Who really needs a taper?!

By , September 26, 2011 7:16 pm

I know, I know, I do. 

But for the first time in a marathon training cycle I have felt pretty solid the entire time… and it’s hard not to be out running right now! 

How many miles should I run the week of the marathon (if the marathon is on a Sunday)?

Most plans show 4 miles, 3 miles and 2 miles. But I have been following my own plan. I was thinking 5, 4, 3 and 2. But I don’t want to over do it. Maybe try the 4, 3, 2?

I tried to look at my past “weeks before the marathon” but they were both messed up. The week of Chicago included me having an awful migraine and spending a night throwing up, and doing two short runs before the marathon. The week before Madison was ridiculous – I ran my last long run that Monday and then only ran once more that week.  

Blah blah blah. Taper taper blah. I normally enjoy the sitting around part but I want to be outside right now, running! I might sneak out (well, I am not sneaking out from anyone, except Data).


Actually, I think Data would prefer I sneak out.

Update: I ate dinner and planted my butt on the couch and watched part of Spirit of the Marathon. I’ll run tomorrow!

10 Responses to “Who really needs a taper?!”

  1. Etta says:

    I am impressed by anyone who can run a marathon. You’ll do great!

  2. bobbi says:

    I was doing 4, 3, 3. But then I ran longish today. So who the hell knows 🙂


  3. RunningLaur says:

    I’m a proponent of nothing you do this week can really help physically (but I’m lazy). If it’ll help you mentally to go out for a short run, go for it. If it’s fitting in a 3 mile run while you’re tired and ending up beating yourself up mentally about it (or heaven forbid physically in a fluke), nothing to be gained.
    So, I say run a bit if you feel like it, if not, take some of that time and just think about how AWESOME YOU’RE GOING TO BE! (mental training!)

    • kilax says:

      I think I was feeling so good last night because my legs finally felt good after my strength workout last Friday and I wanted to get out and run on them… I guess it was more of a mental thing. But instead, I will run during lunch today. And think about how awesome I am going to be! Ha ha. 🙂

      And I definitely realize nothing is going to help me this week. I just worry I will lose fitness if I take more than a few days off. That is ridiculous!

  4. Amy says:

    I don’t think it matters if you run but I would be careful to keep it easy and cut back a bit on the mileage.
    I’m so glad you’re going into this feeling so good!

    • kilax says:

      You are so right. I need to keep it easy. And not run as many times as I normally do. Now it’s routine and it’s hard not to do it! Maybe I should sit around and read my book instead!

  5. Erin says:

    I already decided my mileage. Don’t know if it’s good or not, but I did 5 on Monday, 3 or 4 on Wednesday, and 2 or 3 on Saturday. That’s it. I’m enjoying not having to rush around in the evenings!

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