Training Week 149

By , August 26, 2012 4:45 pm

Highlight of the Week: Ugh, just surviving. Ha ha. This week was not set up for success, schedule-wise. I am very happy to get in what I did! Especially my longest run before the 50K with awesome friends, and a spur of the moment bike ride on Friday that was really enjoyable. 

Monday | August 20, 2012: rest
Tuesday | August 21, 2012: 6 m run
Loc: Neighborhood, Temp: 74°/70°, Time: 56:41, Pace: 9:27 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: thirsty/snotty
Wednesday | August 22, 2012: strength class
Strength: circuit and kettlebells, Difficulty: hard, Felt: sore in my back
Thursday | August 23, 2012: rest
Friday | August 24, 2012: 8 m run (w/GRCer Terry) + 20 m ride
Loc: Rollins Savanna, Temp: 66°/67°, Time: 1:15:54, Pace: 9:29, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: like I was working hard
Loc: Around Round Lake, Temp: 91/80°, Time: 1:48:05, Pace: 11.1 mph, Difficulty: easy, Felt: happy
Saturday | August 25, 2012: rest
Sunday | August 26, 2012: 26 m run (w/Kelly, Bobbi, Sara + Matt)
Loc: Des Plaines River Trail, Temp: 68°/77°, Time: 4:43:40, Pace: 10:55 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: sluggish for the last 3

Lessons learned:

  • Still gotta carry that handheld for a shorts run in the 70s.
  • Don’t mark strength as “easy” on the blog. Brian will read it and make it harder!!!
  • A sleeved bike jersey does not make me feel too hot when I ride in the 90s. I thought I would be uncomfortable, but I zipped it down a bit. The wind helped too!

Reminders for next week:

  • Figure out how to make legs not feel like lead for the last 2-3 miles of long runs. Is that possible?!

8 Responses to “Training Week 149”

  1. I think having your legs feel tired for the last few miles of your long runs is a good thing. It teaches you to run on tired legs, which is something you’re going to have to do in your races, so getting all of the practice you can is a good thing. 🙂 I hope your training goes well next week!

  2. Erin says:

    You did a great job getting in your workouts even with your crazy schedule this past week. And did you ever think you’d be running 26 miles as a training run???

  3. Amy says:

    Gosh, 26 miles??? That is hardcore! When do you start tapering?

  4. Kim says:

    GREAT job on the long run! Holy cow! So impressed!

  5. bobbi says:

    You are awesome – you looked so strong yesterday! I think the last couple miles of ANY long run suck, no matter the distance. Maybe it’s mental? Well, for me anyway.

  6. gina says:

    Congratulations on busting out a stellar training week with such a busy schedule! 26 miles! You never cease to amaze me!

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