Too soon?

By , October 18, 2011 1:20 pm

Is it too early to be buying holiday gifts? Has anyone else starting shopping?

We haven’t even drawn names yet in my family to see who gets which sibling/significant other for Christmas. And while that would normally kickstart my holiday gift buying, I’ve already purchased gifts for three friends and one for one of my grandmas! Now the tricky part is waiting until Christmas to give them to them*. I can do it, I know it!

So, let’s just say that buying things in advance means it will feel like less of a hit to my bank account than buying a lot of gifts all at once. Yeah. That’s it.

Actually, this is probably a good thing. Last year I was complaining about how long it took me to find the holiday spirit. Maybe it’s coming really early this year.

*I have a problem with giving people gifts year round… when it’s not a holiday/their birthday/no need for a gift… Now it’s time to save all those little things for an actual holiday.

17 Responses to “Too soon?”

  1. Kandi says:

    I would love to start my shopping now but I haven’t found anything. I went to a craft fair the other day and kept my eye out for christmas gifts but didn’t have any luck.
    I did buy a santa hat that I was planning to give to my friend’s cat but I put it on Delilah (she hated it) and I think I might just keep it for her.

  2. Kapgar says:

    It’s not too early to start buying but way too early to start decorating. That’s all I’ve got to say about that one.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! Who is decorating? I am digging the Halloween decorations. Someone in our neighborhood has a really freaky dummy set up on their porch!

  3. gina says:

    You probably should just break down and give the gifts you found early. Like now. Just saying.

    Thinking back on last year, I think I had my brother’s gift early. Somewhere close to now. I don’t think that will be happening this year.

  4. Melissa says:

    I have already started shopping (some of it started in Argentina actually) and it’s funny b/c I actually pulled out my spreadsheet of gifts/recipients earlier today to start update/planning.

    I’m also “bad” about buying and gifting people year round but I just really doing it when I find something that I think someone else will enjoy!

  5. haha I dont think its ever too early. If you find the perfect gift, there’s no reason to put it off. I’ve THOUGHT about Christmas gifts, but I havent gotten my act together enough to actually get anything.

  6. says:

    I have totally already started shopping! I like to spread out the spending, too. And I *LOVE* Data’s antlers! 🙂

  7. ChezJulie says:

    I have actually bought one thing for my brother early because I thought he’d like it, but I don’t imagine that momentum will hold!

  8. I give people things all year round too and am trying to hold myself back this year so I actually have things to give people for Christmas. I have a closet full of stuff for my kids already because when I see something they would love, I have been buying it so it is less all at once.

    Such a cute picture of you and Data!

  9. Sweets and I are going to a sale at a local toy store tomorrow. We are going armed with a list of possible gifts for our nieces and nephews. I never used to buy so far in advance. But, it sucks the life out of me to buy gifts in December, so if I can knock some of the list off before then, I’m gonna be a happy camper!

  10. Courtney says:

    Um, I think Gina’s “idea” sounds good, lol! Data is so cute in his holiday attire!!!

  11. Erin says:

    My mom buys gifts all year round. I might pick up something here or there but, like you, it’s hard for me to hold on to them!

    I haven’t even thought about Christmas gifts yet, though. My family doesn’t even start talking about it until at least November.

  12. Etta says:

    We’ve talked about the holidays, but haven’t started our shopping yet. I like being done early, though. I like to avoid the stores after Thanksgiving if at all possible.

  13. martymankins says:

    I do a lot of my shopping on Black Friday. For years I would get up at 4am and go wait in line for the big gift of the season and something for my daughter (when she was a child). Thanks to the wonderful world on online shopping, I’ve now been able to parse back on my Black Friday store visits (last year it was just 2 stores).

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