Wait, wait, wait! Cornbread costume!
Someone was kind of upset I did not include their costume idea in my earlier post.
I am not even sure if I can explain it, because it is based on an inside joke that has made me and Steven say “cornbread costume” to each other anytime the other person leaves the lights on in the garage (don’t you wish you lived my life?!).
Is anyone else’s sense of humor based around inside jokes?I don’t think I can make a real joke to save my life. Okay, one that isn’t inappropriate! Ha!
So, we thought we should bring our inside joke (that only makes sense to us) alive this Halloween. Here is the Cornbread Costume and Chili photo that Steven made of himself and my sister’s boyfriend. He did a very nice job in photoshop:
What do you think? Should we go as that? And a pat of butter, a spoon, and a knife?

If you vote yes, please let me know what you think the other people could go as.
It is a hilarious idea! Might be difficult to pull off, though. Other people could go as the ingredients to Chili 5-way (spaghetti, cheese, onions, crackers).
I have never heard of a Chili 5-way! That sounds yummy! How does it work?
hahahahaha! if you could get everyone on board, AND figure out what everyone could be, it could be outstanding. Sour cream, shredded cheese, elbow macaroni, onions, and oyster crackers are all always involved in chili at my house. Don’t forget the beer!
I want to be the beer can!!!
I think you should all just go as cornbreads. Maybe you could make up a full pan.
My husband and I have a similar Halloween costume idea (well, not similar to cornbread, just silly) that we’ve been meaning to enact for the past five years.
That was one of our ideas! I thought we should all be triangular pieces them come together. HA HA HA HA.
Are you going to do the idea this year?!
If this is our costume, I’m finding a new family to hang out with.. 🙂
Ha ha! We have to come up with something though!
I love it!! Other people could go as spoons, maybe some butter.
hahaha this is great. I think the cornbread would be pretty easy to do – just spray paint (or roller paint) big boxes with face holes and arm holes.
and I can tell that the southwest has settled into me, because my thought was for jalapeno slices with it!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! And then I read Christina’s comment and laughed harder!
I like it! Can’t wait to see real pictures! And I think half the fun of a ridiculous costume is how do you navigate around from one place to another!
I voted brilliant idea. Can’t wait to see the pics of you two in costume.
I hope we actually do something and that this just isn’t something we talk about!