- Last Saturday before my 8-mile run I noticed Lost Cat signs on all of the mailboxes. Seeing them just broke my heart. I ran all over my neighborhood and the next one over during those 8 miles and looked for that cat – no luck. On Monday the owners even talked to Steven when he was out getting the mail. I really hope they find their cat.
- We’ve been ordering so many holiday gifts online this year – you would think we’re immobile! We’ve been getting some things in stores too, but it’s just so easy to order things online, especially when you commute for so long and don’t live particularly close to to any major shopping area. Anyway, we’ve been getting lots of boxes in the mail (especially since Steven’s dad and brother are shipping things here for their Christmas visit), and it’s fun. Does anyone else do the majority of gift shopping online?
- Speaking of commuting, I now have the option of working from home two days a week when appropriate. Yay! That means two extra hours of sleep in the morning (usually), and 3.5 hours less of commuting! Can I get a woo hoo?
- We are hosting Christmas this year, and decided to sample a Tofurky Roast & Gravy to see if it’s a viable dish option. We really like Tofurky products, so I thought it would be good, but actually, it was amazing. It’s a roast with rice inside and gravy you add on top. We added the carrots. I didn’t want to stop eating it. We made the leftovers in to sandwiches yesterday. Holy yum.

- Has anyone been going to a lot of holiday parties? We’ve just been having little get togethers here and there. We had a pizza party with Erin and her husband on Sunday. Their gift for Steven was this pizza cutter. As a Star Wars fan, I am not quite sure what it is but it made my Trekkie husband happy. Ha ha. We have a few small get togethers this weekend, but nothing major. The holiday office party is today but I don’t really count that.

- I’ve said it before, but I get so excited about people opening the gifts I’ve picked out for them! I was really excited about this medal rack for Erin. Allied Medal Displays added all these really cool cityscapes to their inventory! Much less generic than my medal rack. Check out the NYC one!

- Unfortunately, Data is still on Santa’s Naughty List. I’m not sure if he realizes he only has 10 days to redeem himself. I suppose Santa should be nice and consider Data’s behavior throughout the entire year, but Data has made it really hard lately.

- Last randomness – I cannot believe how much I love this chocolate Ulta lotion. They sell it for $1 every year for the holidays and I have had this bottle since who knows when. But it makes my hands so soft and I can still smell it at the end of the day. Yum… chocolate. And bonus! One of my cousins gave me this cute bear that I put the lotion in to try to make the house a bit more Christmas-y (emphasis on the try).
lol. The pizza cutter is the Star Trek Enterprise the ship from what I can tell. Very cool! I love both Star Wars and Star Trek so I’m a big geek. And LOVE the medal holders! Very cool!
I hope the kitty is found. There was a dead kitten on the road side where I run just the other day. White and orange. Broke my heart.
Lots and lots of parties here. But I’m off the hook on hosting for the rest of the year so yay!
Total online shopper here too. WHy not? It’s awesome.
Woo hoo for you getting to work from home!! I am home today. I wish we could work from home more often though.
We did a decent amount of shopping online this year but we also went to stores. I’m still not finished yet!
I went to my work holiday party and was invited to one for Sunday but I’m not sure I’ll make it. My friends are doing a dinner this Friday! I’m most excited about that one.
Delilah is still on the naughty list too. 🙁
That picture of Data is pretty funny. Hope the lost cat is found – those always break my heart too. Have to say that Tofurky meal looks pretty good!
Wow, I’ve never seen Tofurky before. I didn’t realize it was so plump and round, kind of like the deli meat shapes.
I’m trying to do all of my Christmas shopping online this year, or, if I can’t swing it, not visiting any big stores or malls. I jumped for joy when I found I could get Anthropologie giftcards shipped for free from online. I hate going there for Christmas; it’s a madhouse.
I didn’t think it would be that shape either. We were both surprised when we took it out of the box.
“Does anyone else do the majority of gift shopping online?”
Maybe not the majority, but a good amount. It is SO much easier than fighting crowds in a mall. The only thing that sucks is the cost of shipping.
That’s a nice lookin’ Tofurkey. The Feast one is even better!:)
I will have to try The Feast one sometime! I guess I should look for it at Whole Foods?
Except for the 2 white elephant gifts I had to get for parties—I did 100% of my Christmas Shopping online. It is about my 4th year doing it and I love it. I think my mailman hates me though LOL
It always breaks my heart when I see a lost pet sigh. I always say a prayer that the animal is found safe and returned to its owner I did some shopping online, but most of it was in the stores. I try to start early like November and if I can’t find a gift I go online.
That is great news about your job letting you work from home more often. I can’t imagine having such a crazy commute everyday. And I’m not very good at shopping online unless I know exactly what I want to buy for that person. I usually like to walk around a store until something catches my eye.
gah, there have been lost puppy signs up in my neighborhood. it’s awful. it makes me go home and hug my cats.
i did almost ALL my xmas shopping on line this year! it was outstanding! i went to norstroms for ONE gift that i felt i really needed to see in person before committing to… and everything else was online (or picked up in sri lanka). i am a MUCH HAPPIER christmas person this way!!!
My husband does all of his holiday shopping online. I think it’s so he doesn’t have to put on pants and leave the house (he’s been working a lot of overtime lately). Yesterday one of my gifts arrived. He opened it, showed me my gift, and then wrapped it to put under the tree. Not. Cool.
Why did he do that?! I don’t like knowing what my gifts are!
I hope they find their cat. So sad!
I like shopping on line a lot more than the mall. I hate crowds and the lighting and how everyone is so distracted that they walk like zombies. UGH. We went to the mall for a few gifts and Mr. Darcy and I were very crabby by the end of it.
Working from home a few days a week is ideal. I love staying in my comfies!
I love that medal holder! So cool.
I still cannot believe you have such a long commute each day and have to get up so early!! Good thing you get to work from home sometimes.
I have done just a tiny bit of holiday shopping and I went to the store. I have been horrible – I really need to get on things but I have been so busy with work.
whoops i thought that data was a lady, well i’m sorry data excuse my ignorance.
i have a soft spot for strays and lost pets too. last winter i spent an entire day trying to save this cat that was roaming around my alley for weeks. it got really cold and i was stressing about this poor thing, but i think that it got so freaked out about me continuing to come at it with strange objects to catch it in. that was almost a year ago and it still breaks my heart to think of what happened to it.
Ha ha! Don’t worry about it! We’ve had Data since Feb of 2005 and my mom still calls him “she” or “her”! His name is kind of ambiguous!
You are such a kind heart! I hope that cat is okay 🙂
Glad to hear you get to work from home a bit! I’ve only had 1 holiday party so far and have 2 next weekend which will be busy but fun. I’m excited to see the family again :)Its a pretty low key holiday season for me, but I think this weekend we might go to Brookfield with a bunch of friends to look at all the lights which will be fun. It’ll be a nice way to celebrate ALMOST being on break haha.
Erin’s medal hangar turned out GREAT! Love it!
I have done about 75% of my Christmas shopping online. I have Amazon Prime, so it’s no more expensive to order it online than to pick it up in the store (since I’ve already committed to the $75.00 annual fee), and it’s SO much more convenient. But I’ve also bought a few things from local stores.
GREAT news about working from home two days a week. Think of all the sleep you can catch up on!
I’m a Star Wars fan and even I know that’s the NCC-1701 Enterprise! Bad sci-fi fan! Katie even knew that. Katie would like to know if it came with Captain Kirk, though.
I was joking. 😉 I knew it was the Enterprise, but we watch TNG, not the original, so that is all I knew!
No Kirk!
We do all of our Christmas shopping online and all of our family lives out of state. We’ve had a package show up like every day for the last couple weeks. That’s pretty fun!
Also – love that medal rack!
So much to comment on!
My heart breaks when I see lost pet posters. I really, really hope their cat comes home soon.
I did some of my shopping online this year (especially for my of my “customized” gifts) but buying stuff for the nieces and nephews is sometimes easier to do in the store. It is fun to get packages, though! Even if they aren’t for me.
My former SIL brought a Tofurkey to Thanksgiving a few years ago. We decided it mostly tasted like salt. Maybe it was the kind of gravy it had on it?
You know, I didn’t have much of the gravy (don’t really care for it). But I wonder if it is supposed to be similar to pork… which is kind of all salt? I don’t even remember!
I saw that picture of the pizza cutter, and immediately ordered one for Mr. P’s stocking!!
The box it comes in is really really cool! Steven actually put the box up on display!
I might have to read behind to see why Data is on the naughty list. That meow of his in the picture above sure looks agressive.
I hope they find their lost cat, too.
Love the Enterprise pizza cutter.