The Earring Monster

By , May 10, 2012 6:53 am

Well, I now know not to leave my diamond stud earrings in when I sleep – there is a potential they could get eaten.

By the Earring Monster (aka Data, Sir Poops a Lot, Dates, Poopy Pants McGee).

This morning I was trying to sleep in (until 6:30) and Data decided I needed to get up at 6:00. I tried to ignore him. My alarm went off at 6:30. I hit snooze. Then Data put his mouth around my diamond stud earring and pulled it out of my ear.

I woke up saying “No! No! Noooo!!!” Steven woke up wondering what the heck was going on. I was too shocked to say anything. All I could think about was the fact that I had already lost and found one of my diamond stud earrings once, and that I did not want to go through Data’s poop to find it (although I would).

I turned the light on and frantically looked around the bed for my tiny earring. Luckily, I found it. No poop digging for me. Phew.

But now I know not to sleep with earrings in anymore. Sigh.

What creative tactics have your pets used to get you out of bed?

32 Responses to “The Earring Monster”

  1. kandi says:

    Oh no! Glad you didn’t have to dig through poop!!
    Luckily, Delilah likes to sleep, a lot. Lately we are the ones trying to get her out of bed. When she was a bit younger and slept with me, when she wanted me to get out of bed (she only wanted to be let out of my room… then would go back to sleep on the couch), she would climb onto my chest with her heavy paws and stick her head in my face. Occasionally she’d paw at my face too.

  2. gina says:

    Wow, that’s pretty ballsy, Dates! Manny likes to sniff my ear until I wake up. I hope he doesn’t go for my earrings!

  3. LOL this is a funny thing to read about first thing in the morning. You crack me up!

  4. My dog licks my hand if it is leaning off the bed. Those jerky pets! What is their problem!?

  5. I don’t think it would have even registered with me that the earring was being taken until after the fact. Sometimes I have a slow response rate. :p

  6. Marcia says:

    OMG kitty has good taste! And effective wake-you-up skills. Glad he didn’t eat it.
    My dogs just jump up and whine incessantly. Apparently pets do not ‘get’ the sleep in thing.

  7. Liz says:

    My cat is a nut around 5am EVERY MORNING. It’s torture! I think it has to do with the bird, but It’s killing me and I’m at a loss of what to do. She literally goes nuts then once I get up calms down. Uggh. Gotta love pets!

    • kilax says:

      We have been trying to wear Data out at night so he will sleep in on the days we want to. But for him, it’s that he wants to be feed, not the birds. We even try locking him out of the room but he just bangs on things, then that noise is annoying!

  8. Michel says:

    Oh holy cow he wanted you up! When I had a cat he sat at the top of pillow to wake me up.

  9. I would’ve had a heart attack if a cat took a diamond off my body! So lucky he didn’t eat it!

    SoMi has two tactics. First, she bumps the bed. Walking back and forth bumping it each time. It’s super annoying and hard to ignore. If that doesn’t work, she sits on the floor very close to my head and just stares at me. Ever had that feeling that someone is watching you – it’s kind of a hard feeling to shake. SoMi usually wins.

  10. Ren says:

    If the dog thinks it’s a running day when it isn’t — well, it probably is if she thinks it is, but on a day I’ve decided to skip it — she will come to my side of the bed and put her front paws on the mattress. Nothing that I cannot ignore. 🙂

    *How* she knows which days are running days has befuddled me for quite some time. I get up at the same time and go through a very similar morning routine on swim days as run days. I used to believe that it was the beeping of the GPS watch, but I stopped using that a while back and she still knows.

    On swim days, she usually doesn’t get up from her sleeping spot, though she watches me. On run days, she follows me around until it’s *obvious* we’re going to run, at which point she gets visibly more excited.

    I’ve had various theories, like the GPS watch above, but nothing that seems compelling. Combined with the fact that she seems to know when I’m skipping a run day, I’m left to conclude that she actually knows the days of the week. My schedule is consistent enough for that to explain it, as unlikely as it seems.

  11. Erin says:

    Oh, Data! What are we going to do with you???

  12. Emily says:

    Wow, Data must have really, really wanted to be fed! Growing up, my cats would head-butt me, LOL.

  13. martymankins says:

    Glad to know he didn’t eat the earring.

    Wake up call from the boy is at least as late as 6am. He wanders the bed and meows loud until we get tired of him and take him upstairs to feed him. The foster kitty is quiet and just follows us upstairs to her food dish.

  14. hahaha what a sneaky little sucker! He just wanted you to get out of bed already. 🙂

  15. Gingerfoxxx says:

    What a little monster! Waffles hasn’t figured out how to jump into the bed yet, but she does drag her toys across the hardwood floor in the morning, like a prisoner raking a tin cup across the bars. So annoying.

  16. Alice says:

    omg!!! my cats have not (YET) resorting to larceny to wake me up in the morning. oliver has a pretty strident meow he will employ if he feels we are not awake in time, or he’ll knock expensive things off of shelves until we get up. he’s a delight.

  17. Anne says:

    Yikes! That sounds like it hurt, but glad to hear you were able to find your earring! Both of my dogs have destroyed plenty of my accessories (one did eat an earring, though I wasn’t wearing it at the time), which I take as constructive criticism.

    Their favorite way to wake us up in the morning is tag-team annoyance. Jude will hop on the bed and jump on my head while Meko beats the closet door with her tail and circles the bed whining. It’s… adorable.

  18. Oh my that’s funny and reminds me of the scene from Marley & Me where Marley eats the necklace and the owner is hosing down the dogs poop everyday until he finds the necklace.

    • kilax says:

      Ahh! Hosing it down! I didn’t even think of that. I thought I was going to be going through it with plastic gloves on.

  19. sizzle says:

    Data is a nutball. I’m glad my cats are not into jewelry. They should, however, stop climbing the expensive chair and couch lest they want to know what pain is. (Kidding.)

  20. Christina says:

    Well the cat has identified the light sleeper (me) and uses me as a trampoline. She jumps on me then off then meows and does it until someone (me) feeds her. My dog climbs on top of my husband and licks him until he gets up.

  21. Xaarlin says:

    Oh my goodness that is hilarious! So glad you were able to account for both earrings without digging through the poop 🙂

    My pup will walk over to me while im sleeping (low to the ground bed) and start to lick my eye lids to get me up.. Smart little guy!

  22. CourtneyInControl says:

    Now I fully understand why you wake Data up to take his picture and to brush him!! :o) That is too funny!!! Maybe he just wants to spend time with his momma!! Or, wait, maybe he is “paying you back” for waking him up…. hhhmmmm… I will come visit and talk to him and find out!!
    The cats like to jump up on the bed and then jump back down and then back up and back down to wake us up. If that doesn’t work they get on the nightstands and start to knock stuff off.
    I am really glad Data didn’t eat your earring and you didn’t have to go poop digging!!

    • kilax says:

      Yes! Please come have a talk with him!

      I must say, this am, he let me sleep in! I wonder if he knew I had a really bad headache last night and needed that sleep. Maybe?

  23. Kristie says:

    I’m pretty sure my cat would do that if I wore earrings. There is a window right above my bed, and she’ll stand up on the headboard and paw at the blinds and window frantically every morning until I am up. If that doesn’t work (as in, I push her off the headboard and onto the floor), she meows and paws on our bedroom door from the outside and inside. She has claws so it’s kind of hard to ignore. Every once in a while when that doesn’t work (because I’ve thrown a pillow at the door and she knows to lay off) I will get up and stick her on the porch (now that it’s warmer in the morning). If you can’t tell this all takes a lot of effort so I normally end up not being able to fall back asleep.

    Once in a while she decides to not wake me up until my alarm goes off. When it does, she is standing right next to me on the bed, staring at me. It is freaky. She is lucky she is so cute. And Chris (my husband) is lucky he is not a light sleeper.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! It sounds like our cats are VERY similar. The blinds! Ahh! The blinds! Sometimes we will be working in our office and all of a sudden there is a crash at the blinds. Sigh. 😉

  24. Xavierism says:

    Awww…I was almost hoping this story ended with a great story of poop digging! With a house full of Umbrella Cockatoos, we never leave precious things around. Two actually live like birds. One loves to try and bust out of his cage and do damage all over the house. Data is HUGE!

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