Thinking about Halloween costumes…

By , September 15, 2011 12:32 pm

I’m not sure what Data thinks of the hat my sister brought me back from Florida.

My sister (Christina, in the picture below) gave me that hat at my nephew’s birthday party a few weeks ago. There was a really young toddler there who just stared at me the whole time I was wearing the hat (an hour or so). I would get on the floor and crawl around then sneak up on him. He really liked that. (No mom, I still don’t want to have kids)

Anyway, this post is not about that hat! Well, it’s about how I want to avoid that hat being my Halloween costume!

Last year Steven and I ended up being in my hometown for Halloween and we went out to the bars with all of my siblings, their significant others, my mom and another friend. We had a total blast. The only issue?! Our costumes were LAME! Mine and Steven’s, I mean (see below).

So this year we want to go back since we had so much fun, but have cool costumes… and since there are so many of us, I thought we could do some sort of group costumes!

My great idea was for us to go as a barrel of monkeys – two people can be barrels and the rest can be monkeys. I am not getting a great response on that idea though. And my mom keeps saying she wants to be that damn pumpkin again.

Do you have any group costume ideas for Halloween that won’t break the bank? Or how about a way to make a cool barrel of monkeys costume?

16 Responses to “Thinking about Halloween costumes…”

  1. Sarah says:

    OMG, I LOVE the photos of Data. 🙂 Two years ago, we saw a group going as Jon and Kate + 8 – it was actually really cool, and it looked very simple. But, now Jon and Kate are divorced – but you could probably still do it. Another idea: One year my dad and mom went as a mover and a moving box. That was in the 80s, but it was really cool and simple. I guess I think everything is cool and simple.

    Not sure what I’m going to do for Halloween this year, but I do kinda want to dress up! I can’t wait to see what you guys do!

  2. bobbi says:

    I think the barrel of monkeys idea is cute! Or minions 🙂

  3. Steve A says:

    Player, Referee, Cheerleader, Football, Goal Post

  4. gina says:


    I like the Barrel of Monkeys, though!

  5. Steven says:

    Cornbread, Chili, and all the accouterments…in fact I’m pretty sure somebody spent some time making conceptual drawings of this idea…maybe you should do a poll to see what people think of the concept drawings…

  6. Erin says:

    If your mom REALLY wants to wear the pumpkin costume, you guys could all go as different kinds of candy. She’d be those little pumpkin candies (I love those things) and someone could be an M&M, and someone could be a Spree, and on and on. You could make it easy just by having the person wear a solid colored shirt and pinning a picture of the candy to the front. And maybe someone could go as a bag and you’d be the results of an evening of trick or treating.

    • kilax says:

      That is a fun idea! I want to be a box of Dots!!!

      (Do you love the pumpkins that are kind of like orange smiles, or the ones that are like candy corn, only pumpkins? I loved those until I saw they had gelatin in them. WAH!)

  7. RunningLaur says:

    If you do want to do the barrel of monkey’s thing, I’m pretty sure I can draft up some plans for you to go by to make them. I am ALL ABOUT making Halloween costumes and being super crafty (read cheap and awesome), but my life has been so lame the last 3-4 years I haven’t done one :'(

    I miiiight be able to be back at Penn State for the weekend before Hween this year and fingers crossed that I can don something then for once!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, ooo, ooo! Please do come up with some ideas! What have some of your best ones been (even though you haven’t done them the past few years)?

      Ooo, I hope you and Troy do a funny couples costume!

  8. Kandi says:

    My old roomie and I traditionally have a halloween costume party on the last Saturday BEFORE Halloween. She is very insistent on it being before Halloween and not after. However, this year my marathon falls the day AFTER that Saturday. She is still intending to have it that day at her new house and didn’t seem open to changing the date to accomodate my plans so I’m considering not even dressing up this year. I’ll probably stop by but not be able to eat any of the food or have any of the drinks. I’ll just take a bottle of water and duck out super early. 😉

  9. Coming up with a creative costume is hard! I don’t have any ideas for you as I don’t have any other ideas yet!

    Last year Mike went as an Asian Carp (funny cuz he’s Asian) and I went as a fisherman!

  10. martymankins says:

    It is that time of the year, isn’t it? I need to start thinking about my costume. 2 years ago, I was a penguin.

    While it’s easy to just put on the same costume, it will be more creative to come up with a newer one. I don’t really have any ideas as of yet, but may come up with something.

    Love the Stich hat.

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