Friday Question #199

By , July 6, 2012 6:56 am

Do you enjoy seeing fireworks? Why or why not?


I actually tend not to be a huge fan of fireworks! The anxiety over the potential loud noises, and not knowing when they are going to go off, kind of ruins it for me**. So I hadn’t gone to see fireworks for awhile. 

But Steven suggested going this Wednesday and I had a good time! The show was only thirty minutes long, there were no delays during the show, and there were not a lot of scary “booms.” Also, I did not get bitten up by mosquitoes in the dark. That is always a bonus!

*I use the PicFrame app on my phone to make grid photos like this. I just realized they do not have to be square (overall dimensions) on Wednesday. Then yesterday I realized there are even more options for the frame sizes and locations. Kim iPhone fail, for realizing this so late! Derp.
**Good thing I was not in San Diego this Wednesday.

21 Responses to “Friday Question #199”

  1. bobbi says:

    I love fireworks. Lots. 🙂

    But they were tough for me this year. James, who was really excited to go, kind of lost his shit before they started. The noise is just too hard for him to handle at this point.

    And holy crap about San Diego! I saw video of that – crazy!

  2. kandi says:

    I haven’t seen live fireworks on the 4th of July in years. I even “won” tickets to a rooftop in DC this year (my work raffles off tickets because it’s too small for everyone) but I gave them to coworkers who wanted to go. I would consider going if the 4th fell on a weekend but having to wake up early to get to work the next day is no fun. The fireworks in my town were cancelled anyway. I think due to power still being out in the county for many people from last Fridays’ storm.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, if I wasn’t working from home on Thursday it would have been hard to get up for work!

      A lot of fireworks were canceled here because the land is so dry and they were worried about fires. As it is, someone set off fireworks illegally and burned down almost 20 acres.

  3. Kiersten says:

    I do like them, but only if they are set off over the water. I like to watch the reflections on the water, and hear all the boats tooting their horns. Also, I am not worrying the whole time that something is going to catch in fire!

    • kilax says:

      The ones that were not over water here got canceled because of the drought!

      A few years ago we convinced my dad to take us out on his boat to watch them that way. Unfortunately, there was a very long delay so we left, then they started again 45 mins later. LOL.

      • Kiersten says:

        That is what happened here this year- they cancelled them on the 4th because of rain and fog, so we just sat on our friend’s boat and drank. Then last night, I sat and waited forever, just after I gave up and left- they started.

  4. Anne says:

    Where did you go for fireworks? I wanted to see them in a park here in the city – the unofficial shows are usually a lot longer than downtown, and definitely less crowded and less of a headache to get to. But I think I had heat exhaustion after going for a long bike ride on Wednesday, so I just watched the downtown show on TV while sitting next to my air conditioner.

    But overall, yes I love seeing fireworks! I’ve gone every year forever. When I was a kid, we’d all pile into the car and watch the nearby suburban show from the grocery store parking lot. As a teen, one of my friends had access to a downtown rooftop where we could watch. And I’ve seen a number of different Chicago shows over the years.

    • kilax says:

      We went to Libertyville this year! It was our first time going there… and actually our first time seeing them since living out here – we are usually away on the fourth! I have never seen a downtown show, but I have heard they are a headache, logistically.

      Yay for a long bike ride! That sounds like a fun fourth! So does watching the fireworks from a rooftop!

  5. gina says:

    I do enjoy fireworks! I remember hating it when I was little, I’m not sure when I grew out of that.

  6. Xaarlin says:

    I’ve never been a fan of loud noises and crowds. So I don’t really enjoy fireworks. But I do get a little giddy when I see the tops of the navy pier fireworks every Wednesday and Saturday night from my apt. Maybe I’ll have to give fireworks another shot- as long as I don’t get carried off by Mosquitos…

  7. I’m not a big fan of fireworks – dangerous and rude in the neighborhood, for the most part, though the professional ones can be incredible. I don’t like the negative environmental impact either.

    (Out of the work commenting closet!) 🙂

  8. Kelly says:

    I was in bed before the fireworks started. I’m old and have to get up early to run.

  9. Kristie says:

    I’m not a big fan, but when I was young I was dragged to at least 3 firework shows a year because my mom is obsessed. At least 2 of those shows would be an hour away (on Lake Michigan) which meant the drive back home afterwards was 2+ hours. Just not worth it to me :).

  10. Erin says:

    My memories of fireworks as a kid involved it being hot, lots of mosquitoes, and having to haul our chairs and blankets for several blocks in order to make sure we didn’t get stuck in a parking crush. So, I never really thought it was worth it.

    This year, though? We talked about going up to the roof but it turned out we could see about 10 different displays from our living room. Sitting on my own couch watching fireworks? Excellent. They weren’t even too loud. And if I got bored? I could go do something else!

  11. Etta says:

    I like fireworks, but we didn’t go to any this year. G is generally in bed before 8. I was ready to hurt any neighbor who woke up my child by shooting off fireworks near my house…. especially in this dry spell!

  12. I love your fireworks photo collage! You got some great shots!!! I adore fireworks and never miss seeing them! I could have, however, done without the plethora of neighbors who decided to set off their own until 1am…

  13. Emily says:

    I love fireworks!!! Some of my favorite memories include going to Disney and watching the fireworks shows there at the end of the night – AMAZING. Growing up my parents and I used to go watch the fireworks at Waukegan Harbor, too – also absolutely amazing! But this year I just stayed home and watched fireworks from my balcony since it was so hot out.

    I am glad you enjoyed the fireworks show you saw this past Wednesday. That’s awesome that you didn’t get eaten alive by mosquitos (HUGE PLUS)!

  14. Losing Lindy says:

    We went to the fireworks in our town. We go a local school, sit on the grass, and watch them there. You can’t see everything, but you can see enough and there isn’t a lot of time to get out of the lot, and a ton of people. I had to work on Thursday, and V had school, so that made it tough.

  15. sizzle says:

    I like seeing them but I do not like battling crowds and traffic to see them. I’m also not a huge fan of neighbors setting them off for 8 hours (true story). We discovered that we can see fireworks in 3 directions from our new house so we probably won’t be going anywhere. 4th of July isn’t one of my favorite holidays truthfully.

  16. Bethany says:

    I’m a big fan of fireworks 🙂 I actually saw four different shows this year, but that is odd for me 😉 I loved it!!

  17. martymankins says:

    Love fireworks. As a kid, I used to love lighting them on fire. And up until a couple years ago, I still loved the occasional doing a few firecrackers and bottle rockets. But mostly now love watching a well planned show.

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