Random Thoughts Thursday VII / Caveman Cookies Giveaway WINNER

By , January 19, 2012 5:08 am

Looks like this Random Thoughts Thursday has a bit of a weight loss focus. Please skip this post if you find that to be triggering!

  • How does it make you feel when people comment on the fact that you have lost weight? I am always really surprised that people pay close enough attention to me to notice something like that. I see myself in a mirror each day and don’t notice it at all. And I hardly ever notice it on other people. 
  • Does your Driver’s License have your weight on it? On Saturday I was telling two of my girlfriends how excited I was that my real weight matched my Driver’s License weight and they were appalled that my weight was on my Driver’s License at all! Ha ha. 
  • I thought this short article, The Six Stages of Weight-Loss Grief from Shape was funny. I can relate to most of those, but especially #4, Faux Concern – when people start to say you are way too skinny. That is NOT happening to me now, but the summer I was my thinnest ever (that lasted a month, and I was a healthy weight, I just couldn’t figure out how to not eat my emotions (still can’t)) I got a few comments from people saying they thought I was way too skinny. I wasn’t. They were just used to seeing me heavier. Man, that drove me crazy!
  • Last week I acquired three pairs of boots. Nice boots for work, snow boots, and rain boots! Thankfully I got some Christmas money. And of course, you know my personal shopper (ERIN!) helped me out! Do you have all of those types of boots? I have really big calves (17″ circumference) and the first pair fit me awesomely, over jeans, with room to spare. So if you have big calves too (holla!*) check out the link.
  • I got a finisher’s certificate for the NYC Marathon in the mail on Monday. Cool!

*Why have I been saying “holla” so much lately? I never said it when it was actually popular. 

The winner of the Caveman Cookies Giveaway is #19, Gina. Gina, please email me your mailing address (kilax@ilaxstudio.com) and I will send the cookies your way!

Stay tuned for an exciting giveaway next week!

36 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday VII / Caveman Cookies Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    Yay on the finisher’s certificate! Yay on the boots! (I am happy you posted pictures) 😉

  2. People have drivers licenses that don’t tell their weight?? What state are they from?!?! I should move there… lol

  3. Two things:
    1. I remember when I got down to the weight that was on my license and I remember being extremely excited about it.
    2. Yes I have been told in the past that “I am getting too skinny.” Honestly it really frustrates me. Would it be acceptable for me to go up to another person and say, “you’re getting fat!” No it wouldn’t.

    Way to go on certificate! I hope to run a marathon that fast someday! I’d have to shave about 25 minutes off which I think is totally doable.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! That is a good point – you wouldn’t say to someone “You’re getting fat.” It’s so weird that people say that. It’s one thing if the person has an ED background or something, but it’s pretty obvious when people are just trying to get healthy!

      Aww, thanks on my marathon time 🙂

  4. Kandi says:

    I don’t know if anyone has ever commented on me losing weight… but mostly because I’ve been the same size for as long as I can remember.
    Of course my driver’s license has my weight on it. However, it is the weight they asked me for when I was 16 so it is not my current weight by any means. I’m with Amy, what state doesn’t require that?
    Interesting article about stages of weight lose.
    Those boots are cute! I’m considering the knee high ones because I’m wearing knee high black boots today with tights and my calves are being squeezed to death. Can you post a pic of you wearing the boots over jeans (or email it to me)?
    That’s cool that they mail you a certificate. I was able to print one for MCM but I am not allowed to use the color printer at work so it is in black and white.

    • kilax says:

      A few people responded that their states do not have it – NY, TX, TN…

      I will send you a pic of the boots with jeans. They fit over my regular bootcut jeans (not skinny jeans).

  5. Laurel says:

    Love the boot selection, especially the rock’n little rubber boots…too cute! Okay, now I’m going to have to check my driver’s license…BRB

  6. bobbi says:

    I love boots!

    I am actually the weight on my license! And last year, when I got it renewed, I got to tell them to take 10 pounds OFF – I was so super excited about that, haha!

  7. I have all three boots-except this year I am rocking the rainboot/snowboot combo and bought inserts for my Hunter boots!

    Also, I must confess that my driver’s license weight is a lie. However, the weight is my goal weight so my optimistic self is not lying, just making a goal. 🙂

  8. Liz says:

    I WISH someone would tell me I’m too skinny 🙂 Ahh, a girl can dream! Cute boots, love them all…

  9. gina says:

    Sometimes I feel a little shy about commenting on people’s weight loss. I don’t want my comment to be misconstrued.

    I forgot to tell you! I bought boots from that website! Not the ones you got because they didn’t have my size but ones very similar and they fit! I love your rain boots! I need some – I guess I should go back and look at that site!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah – I wouldn’t know what to say either. Maybe just “you look great!”? I tend to compliment people a lot, and not noticed the whole weight thing.

      Gina! SHOW ME YOUR BOOTS!!!

      The rain boots are from Tarjay 🙂

  10. Marcia says:

    i didn’t know weight was an option on the DL. I just got boots from Endless too! Mine are very similar but they’re tight in the calf to the point I need leggings or skinny jeans to make them fit my calf. They may go back…

  11. ChezJulie says:

    I have some boots like the ones on the left but without the cute panel and strap detail. I love them! I have had them resoled multiple times. I like to wear them with skirts as well as pants. I don’t really get the rain boots thing… seems like a pain in the ass. (Although they are cute!)

    • kilax says:

      I am just hoping the rain boots will keep my feet dry on the days I have to walk to the office in the pouring rain. Then I will just put my normal shoes on when I get in the office. 🙂

  12. Courtney says:

    I am SO glad that Texas doesn’t have your weight on your license!!! I honestly didn’t know that there were states that did that til you said something!
    Your boots are TOO cute- I really like your rain boots!!! I have never actually had a pair of (dressy) boots; sad to say (embarassed to admit?), in high school I had some cowboy boots, lol!
    As for weight loss, I don’t think I notice unless someone tells me or makes a comment about it (like you posted one day about how you want your arms to look and that you have been strength training and then you posted a picture of you and awesome looking arms)! Did that make one lick of sense at all??

    • kilax says:

      Aww, admit it Court – you still have cowboy boots… ha ha ha!!!

      Yeah, that totally makes sense – you notice if someone mentions. Now that I think about it, I bet there are people out there who are always paying attention to people’s weights. Lame…

  13. Etta says:

    I only notice if it’s someone I don’t see every single day. My husband and I did weight watchers a few years ago. He lost 60 lbs. I knew he was thinner, but I saw him each day so it wasn’t as noticeable to me.

  14. Kelly says:

    Congrats on the finisher certificate!

    I have my weight on my license too (hello Illinois!), and I’ve had some similar issues before with family and my weight (like most girls pretty much). I’m 5’7″ and here is the low-down… I weighed 135-140 all through high school; was up to about 150 my freshman year of college; and down to 115 my sophomore year of college. Junior year (and since) I found a much more comfortable (and healthy balance) of 125-130… But my mom still asks me what I’m eating, what my portions are, and thinks I’m too thin. I don’t know what she wishes my weight would be, but when marathon training started she wasn’t happy just extremely concerned. I was very happy to maintain a healthy weight (even gain some) during training just to prove her wrong!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 🙂

      Does your mom have some body issues herself? (well, beyond the extent that everyone woman does) Or was she just overly concerned, in a motherly way?

      • Kelly says:

        More in just an “overly concerned” motherly kind of way. Now that marathon training has stopped though, she seems to be much more relaxed and less concerned about my weight. When I pick it up again though next year, we’ll see what happens.. Haha

  15. Melissa says:

    Alabama has weight on the DL! (boo)

    LOL at the Faux Grief…SO TRUE! This happened to me a few years ago (and has happened to my aunt over the past year or so). Of course, now I have gained much of that weight back and am working on getting it off again (never ending process as it seems my body is stuck at a range 10-15 pounds heavier than I would like…I’m not sure if that is worse than yo-yo-ing from a mental frustration perspective)

  16. Erin says:

    I liked when people noticed that I had lost weight (I lost 10 pounds in 2005/2006 to get to where I am now) but I agree it’s no fun when people start to tell you you’re “too skinny”. Although, my mom told me that a few times when I was in high school and there was one photo I saw of me many years later when I realized “Whoa. Maybe I was a little bit underweight…” It’s so hard, though, since people carry weight so differently!

    I think my DL weight is pretty accurate. I didn’t realize there were states that didn’t put it on there, either! I do know there are states where you rarely have to get your DL renewed, though, so I bet if those have weight on them it’s not accurate at all.

    I’m happy you found boots you liked! You are set now for any situation 🙂

  17. Maggie says:

    I get SO many comments at work that I’m getting “so skinny.” Probably because I work with so many women. I have yet to have a male co-worker say anything about my weight. I know the women think they are complimenting me, and it does feel good, but at the same time it’s like “gee was I a cow before?” (I know I wasn’t, but still, it’s a little bit of a double-edge sword.) Also I notice that the women who make the most comments are the ones that I think are most insecure about this for themselves, based on comments they’ve made about themselves in the past.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah – it makes me think that too (“did they think I was a cow?!”). And it does seem to be the uber weight conscious people (who are always dieting?) that seem to comment 😛

  18. Megan says:

    Funny, I was actually going to comment on the picture of you in the new skirt and say that it looks like you lost weight, and then I saw this post!

    I too get annoyed when people make the “you’re too skinny” comment because I am not – I am just healthy and (mostly) good about what I eat. And frankly, I usually say that back to the person, and comment, “not skinny, just healthy.” I also felt like, at my thinnest, which was usually during high training peaks, I had to apologize or be embarressed about or explain my thinness. I am starting to learn how to not be embarressed, but rather proud of how hard I work to look the way I do.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! Don’t worry! I wouldn’t have been upset 🙂

      Good comeback! It would be frustrating if you are working hard at training and being athletic and people think you are too toned, skinny, buff, whatever.

  19. love the boots, hate when people comment on my weight…but i guess i commented on your weight recently when i noticed you’ve lost some. sometimes i want to just punch people when they comment on what they think my weight should be to make them comfortable and just tell them i don’t care what they think. it’s just a number right?

    • kilax says:

      Britt, the way you commented was very appropriate and nice. Plus… you are my coach! I wants you to notice those things 😉

      And it is totally just a number! Only we know how we feel… I mean, I keep thinking I want to lose weight, but really, I just want to feel GOOD!

      I am sorry people bug you about it. 🙁

  20. J says:

    When I lost a bit of weight last spring, my friends noticed which I thought was nice. I think since we see ourselves in the mirror we don’t notice the change. And we don’t have our weight on our licenses but if you get a pistol permit I think they make you tell your weight on that.

  21. Laura says:

    I used to think there was nothing wrong with commenting on someone losing weight because it seemed like a compliment to me. One of my good friends disagreed and it was sort of an on-going debate between the two of us. Then I lost some weight and started getting the occasional “you’re too skinny” comments. This was REALLY irritating and I ended up switching camps. Now I never comment on someone’s weight. You just don’t know how it’s going to come across.

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