We had a two hour de-briefing meeting last night to discuss the running club’s inaugural 5K. It was really interesting to hear every one’s feedback on what went right and what could be improved upon for next year. I kind of felt like I was getting the whole picture of the complexity of putting a 5K on. We talked it all out before – but what you plan isn’t always the exact same of how things happen! And since I was only a runner and sort-of volunteer, there was a lot that happened that I didn’t know about because I simply wasn’t there. That kind of reminded me of our wedding, because Steven planned the whole thing and I just showed up, but later on, I heard all these stories from different people about things that were going on when I wasn’t around.
Anyway, WOW, there is still a lot to be done with the 5K. We need to document this year’s processes and files so we have them for next year, send thank-yous, send out a survey to runners, and I still have lots of updates to make to the website. The great thing is though, we met with the Library Foundation last night and they were so grateful and excited about the success of the race. The final numbers aren’t in yet, but I think we raised a lot of money for the library.
And I thought this was fun – our club president had these medals made for the core 5K team members:
Your husband planned your entire wedding??? It was like pulling teeth getting mine to help out!
Yeah, he did. He is very organized and visionary. He did a great job! He probably felt like he was pulling teeth to get me involved!
How on earth did you get Steven to plan your wedding? I want a very simple wedding and Joey doesn’t care at all about the planning process. I appreciate his sentiment but would like him to give me some input. It’s coming together but man what I would give for someone else to just put something together for me. If his mom was around I’d just let her run with it.
Well, I was in school in IA and Steven was out in IL (where our wedding would be), and he kind of had more time to plan, but really, is just great at event planning and really in to details, so planning it kind of went along with his personality. I had input on the cake, location and my dress, but I think he did the rest.
He is working as a corporate event planner now as a part time job.
It’s crazy how much behind-the-scenes stuff runners don’t realize has to happen for a race. I’m interested to hear what else they think they need to do next year!
It’s nice that they recognized your hard work…and it never even occurred to me all the stuff you have to do AFTER the race…
ha! I could barely get my husband to put the labels on the invites!