Day 785 | December 12, 2011: 4 m run (easy)
38°F in December? That’s tee and arm warmer weather! This run felt fabulous. Probably because I hadn’t exercised since Saturday morning! But I was really in the zone and never looked at my pace at all.
Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 38° | End Temp: 39° | Time: 37:26 | Avg Pace: 9:21
Day 786 | December 13, 2011: 4 m run (easy)
Another perfect running night! Well, weather-wise. I felt a bit out of breath and had a short, yet intense stomach cramp at mile 2. But a great run overall. I like to imagine myself running fast on the 5K course when I am running in the dark. Maybe it’s a bit early for that visualization exercise?
Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 41° | End Temp: 39° | Time: 38:13 | Avg Pace: 9:33
Day 787 | December 14, 2011: 5 m run (easy w/5×10-15 sec strides) + strength class
Ugh, this run was not as stellar as the past two. It wasn’t hard, but running never clicked. And I felt so irritated – with my hair, the wind, the puddles, the stomach cramps that keep popping up… this run was a mental struggle. I did the strides starting at mile 3, with 1 minute of rest between each set. They were fun, and I remembered to focus on my form and feeling light on my feet. I was happy when the run was over though!
Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 46° | End Temp: 48° | Time: 47:54 | Avg Pace: 9:35
In the evening I went to my strength class – more boxing (fun!!!) and more dumbbell workouts. Brian announced that there will be a pushup challenge in the end of January. Hmm… doubt I will do any good at that!
Day 788 | December 15, 2011: rest
Day 789 | December 16, 2011: strength + 4 m run (easy)
Brian came over in the morning and we did a bar workout. The toughest move was rolling the bar across the floor while on my knees (kind of like a pushup) then coming back up – I worked parts of my stomach I didn’t even know I had!
Brian was really encouraging about my weight loss progress (I received a few comments on my weight this week) and we set up a weight point to recheck my body fat. That would be great if I actually made some improvements there!
During lunch I ran 4 miles easy. It definitely felt better than Wednesday! I wonder if I overdressed though – or wore the wrong colors. I was in all black (capris and under armour) and I got pretty hot in the sun! And I was a bit out of breath. Not sure if that was the cold air or me running too fast… or me being out of shape.
Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 31° | End Temp: 32° | Time: 36:34 | Avg Pace: 9:08
Day 790 | December 17, 2011: cross
One hour on the bike trainer in the am. I kept changing the speed up and down to make it interesting.
Day 791 | December 18, 2011: 9 m run (last 5:00 min @ MP)
I ran 9 slow, cautious miles. A lot of the sidewalks had thin snow and ice on them and that makes me so nervous! So I ran in the street. Which also makes me nervous. Ha ha. The run went well though. I felt pretty good. I had a slight ache in my inside right ankle for a bit in the begining, but that went away. I hope that’s not turning in to something! I noticed it was sore when I woke up.
I ran the last 5 minutes at marathon pace (between 9:00-9:10, hit 8:54 for the average) and I was surprised how run and refreshing I found that after running so slowly!
Distance: 9.0 | Start Temp: 20° | End Temp: 25° | Time: 1:33:51 | Avg Pace: 10:22
Week Summary: 26.0 miles
Yikes! No workout related pictures this week. But here is me (+Steven, not pictured) visiting Jen (one of my workout buddies!) and Kent and Ayla Rose, their newborn, Saturday! Ayla was born on November 22nd. I haven’t held a baby that tiny in so long! She was just precious.
I love hearing birth stories. I find it so fascinating what the (female) human body is capable of! And Jen has an amazing story. She said she might be guest posting about it on another blog in the future, so I will have to link to it then!