Friday Question #167

By , September 30, 2011 3:27 pm

As a child, how did people describe you?

I’m going to have to ask my parents to confirm this one, but I remember clearly my best friend telling me I couldn’t come over because her mom thought I was loud. 



I could have potentially been loud during the incident in this photo.

Sadly (or not?), you can still use that word to describe me now. I get a bit over-excited and loud at times. 

18 Responses to “Friday Question #167”

  1. Shy.

    But a lot has changed… lol

  2. sizzle says:

    I’m not sure. In junior high it was either sweet or funny. I was everyone’s friend (but no one’s girlfriend, sad face).

    That photo of you is so cute. You still smile like that!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! And you’re right – I still do that big goofy grin!

      I think sweet or funny is pretty good for that part of life! Better than some of the things I may have been called later on…

  3. Erin says:

    Do I even want to know how you got up in a tree with roller skates on?

    I think I would have been described as shy as well.

  4. Melissa says:

    I think people would have probably said “smart” and “shy/quiet”…except that even then I would not have said that I was shy OR quiet…I don’t have any problems talking at length to strangers (or friends) or asserting myself in a variety of situations…but I’m not going to be the one dominating in a loud or overexaggerating manner. (However, I know that it was more of a perception of people thinking of shy/quiet in a negative way…not as a form of “leadership style”) Wow…I have a lot of feelings about this (and obviously quite a bit of resentment)!!!

    • kilax says:

      I actually tend to be quiet now too if someone else is dominating by being loud/obnoxious. I figure there is no point in challenging them…

  5. Mica says:

    Hahaha, Kim! I had a friend who would climb trees in roller skates, I love this picture!!!

    I bet people thought I was a brat….I would probably think I was a brat if I met myself as a child now. Wow, that makes no sense.

  6. Etta says:

    Wow, roller skates in a tree? That looks like it has the potential to be disastrous. :0) I was really shy until I turned 16. Of course, to people I knew I was bossy. In my pre-k screening, my mother wrote that I had trouble sharing with others.

  7. People probably would have called me loud too. Or maybe independant. I did potty train myself after all (yah, I really do look for excuses to bring that up, its my proudest accomplishment).

  8. lifestudent says:

    I was commonly referred to as “jabberjaws”

  9. Amy says:

    LOL! Yes, I can totally imagine you being loud!

  10. I can see you being loud – esp in roller skates! Run strong on Sunday!!!! Have a great time!

  11. Such a cute picture!!! I love it!

    Hmmm…My parents would probably describe me as dramatic. Which still holds true today! 🙂

  12. Kandi says:

    I was probably described as talkative. 🙂
    I love that photo. I loved to roller skate and climb trees too but I’m not sure if I ever did both at the same time.

  13. Alice says:

    haha, how on earth did you get in the tree with roller skates??

    i would probably have been described as “loud” as well! and maybe also “overly enthusiastic” – i was very! excited! about things a lot 🙂

  14. martymankins says:

    Quiet, shy and reserved. I was not very outgoing as a child. I loved to play and I had friends that came over, but for the most part, my mom was very protective of me.

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