After a few years of running races, I have figured out that summer racing is not my forte. I definitely get stronger at running in the heat each year, but not so much at running fast. Just running and not feeling like hell (which is a huge accomplishment for me).
So I approached the the Allstate Life Insurance Chicago 13.1 Marathon this Saturday as a fun run. When Erin asked me what my goals were for the race on Friday night, I hadn’t even thought about it yet. So I told her I would like the race NOT to be my slowest half marathon ever… which I was pretty sure I could accomplish because I walked a half marathon in 2010.
I was really looking forward to running in Chicago. Since I live so far from the city, I tend to overlook most city races. It’s usually a hassle to get down there. BUT! Now that Erin lives so close to the city, maybe that will change. Ha ha ha. (Thanks for letting me stay over, Erin)
Race morning started early – 4:20 am wake-up, 1.8 mile run to catch a bus at Millennium Park. Britt and I had talked about meeting up to ride to the race together, and despite tons of buses and hundreds of people we easily found each other. It was fun to catch up with my coach! I miss my weekly running (which turned in to life) chats with Britt.
The bus got us to the South Shore Cultural Center very early – 5:40 maybe? Britt and I chatted then found some other running bloggers! I think most people had the same plan – it’s hot so let’s just run for fun!
Back: Amanda, Kayla, Zach, Sara, Maggie, Deanna
Middle: Amanda, Cary
Front: Charlyn, me, Britt
Sara and I were in the same corral, so we lined up together (with her friend Keren) for the 7:00 am start. I LOVED that there were so many corrals for this race. It made it much less crowded on the Lakefront Path. I never felt like I didn’t have enough space or that people were in my way.
I didn’t want to start out too fast. I ran the first mile with Sara and her friend then told them I was going to drop back. After running the first few miles sub 10:00, I decided an overall sub 10:00 time would be a fun goal (<– making race plans during the race – good or bad idea?).
The course was well supported with lots of water/Gatorade stops, misting stations and even some towels (which were warm but whatever – I used it to wipe the sweat off my face). And the course was beautiful! We ran around the South Shore Cultural Center area for a bit, then headed north on the Lakefront trail. Beautiful views. Hardly any shade, but beautiful views.
My only race spectator was Erin, and I was looking forward to seeing her at the northern most turnaround point. Erin had a big bucket of Red Vines that she was handing out, and they were a huge hit! (photo below from Erin)
I slowed down for the last few miles. No pain, just feeling hot. No final kick, but I was really excited that I was still feeling so strong, and am getting better at running in the heat (it was 70° when I started and 80° when I finished).
I finished in 2:08:17. Not my slowest half! Not even my second slowest. Maybe third slowest? Ha ha.
I made my way to the beach and called my mom to wish her a happy birthday. Then I ran in to bloggers again, including Kelly, who won first place in her age group in the 5K!
After a bit of chatting, I got on a bus back to Millennium Park. The ride back took a lot longer than the bus ride down. I ran the 1.8 miles back to Erin’s place from Millenium Park. That run was a lot slower than both of my morning runs. Ha ha.
And now I am not signed up for any more races for the rest of the year (well, forever, actually). It feels weird, because I am normally signed up for a few things in the fall, but I have been taking it easy this year. I have another half marathon on my radar, as well as a 50K. And maybe I will pick up a few 5Ks. Maybe.