Fashion Fairy

By , February 29, 2012 7:46 am

The Fashion Fairy visited me and left me two skirts and some nail polish to try!

Actually, my favorite coworker has been losing weight and two of her fave skirts are too big for her now. I happen to be that size. Score for me! I hope she keeps losing weight and sends more clothes my way.

I just wonder – will our other coworkers notice I am wearing her old clothes? Ha ha ha.

We were talking this week and she mentioned she had some stuff that did not fit her and asked if I wanted to try it. Then she interrupted herself and said “I hate when people do that! I have some stuff that’s too big for me but might work for you.” Ha. Does not bother me. At. All.

Would you be offended if someone offered you their “too big for me now” clothing?

27 Responses to “Fashion Fairy”

  1. bobbi says:

    No way – I’d count it as a SCORE 🙂

    (btw, I WILL see you tonight!)

  2. Nope! Free clothes! I guess I’d be offended if they meant it in a degrading way, but if I knew them and knew they were just being sweet, I’d be excited!

    Super cute skirts, too!

  3. shelley says:

    I can always use good free worries there 🙂

  4. Kandi says:

    Cute skirts and fun nail colors!
    My favorite coworker (and run friend!) bought her sister a sweater last year and it was too big for both of them (it was a size small) and she offered it to me. I thought for a second that I should be offended but honestly, I wasn’t. They are both so tiny. Conversely, I bought a jacket that ended up being a bit too tight in the shoulders for me so I gave it to her. Win. Win.

  5. gina says:

    Depends what size the item is, haha! Nah, I would be thankful to receive a nice piece of (free) clothing.

  6. Erin says:

    Nope, I wouldn’t care! Especially if it was coming from someone whose style I liked. I hate to see clothing go to waste so I’d want to be able to give it a good home.

    Also, that is a lot of nail polish!!!

  7. Losing Lindy says:

    nope, unless it is the person who rubs these types of things in your face

  8. Anne says:

    People are so not observant about things like that in my office, no one would ever notice. My old roommate used to give me her old clothes when they were too big for her (I was losing weight, so just finally able to fit into her clothes), and I wasn’t offended – yay free clothes! Though that said, I’m trying to figure out what to do with all of the clothes I’m growing out of. Give them away to friends and totally offend them? Donate to charity? Sell them? Keep them just in case?

  9. Emily says:

    Those skirts are great – you can’t go wrong with classics like those! And all that nail polish looks AWESOME – I would be so excited to try out all of the new colors. =)

    • kilax says:

      I am excited! I thought about trying one color on each nail, but just went with a blue – that was all I asked her to bring me anyway, but she has so many she wanted me to try.

  10. I love when people give me their old clothes. I don’t care if its because its too big for them or not. HOWEVER, once my mom bought a bunch of new bras and gave them to me because they were too small for her. That was just mean.

  11. sizzle says:

    I kinda might if I’m feeling bad about myself actually. But heck, free clothes are free clothes!

  12. Marcia says:

    Score! When I worked (outside the home :)) and I lost weight, people ASKED me for my old clothes. It was like a feeding frenzy. One lady was kind of ticked because she was too small to get anything. It was a little weird seeing my old outfits coming to work on others!

  13. Alice says:

    i love free hand-me-downs!! as long as it was clear the person wasn’t making a dig (like, “gosh, i lost SO MUCH weight… but my fat clothes might fit YOU”) i would accept any new clothes with open arms 😀

  14. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I would take any kind of free clothes!! but its definitely nicer to get something because it is too small for someone else! 🙂 Love all that bright nail polish!!

  15. Amy says:

    Oooh la la! Very cute! No, I never mind getting nice hand me downs from people.

  16. J says:

    Awesome! I love getting hand-me-downs!

  17. Pam says:

    Absolutely not! Free stuff is free stuff!!!

  18. Anything free to me is a WINE!

  19. Free clothes are great – I wouldn’t be offended. Love those skirts!

  20. Kelly says:

    I love free, so definitely not.

  21. I’ve never been in on the receiving end, but yes, I’ve passed down cute clothes that were too big on me.

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