Friday Question #189
Does anyone in your family share the same job/profession? Is your work similar to a family member’s?
My dad and brothers all have car-related jobs – mechanics or parts. My sister is getting her Interior Design degree. I got my degree in Architecture, but my title at work is Interior Designer. I think my mom started school for Interior Design way back in the day? Now she works for the school district.
Bonus Question: Are your parents retired?
Today is my dad’s last day of work! Holla! Go Dad, retiring young!!!
Card designed by my sister!
Mom’s got a few more years left…
No one in my family is in the same field as I am in. My biological parents still work. My stepdad is retired.
Congrats to your dad! I’m sure he’s super excited.
Both of my parents are “semi-retired”. As in, they retired from their professions (teachers), but choose to work part-time (my dad still farms, my mom works in a community insurance office a few days a week).
Have a great weekend!
Nobody in my immediate family has similar jobs. My dad worked on the railroad (all the live long day) and retired this past January. My mom has not worked full time since she’s been married. She did work for a preschool for ten years and has had other odd jobs. She also volunteers to do people’s taxes through a government funded program.
My brother now works in finance so I suppose that is similar to what I do (economic analyst) but we definitely did not study the same things in college (him – polysci/pre-law, me – economics/math).
Congrats to your dad on his retirement! As my dad mentioned to me yesterday, everyday is like saturday!
Wow, congratulations to your dad!
My parents are all retired and have been for awhile. I think they’re really enjoying it. All of them (Mom, Dad, Stepmom) were teachers, and for a long time, I thought I wouldn’t go into education. Now, it’s looking like I will be, at least for awhile!
HAHA, I love that invite! My dad is retired but my mom is quite a few years away. She might never retire!
My family all does different things, none of which are related… unless you count both of my brothers being in the military. One is in the air force and the other was in the navy.
I’m the only one in my family silly enough to pursue a career in architecture. I should really be called “Interior Designer” as well because that is the bulk of what I do. My dad and both of my grandfathers were truck drivers. My dad and his dad worked for the same company. My mom was a teacher for 38 years until she retired a few years ago. My dad actually retired last year but got so bored he started driving buses for a local school district.
Congrats to your dad on finally getting to retire, I can’t wait!
No similar jobs here, really! I mean, my step-dad, my step-brother, my mom and I all work for schools but we’ve got a university department chair (step-dad), a 7th grade teacher (step-brother), a preschool secretary (mom) and a university records manager (me).
And no one is retired! It’s crazy to me that I know people my age (or younger) whose parents are retired. I think my parents actually like work. And since they basically get summers off they probably get more free time than most other people.
My dad and his brother were both engineers when they started their careers. My uncle decided to become a teacher instead, and my dad ended up teaching for a few years between engineering jobs – they actually taught at the same community college for a while. Aside from that, no, not really. My mom teaches pre-school/kindergarten, my brother is a surgeon, and I work in retirement for a giant corporation.
Congrats to your dad, and have fun celebrating with him this weekend!
Not even close! Mom was an insurance secretary, Dad was an IT Geek (would have loved if I’d done the same)…both retired. One cousin is a lawyer, his wife is an office manager, other cousins are a teacher and an engineer. Most of my friends are either in non-profit or education. I feel so misunderstood!
Love the invite, your family is such a hoot.
In my family, we all do different things! I never thought about that before! My mom is in accounting. My stepdad is in insurance. My bio dad is in computing. My brother is in facilities management. My sister is in retail management. I am in HR. So, we all have office jobs, but in different occupations!
Interior design sounds so fun! Do you enjoy it?
CONGRATS to your dad!!! Woo! I hope he has a great retirement!
I don’t often select finishes as part of my job, but do interior build-outs. And I don’t really care for my work. I think I am in the wrong profession.
I am pretty sure that in my immediate family, I am the only one in IT (mostly because every other family member calls me with computer questions).
Both of my parents have passed, but my mom worked up until a few months before she passed away (she was 83).
My dad retired last summer at age 55. Since then, he’s purchased a travel trailer and been all over the place. My parents live a pretty sweet life, except for my dad driving my mom crazy. My dad also took up walking. I bought him a Garmin and we’re doing a race together in the fall.
What a funny/cute card !! All of my parents still work – My Dad is a contractor, my Mom is an accountant for a contractor – Step mom is a RN for a heart transplant team – my step dad is an A/C guy @ Universal Studios. I have a boatload of sisters, 3 sisters + 2 brother inlaws are teachers, 1 sister is in healthcare, and i’m also in healthcare. 1 sister is a web designer, and the other is about to start highschool !!
Congrats to your Dad on retiring!
Matt and i have the same job! (we actually work for rival firms, which is funny) My mom wishes she was retiring, but i think it will not happen anytime soon, haha.
My sister and I both ended up as lab rats, but in different areas (she’s in histology and I’m microbiology). My parent’s are still both working, but John’s Dad has been retired for years. John’s an engineer,and my Dad ended up in engineering, but started out as a diesel mechanic.
Congrats to your Dad!!
I work in healthcare public relations/marketing. My dad has worked in the newspaper industry for all of his career, so we talk about media / communication a lot. My mom is a nurse (for a different large healthcare system than the one I work for), so we occasionally talk about the healthcare industry. My mom is “retired” from nursing, but still picks up shifts at the hospital, as well as working as a legal nurse consultant and teaching clinicals at the local junior college.
My mom is retiring next year, and I find it super weird for some reason. I think she’s too young, and that it’s just too early. But I guess its also awesome she’s in a position where she can do that.
No one in my family is in the same profession. My official title is O.F.F. but I wont say on the internet what that means. Technically I’m an office manager. My mom’s a teacher, my dad’s a salesman, and my brother’s a plumber. Those are about as different as jobs get.
Do you feel that way because your mom does not know what she will do with her time? My dad is only 55 but has so many things he works on… he will probably be even busier when he retires. But we know people older than him who want to retire and we have no idea what they would do with all that time…
What a good Friday question! My parents were both university professors, and I’m a librarian at a university, so the acorn didn’t fall far from the tree. My brother is in business, though.
My Dad and I both work for the postal service. But it’s not like I followed in his footsteps or anything. I’ve actually got about six months of seniority on him! lol His degree is in engineering, and he was the project and environmental engineer for a company that it was getting really scary to work for. So when he was offered a job at USPS a few years ago, he took it. And then the plant he worked for as an engineer closed last year. WHEW! Glad he jumped ship when he did!
My parents are not retired. They’re still pretty young. Dad will be 54 in May, and Mom will be 58 in October. She’s already counting the days to her 63rd birthday!
Congrats to your dad!! That is exciting news. Your question made me think a little bit.. my mother and brother have jobs in the information technology field. My dad is in finance and me — well when I was working back home did event planning. Though my mom’s job doesn’t really involve event planning — i know I get it from her. She is always planning EVERYTHING!! And was so awesome when it came down to helping me plan our wedding.