Well, that wasn’t there before…

By , July 12, 2011 9:27 pm

It seems the trail has changed a bit since the last time I road it home from the train:

They’re calling Monday’s storm a “derecho“* – a short, violent windstorm that pounded the Chicago area with hurricane-force winds. The funny thing is, Steven missed the entire storm because he was in the shower! From what I heard from other people, it sounds like it was pretty freaky – the storm picked things up and moved them around. Our garbage and recycling cans were the only things moved around. Luckily(?), our neighborhood is too young to have huge tree damage like on the trail. The thing that cracks me up is that our bird feeders always survive these windstorms. What is up with that?

Anyway, when I rode my bike home today I was pleasantly surprised to see the light outside our garage was on, and to hear the AC unit running. Our power came back – an about 16 hours earlier than ComEd said it would! Now I just hope power is restored earlier than predicted for all of my friends in Lake County who still don’t have any.

*I found that phrase in the google reader preview for this article, but don’t see it anywhere in the actual article – strange!

15 Responses to “Well, that wasn’t there before…”

  1. dad says:

    Maybe your bird feeders survive because of the weight of all the squirrels hanging on them.

  2. I was in my office when that storm came through. Saw how hard it was raining, but had NO idea how bad it actually got until I got home and there were tree limbs on cars and sidewalks EVERYWHERE!


  3. Amy says:

    Jeez! That sounds pretty freaky. Glad you got your power back on!

  4. J says:

    Wow that is crazy! We have high winds every once in a while but it is rare to have the trees come down! Glad nothing got damaged in your neighborhood!

  5. Mica says:

    I didn’t realize that they had a name for it, but I guess I’m not surprised.

    Good thing your house didn’t blow away while Steven was in the shower, haha.

  6. Kandi says:

    Glad your neighborhood didn’t have any issues with the windstorm and that your power is back on!!

  7. I hate seeing fallen trees like that. Im glad you guys didnt have any damage though, that would be awful.

  8. Alice says:

    HOORAY for earlier-than-anticipated power!! i keep hearing the craziest reports out of chicago from that storm – glad your neighborhood remained fairly OK!

  9. ChezJulie says:

    Glad you came through safely!

  10. lifestudent says:

    congrats on the power!

  11. Britt says:

    Alright for coming back into the land of power!

  12. Michel says:

    Oh yeah you guys got hit harder than we did down south but that was a brutal 15 mins of driving in that storm that I didn’t appreciate! Glad everything is ok at your place!

  13. Erin says:

    I had no idea how bad it was until my mom and I were driving through the outskirts of Holland, MI on Tuesday. There were huge trees totally uprooted. Thankfully there was no damage at our house. Guess people north and west of us got hit worst.

    • kilax says:

      I was wondering how your street looked, but all the news articles said it was mostly the northern suburbs, so I was hoping for the best!

  14. tuturunner says:

    that’s kinda crazy. we didn’t get anything like that here. air at work was out on tuesday but guess who was off work?? =) glad to see the heat move on! hope you guys are out of it.

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