Recovery Day

By , April 5, 2011 6:16 am

I feel exhausted and tired and out of it and I shouldn’t. I’ve gotten in to the habit of taking a day off (recovery day) after returning from our trips to Iowa. This gives me a day to sleep in (theoretically) and catch up on chores and relax. We got home at midnight Sunday. I had my recovery day yesterday. Why am I still tired?

Maybe I partied too hard at the wedding?

Maybe it’s because I spent a large chunk of yesterday afternoon in bed with a headache?

Maybe one day just isn’t enough?

Whatever it is, I feel like I may be quiet (here) this week, but we’ll see. Whenever I say that, I never am. I do hope to catch up on emails and reading blogs, so as always, be prepared for all of my comments on “old” posts.

(Also, I don’t want to go in to many details, but we found out a family member has cancer a few weeks ago and they are having surgery this morning. The first time I saw the family member after the diagnosis was at the wedding and they looked awful and it broke my heart. I’m feeling a bit quiet and sad about that. And hopeful that everything goes well this morning.)

22 Responses to “Recovery Day”

  1. Victoria says:

    yay, you picked the purple dress! It looks great on you 🙂

    I’m sorry to hear about your family member. They are in my prayers.

  2. Christina says:

    Yea sometimes the stress and the craziness of all the excitement and the running around catches up with you. You look amazing in that dress!

    And i sm sending good thoughts to you and your family as they are dealing with cancer.

  3. bobbi says:

    🙁 sorry about your family member – I hope the surgery goes well…

    thanks for running with me yesterday, even though you weren’t feeling it. I hope you’re feeling better soon, and the “bla” passes quickly. take some quiet time if you need it 🙂

    • kilax says:

      The surgery did go well, thanks! Now he is just in intensive care for a few days.

      And you’re welcome. It was a treat to run with you!

  4. gina says:

    That dress looks amazing on you!

    Stay quiet and get your enegery back. I’m thinking of you!

    • kilax says:


      (Apparently I have a hard time staying quiet. I knew this would happen. I need you to come smack me and tell me to relax!!!)

  5. Jen says:

    Sorry to hear about your sick family member…I hope the surgery goes well.

    You look amazing in your purple dress! take care of yourself, you deserve it!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks. The surgery did go well and now he is on the mend.

      Thanks. And that is something I struggle with big time – taking care of myself. Meh. I should write a post on that.

  6. I’m sorry about your family member… I hope all is well. News like that can be very draining, so I’m not really surprised that you feel tired!!

    Love the dress, BTW; it looks great on you. 🙂

    <3 <3

  7. Erin says:

    Sometimes it just takes a while to get back into the swing of things. Especially after a high energy weekend like you had. Lots of ups and downs and now it’s back to regular life? Blech. It’s perfectly understandable to still be tired.

  8. Mica says:

    I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts today! Even if this relative looked ill, I imagine that it was uplifting to spend the weekend before surgery at your brother’s wedding. It must have been fun and distracting (in a good way) to spend time with family and friends, celebrating the marriage!

    Traveling ALWAYS takes a lot out of me. I think it just does that. Maybe more than one rest day is needed.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks. And thanks for being upbeat! This person did specifically put off the surgery so they could come to the wedding, so I bet that did make him feel better. And the surgery went well! Now he is just recovering in intensive care.

  9. sizzle says:

    You look like you’re having fun though!

    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and heart.

  10. Linzi says:

    I absolutely love this picture of you! You look so happy and that color is great on you!! Sounds like you had a blasty at the wedding!

  11. Amy says:

    I’m glad the surgery went well and I hope your relative has a smooth recovery. A cancer diagnosis is such a hard blow to take. We have had several in our family (both sides) in recent years and it is hard. Hoping it goes well.

  12. I am glad the surgery went well. I will think good thoughts for all of you. Cancer is no fun at all!

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