Caveman Cookies review and giveaway

By , January 16, 2012 5:05 am

During my run on Saturday, I was thinking about how well my eating has been going, except for a few unfortunate run-ins with some cookies. “That’s it!” I told myself. “Stop buying cookies until you learn to eat just one.” (Really, stop buying HUGE cookies! Because just one of the kind I had was 550 calories, revision “Stop buying cookies until you learn to just eat part of one.”)

Then I checked the mail later in the day and had a package from Caveman Cookies!

Ha ha. I had forgotten I saw their ad in a magazine and was intrigued and asked them to send me some samples to review.

But the cool thing about Caveman Cookies is that they only have a few base ingredients (they’re kind of like the Larabar of cookies!), they’re low in calories, they’re gluten-free and they’re dairy free! They’re not vegan, because they have honey in them, but… I eat honey. Sigh. I am not a real vegan. The secret’s out!

Here are their cookie flavors and ingredients:

Original Caveman Cookies: honey, almond meal, walnuts, raisins, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon.
Tropical Caveman Cookies: almond meal, honey, unsulfured coconut, macadamia nuts, ginger.
Alpine Caveman Cookies: honey, hazelnut meal, almond meal, toasted ground carob.
Rainforest Caveman Cookies: honey, almond meal, brazil nut meal, chopped almonds, dried cherries (cherries, sunflower oil), nutmeg, cayenne pepper.

I think the story to how Caveman Cookies got started is really cool:

And what is really interesting is that this cookies are designed to be a part of the paleolithic diet, which I mentioned in this post! And their little caveman guy is so cute:

Okay, on to the review! The cookies are chewy and dense, which I LOVE! I am not a fan of brittle or crunchy cookies. 

And they are not overly sweet! I think honey was the predominant taste in most of them. They reminded me more of a healthy snack, than a cookie. Which they even say in their literature “sweet enough for a dessert: healthy enough for a snack.”

I don’t think I would eat one of these as a replacement for a cookie, but if I was looking for a filling, somewhat sweet in the afternoon, I would grab one!

Want to give them a try? I have two sample cookies of each flavor to giveaway!

Caveman Cookies Giveaway Rules

  1. One reader will receive two cookies of each flavor: original, tropical, alpine and rainforest. 
  2. Required to enter the giveaway: leave me a comment telling me which flavor you want to try first. 
  3. This giveaway is open until 5:00 PM CST on Wednesday January 18. I will use to select the winner. I will announce the winner on Thursday January 19. 
  4. This giveaway is open to all readers.
Thank you to Caveman Cookies for sending me these cookies to review and giveaway!

28 Responses to “Caveman Cookies review and giveaway”

  1. Stacey says:

    I do love my cookies! I think I would like the Original Caveman cookie the best!

  2. Jen says:

    Uga Buga – me caveman. Me want original cookie!

  3. Michel says:

    i love hazelnut so the alpine caveman sounds great to try!

  4. cindy says:

    Tropical would be my first choice.

  5. abbi says:

    Tropical Caveman would be my first choice!

  6. Losing Lindy says:

    The cookies sound good. I really want to know the name of your nail polish!

  7. Mandy says:

    The Alpine Caveman sounds best to me!

  8. I love the caveman! I would try original first, and then would most likely dig into the others straight away. They do sound very similar to Larabars which are some of my favorite snacks to grab when I don’t have time to prepare something myself.

  9. Etta says:

    The Alpine cookie!

    Hey I have a question for you. I’m cutting dairy from my diet. It’s in everything, though. For snack foods and such it seems like the easiest thing to do is find vegan versions. What kind of bread do you buy? I saw that PETA had a list of “accidentally vegan” foods, but I don’t have access to many of those brands.


    • kilax says:

      We buy the multigrain bread at ALDI or make our own (read the ingreds though – most of the bread there has milk in it). For buns, we use Arnold Bakery. Again though, we’ve noticed they have been adding milk to some of theirs. Good luck!

  10. ChezJulie says:

    Oooh, I think Tropical would be my first choice. Love macadamia nuts and ginger.

  11. Maggie says:

    Ooooh they all sound delicious! I would be happy to try any of them.

  12. Kelly says:

    I want to try the original, it sounds tasty.

  13. Ooooh, sounds yummy! I think I’d try Alpine Caveman first, but would have to try all of them to see if I liked any of the others better! =)

  14. Mica says:

    I think Tropical would be my favorite, though Alpine sounds intriguing. (At first, I thought it was somehow pine-needle flavored.)

    On the flip side, I think it’s obnoxious that the company founder decided to put her degrees on the card. I don’t care if you have a degree from an Ivy; I just want good cookies, yo!

  15. Pam says:

    Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!! I would love to try the tropical ones especially! 🙂

  16. Courtney says:

    Yummy!!! The cookies look really good!! I would have to try the original first!!!!
    Your nails look good!!!

  17. Jen says:

    Original, but all sound good. I have been hitting the Larabars pretty hard lately as snacks.

  18. Ian says:

    Tropical Caveman Cookies would be my first choice. Sounds better than Artic Freeze Cookies right now 🙂

  19. gina says:

    Ooo the Rain forest cookies sound yummy!
    HA! In true attorney fashion she had to add her credentials at the end of her story.

  20. Erin says:

    I wonder if since they were called Caveman Cookies if they were paleo-friendly 🙂 The Tropical and the Rainforest sound the yummiest.

  21. Jenn says:

    I think I would have a toughtime and have to cut them all up and try a bite of each 🙂

  22. Alden says:

    Go go Rainforest! It’s the only one I haven’t tried!

  23. Alice says:

    i would try the alpine one first! i am terrrrrible about choosing something healthy for that midafternoon snack, so i am curious to see if these would satisfy that craving 🙂

  24. Elisabeth says:

    As all of the varieties sound incredible, my first choice to try is the tropical. This will make me forget about our upcoming snowstorm.

  25. Letty says:

    I love cookies…rainforest sounds interesting!!!

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