
By , August 3, 2011 10:05 pm

This week I feel like one of those bloggers that is constantly receiving new things to test. Only I am not that popular, and the things I am testing were all gifts (that means no one paid me to say these things).

On Monday, it was my new bike trainer, the Kinetic by Kurt. Verdict: Love it. The resistance is strong enough that I got quite a work out on it! And it’s easy to put the bike on (I just had Steven do it). Only complaint – it’s loud. But that’s because I am pedaling like a maniac.

On Tuesday, it was my new Xersion fitted shorts from JCPenney. Now, I wish I had a (store) link for you, but of course, since I actually like them and want to buy more, they are not available online. Verdict: I wore them for a 6.5 mile run that was very steamy and had no ride up or chafing. Want. More. Pairs. One more XL and two Ls. Let me know if you see them anywhere.

On Wednesday, it was my new North Face tank that Erin got me for my birthday! (pictures below of the front and back – she also got me that orange one because she knows I love orange!!!!!!!!!)

Verdict: Love it! it’s lightweight, very good at wicking sweat, and has cool key holder pockets on the shoulder straps! And it has orange on it, which is always a plus! And it makes me look slimmer? Okay, just throwing that out there…

What will I review tomorrow? Maybe I will put together our new weight bench and test it out. Uhh… with what weights? Ha ha.

If you could review any product on the market, what would you review?


In other news, signage (and fencing?!) has been added to the trail by our house!

This sign is right at the entrance near our home. Apparently they can’t get things worked out with the city. Oh well.

And these signs say the name of the trail and the streets! Schweet!

I was really geeking out today when I saw the new signage. It’s the small things in life…

12 Responses to “Tester”

  1. Tracy says:

    THAT is a passive aggressive sign! How funny!

  2. Kandi says:

    I need to go to JCPenney! Those North Face shirts look awesome and do make you look trim.
    Not sure what I’d want to test out. Some expensive running clothes maybe? But then I’d get spoiled and have to spend more on workout stuff.

  3. J says:

    That NF shirt is so cute! I love it! I need some new running clothes but I do NOT have any time to go and shop until next weekend!

  4. Love that tank! I’m a huge fan of orange too.

  5. Etta says:

    Hooray for shorts that don’t chafe! I have a problem w/ chafing, though mine is more a result of fluffy thighs and sweat. I did see an anti-chafing product at Scheels the other day. I may have to invest in some…

  6. Erin says:

    The tank looks awesome on you! Someone has good taste 🙂

    The sign on the trail is both hilarious and sad. But it looks like the majority of the trail is done?

    • kilax says:


      Yeah, most of it is done. In fact, I think most of it has been done since mid May now! Too bad they cannot finish it all the way, but it’s still a nice hilly workout.

  7. i have been reallllly considering getting a bike trainer so good to know you like that one

    • kilax says:

      It’s great! The only other thing we noticed tonight is that the quick release requires a lot of unscrewing to get it to work, so it’s not so quick, but no biggie 🙂

  8. Michel says:

    haha that is a passive aggressive sign! I’m surprised they didn’t put Round Lake’s number on the sign. lol

  9. sizzle says:

    All the clothes look great on you!

    If I could review any product on the market? I’d like to review some state of the art headphones (I currently have none)or some cute dresses from ASOS or another retailer that has 16+ clothing.

  10. ChezJulie says:

    I would like to review some chocolate protein powder because some of them taste great and some taste like crap, and you have to buy them in huge expensive jugs.

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