My next race is the Fools 5K on April 2nd.
Day 512 | March 14, 2011: yoga
Yay! I started my week off with yoga. I did the Yoga Works Beginners DVD and really pushed myself – my muscles felt sore (Or maybe they were just sore from Sunday’s race? Ha ha.)!
Day 513 | March 15, 2011: 5.25 m run (2x(4×400)) + strength class
400s sounded easy after running a 5K two days earlier. Ha. They started out easy. I was working hard and covered and sweat at the end!
I did a 1 mile warm-up (@6.5mph/9:14mm), the first 4×400 @7.8mph (7:42mm) with 1:30 recoveries (@6.5mph/9:14 mph), and a 2:30 recovery (@6.5mph/9:14 mph) between sets, the second 4×400 @8.0mph (7:30mm) with 1:30 recoveries (@6.5mph/9:14 mph), followed by a 1 mile cool-down (@6.5mph/9:14 mph).
Ugh. I think I have a callus forming on the left side of my left foot, where I land on it. And I don’t know what to do about it. It hurts sometimes. I am trying to land more in the middle of my foot and not so much on the outside, but it’s hard!
Distance: 5.25 | Time: 45:15 | Incline: 1.0
In the evening, I went to the Grayslake Running Club (GRC) strength class and played worked out with kettlebells for 45 minutes! It was fun! And intense. I was definitely walking funny the next day! And the next day… and the next day…
Day 514 | March 16, 2011: rest
Day 515 | March 17, 2011: 12.7 m run (4 + 8.7) + 2 m run
So. My sore legs – that damn kettlebell workout really got to me. In a “holy crap, have I really not been using those muscles?!” sort of way. I started off this long run with four slow miles in my neighborhood. I finally felt warmed up around mile 3.5.
Then I went to Grayslake to meet 3 people (at 5:15 am!) from the running club. We ran 4.5 miles, then about 7 more people showed up (at 6:00 am), and we ran another 4.2 miles (the bonus .7 miles was a cool-down). My legs felt really great when I was runinng with the club, and despite the wind, we were pretty speedy!
This was another long run where I felt like I could just keep going. I wanted to, but had to go back home and work. Oh well. Maybe next time I can keep going!
Run stats: I wore my orchid Asics Cumulus 12s. I wore bermudas and a long-sleeved wicking shirt (and gloves for the middle 4.5 miles). I stopped and took vanilla bean GUs at 4 and 8.5 miles and drank about 12 ounces of water.
Distance: 4.0 | Temp: 50° | Time: 39:10 | Avg Pace: 9:47 | 1: 9:50 | 2: 9:44 | 3: 9:47 | 4: 9:45
Distance: 8.7 | Temp: 49° | Time: 1:19:04 | Avg Pace: 9:05 | 1: 10:18 | 2: 8:57 | 3: 8:54 | 4: 9:12 | 5: 9:17 | 6: 8:56 | 7: 8:49 | 8: 8:26 | 9: 6:11
In the evening, I ran two miles with Steven! I miss running with him. We are running a race in Kansas City in April with his dad and brother, so maybe we will run together a bit more now.
Distance: 2.0 | Start Temp: 66° | End Temp: 66° | Time: 23:34| Avg Pace: 11:45 | 1: 11:11 | 2: 12:18
Day 516 | March 18, 2011: yoga
My legs were still killing me on Friday (from Tuesday’s kettlebell workout), so I did some yoga. It helped a little bit.
Day 517 | March 19, 2011: 8 m run
On Saturday’s run, I finally felt like the muscle soreness in my quads was going away. FINALLY!
The 8-miler was supposed to be a sort of tempo run (all 8 miles at 9:10 pace), but ended up being a slow mile, 6 miles near tempo, then a fast mile – for an average of 9:10. Ha ha. Oops. At least the pace felt nice and easy (which was a shock, considering I ate out the night before, and was very full when I woke up).
The funny thing about this run is that it was in the 20s, but I was in Iowa, and all I brought was capris. The capris worked fine, but at the beginning of winter, I would have been wearing tights if it was in the 20s! Ha. I will have to remember this when it starts getting cold again next fall.
Distance: 8.0 | Start Temp: 25° | End Temp: 27° | Time: 1:13:02 | Avg Pace: 9:07 | 1: 9:34 | 2: 9:16 | 3: 9:14 | 4: 9:07 | 5: 9:15 | 6: 9:10 | 7: 9:10 | 8: 8:10
Day 518 | March 20, 2011: rest
Week Summary: 27.95 miles
Well, I got my rest week! I feel laaazy! Oh well.