Our first ever camping trip (together as a couple) was a success! We arrived at Yellowstone Lake State Park in southern Wisconsin just after noon on Saturday and left just before noon on Sunday.
One of the neat things about this particular state park (aside from the huge lake and all the hiking trails) is that they have bat houses all around the park to encourage bats to live there and eat all the mosquitos! Everyone we were camping with was saying this is one of the more enjoyable state parks because you do not have to worry so much about the mosquitoes.*
So who is this “everyone” I speak of? I didn’t mention it to you guys before I left, but this was actually an organized camping trip with the Madison Area Vegetarian Meetup Group! A few months ago Steven reached out to the group to offer a FakeMeats.com promotion, and the organizer suggested that Fake Meats donate some food to this camping trip… and come along as well! Steven asked me and I said “hells to the yes.”**
Here’s the funny thing – we had never met anyone in this group before. So we were essentially going to a 24-hour event with 30-40 people we didn’t know! BUT! Three vegan meals (and snacks) were included. And I had been wanting to try camping for so long, so I was excited about going.
Would you be up for going on a camping trip with a group of people you have never met before (and I don’t mean other bloggers that you have read about before)?
We were some of the first people to get to the campground on Saturday (we had a huge area reserved just for our group). So after some introductions to new friends and yummy vegan wraps we decided to set up our tent.
Here’s the thing – Steven bought this tent a long time ago (maybe 2004?) and we have never used it. He saw that it was on sale for a great price, knew we wanted to go camping some day, so he made the (very inexpensive purchase). It has been sitting in our garage since we bought it, and all week I was worried something was going to be wrong with it when we tried to set it up! But it went up perfectly. As we were setting it up, more people started to arrive, and they were über impressed with our raised (blow-up) bed tent with the front patio:
The tent set-up was the “hardest” part of the day! After that it was games,
a late vegan lunch,
lots of talks with new friends, dinner (including Fake Meats soy curls and veggie burgers!),
watching the bats come out of their houses, talking around the campfire, vegan s’mores
and star-gazing.
We slept comfortably in our tent, although I did have climb over Steven to trek to the bathroom a few times!
In the morning we had a vegan breakfast,
packed up the tent (we got it all back in – SUCCESS!!!),
checked out the beach,
then drove the 2.5 hours back home.
On the way home we both commented on how much we enjoyed the trip and that we would like to try camping again very soon!
I think quite a few things made it so much fun:
- Everyone in the meetup group was really cool. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about what it would be like it we didn’t “click” with anyone in the group. But we did. We even exchanged numbers with a few people! And I met one person from my hometown.
- I didn’t have to think about the food! The meals were already planned out and coordinated by one of the meetup members. And I could eat any of it! Vegan blueberry muffins? Don’t mind if I do!
- The weather was decent. It was a bit humid and warm out during the day but we actually got chilly at night (which I like).
- We were within decent distance of an outhouse
- We didn’t forget to pack anything major.
After meeting with this awesome group of people I would like to do more with their meetup group! I don’t mind the drive!
*Awesome news for me because they eat me up.
**Okay, I think it was in the very early spring and it was quite a ways away but I said “At least then we will get to go camping!”