Data is home

By , April 26, 2012 6:25 pm

We just got home from the vet’s office. Data was not too happy on the way home.


But once we got home, he was back to his normal self, starting to talk again and ask for food.


Okay, back to his normal self once he got that pesky bandage off.


His blood tested in “gray zone,” so the vet had to send his blood out to be tested in another facility. So, no news on a potential hyperthyroid yet.

He had his teeth cleaned, and the had to remove one! I feel so bad about that. But I am happy we got them cleaned.

Thanks to everyone’s warm wishes for Data today!

16 Responses to “Data is home”

  1. Jen says:

    One of my kitties is hyperthyroid. She is on the Hill’s y/d iodine-free food. She did not do well on the meds.

  2. martymankins says:

    Glad to know he’s home. Our Rocko has now had 2 teeth surgeries where he’s had 3 of them removed. At almost 19, the putting him under part scares me more than the teeth being removed (his teeth were all abscessed with infection). The cats get used to it and learn to eat where there are teeth.

  3. abbi says:

    Glad he is home and seems to be feeling normal!!

  4. Kristina says:

    Glad that he is home – hope that all is well!

  5. bobbi says:

    Poor Data – what a rough day for him…give him extra love tonight 🙂

  6. ChezJulie says:

    Hope he’s okay! Has he lost weight or is this just a routine blood test?

  7. Hi, Data! Poor buddy.

  8. Courtney says:

    Poor Data!!! Keep us updated on what you find out on his blood work!!! Data will probably be mad at me for saying this but his bandage was cute!! I hope he doesn’t have to have any more “teef” removed!!

  9. Gingerfoxxx says:

    Awww, poor Data, what a trooper!! Keep us posted!

  10. Erin says:

    So, are you going to have to start brushing his teeth now? We always tried to remember to brush the dogs’ teeth but it was hard to make it part of a routine.

    I’m glad he’s doing okay after the teeth cleaning! I’m sure even if the bloodwork shows something it will be easily treatable.

    • kilax says:

      We tried brushing his teeth a few times in the last few years and he hates it ( – you left a comment about Phil on that post!)!!! So I bet we will be bad pet parents again and just shell out the $$$ to get them cleaned again in two years.

      He seemed loopy today so I decided to take a nap with him. It was necessary 😉 I will let you know what the bloodwork says! Thanks for your warm wishes! 🙂

  11. Etta says:

    Oh no! I’m glad Data is back home. :0)

  12. Ricole Runs says:

    Glad Data is home and okay! Is it weird that to me it looks that there’s a bunch of green and red peppers and broccoli in with Data in his crate?!

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