater but so far haven’t worn gloves.

  20. maggie says:

    Work on the train? Ha. I’m lucky if I read a book on the train. Some days (like today) I just catch up on blogs or FB, or play a game like songpop. Or fall asleep.

    My train from city to home is usually old blue, but sometimes new blue. From city to office is always new blue. Old blue is comfiest, but new blue has more leg room.

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