Packing List
We’ve had to travel so much in the past year, and a few of the trips have been the sudden “we have to leave now” type, which means you sometimes forget to pack a thing or two.* So I’ve starting a working text document for my packing list. I’ve listed almost everything on it that I would ever want to bring for any type of trip. After each trip, I usually add an item or two to it. Then I print it out for the next trip, and cross off the things I want to bring, after I pack them.
Here is a pdf version if you give a crap.
I used the list to pack for a work trip to Louisville on Monday (I will be going home tonight, but be coming back quite a bit).
The Ohio River from the Indiana side, across from Louisville
I NEED to make an entirely new list for the Ragnar Madison to Chicago relay this Friday. Or at least start with that one and add a bunch of stuff that you bring on a trip where you are in a car for two days and not getting much sleep or really taking showers.
Ugh, I was hoping this post would be more coherent, but I am tired from traveling! And hope I can find the energy to do the relay in a few days (I am running 3 legs that total up to about 19 miles).
Do you have a master packing list or do you make one for each trip? Or do you just throw stuff in your bag and call it a day?
*Okay, it was always the same thing, over and over – the make-up remover face wipes I used at night.
That’s actually a great idea, especially if you travel a lot. I do not have a list and I kinda pack as I go but I’m not always a good packer. I often over or under pack. Occasionally I’ll get it just right but I will never know how I don’t always over or under pack.. it depends on the situation I guess.
Maybe make sure they make it into your bag for this particular trip.
I can’t wait to hear about your Ragnar race!! I’m so jealous. I really need to do the DC one some year. I was going to suggest taking face wipes to help you stay a bit fresh since you can’t shower.
I don’t usually make packing lists but I sure made one for Ragnar! And I’m still terrified I’m going to forget something. I suppose, though, if worse comes to worse the van takes a short detour to a Walgreens or a Target.
I use one of the list apps on my iPhone. The one I’m using allows me to have two types of categories per list, so I have one for the type of trip (this really maps to “store” in a grocery list and thus allows each item to be included for multiple trip types) and the other for the room where the item is kept. Separating by room is a recent addition, but one that I really like. It helps me to be more efficient while actually packing.
This particular app (SplashShopper) also has something called “QuickLists”, which I’ve started using in place of the trip type category. These basically let you save a particularly selection of items so that you can select them again for a future trip. This is a bit more convenient than the category method I was using.
The one feature I miss from this app is that it only supports two states for an item. You’ve either checked it off or you haven’t. The Palm app I used to use for this differentiated between items that you hadn’t included as “needed” in the first place and items that you have checked off. This distinction can come in handy when your spouse asks if you got something and you aren’t sure if you excluded it or already packed it. But mostly, I manage to remember the difference.
I think it depends on the trip, whether I have a list or not. If I know that I can resupply or if it’s a car trip, then I don’t worry so much about space and not forgetting certain items. If, however, space is limited or we are doing a variety of things and I need to bring specific gear, then a packing list is a TOTAL must!
When I did the tri, I think that I had multiple lists (lot of good it did in terms of forgetting about half of our tent…). There were so many specific items that I needed, and I couldn’t just keep it all straight.
Sounds like the Ragnar is one of those “must-have-a-list” events. What fun, by the way!
I need lists. I even have the kids make lists, and then I add stuff to them. I like the idea of having a master list, but I’ve never done it…
I lay out all the clothes I feel good in and that are appropriate for the trip then try to piece outfits together that use the least amount of items. I always over-pack because I am a moody dresser.
First do not even get me started on how many lists I have. A wedding list, a daily list, a weekly list, a running list, a grocery list…the list goes on. Im like a crazy list person! If I don’t have everything written on a list, my mind i just going a thousand miles a minute! I think i have perfected my packing but I still make a list before I pack.
You must be a Type A
when I was a kid going on family vacations, I always made lists: “2 shirts, 1 pants..” etc. Now I just throw crap in a bag, and really only worry about the essentials. which are birth control pills, running clothes, cell phone charger, wallet, and sunscreen. If I forget a piece of clothing, I’ll just buy it.
However, we recently went on a hiking-themed trip to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, AZ — and I forgot to pack my hiking boots. So, maybe lists are good ideas…
LOL- I give a crap.
I’ll pull up your PDF and bookmark it from my laptop tomorrow.
I can’t wait to read about the relay. I was reading about one in Texas the other day. Sounds like a memorable experience!
I make them for travel-races, but not for my regular “family” travel or work travel. Probably should… there was one time I left my suitcase at home!
(And this was right after I made a New Year’s Resolution to shop less! Had to buy clothes for 3 days before end of January!)
I’ve never had a list for packing but always wanted one. Honestly, my regular work travel bag almost always just stays packed with the same things in it, so i should probably just write a list of those.
Troy has 4 different packing spreadsheets saved on his computer I believe. He’s pretty awesome.
Your packing list is a great idea!
As for the relay, mine was shorter, but I still googled “relay packing list” (maybe “Ragnar relay packing list”) to get a good idea of what everyone else brought.
Yes, I have master packing list, then customize it for whatever “type” of a trip I’m taking. For instance, a packing list for camping is different from one where I am running a race. It saves me stress.
We make a list of essentials we know we’d otherwise forget for each trip since it can change from trip to trip. It’s mostly tech and bathroom stuff we know we’ll need. The clothes aren’t really planned until a day or two in advance (for me; Katie starts about a week or so in advance… Overachiever).
I used to stress out so bad before a trip about packing. Now I just go through my daily routine and pack as I finish getting ready the day of (except for medicines and clothes). Especially when I stay with my family, I’ve gotten to the point where I just figure if I forgot anything I can always pick it up at the drugstore. Even medications I’ve forgotten have been transferable to another store wherever I am.
That said, if I was going camping or on some sort of adventure trip (like your relay) I would DEFINITELY go back to making a list!