Bagel Quest
As you may recall, our favorite food from our culinary trip to NYC was the bagels. Simple, awesome, bagels. I fear that Steven and I will be haunted by those bagels for life – how will we ever find any as awesome? We can’t rely on Gina and Steve to send them to us all the time (can we? CAN WE?!?!!??!).
Steven and I were discussing this dilemma and came to the conclusion that we have not tried many bagels in the Chicagoland area, especially from small bakeries. It’s time to get out there. It’s a tough challenge, but we’re up to it!
Let the bagel quest begin.
First stop? New York City Bagel Deli.
Funny thing – I walk by this place every morning I go in to the office, and never thought twice about it. I went in this morning and was honest about why I was there.
I told the cashier I just got back from NYC and wanted to see how their bagels compare. He told me (in a NYC accent?) that their store has the only “NYC” bagels in Chicago. I told him my NYC friends were skeptical, because NYC Bagel Deli doesn’t use NYC water to make the bagels*. He told me it’s expensive, but they import the water from Long Island. Ha ha ha.
So I bought three to try – poppy, sesame and cinnamon raisin – the same ones Gina and Steve sent us last week!
We actually still have a cinnamon raisin one at home to compare the one I bought today to! Just from the look and feel of these though, I don’t think there is going to be much to compare. They are smaller and firmer. We’ll see… the quest may have to continue…
Who makes your favorite bagels? Which place should we try next?
And please don’t say Dunkin’ Donuts. Yuck. I bought one of their bagels in December and it was so dry and hard I took one bite and threw it away. And I do not throw food away!
*Gina says the myth is that the NYC water is what makes the NYC bagels so good.
There is nothing like a super doughy bagel! I don’t understand why people scoop out the insides to save calories…. If I’m eating a bagel I’m eating it because of the doughy middle!
Anxiously awaiting your tast report. Steven’s too. We could be your bagel middle men, but we’re expensive. Muhahaha.
How much?
We are going to do the taste comparison tonight! I am guessing the old NYC bagel will win
I like Panera bagels. Is that weird?
I like Panera too, but have NO idea how they compare to NYC…it’s been way too long since I had a true NYC bagel…
No, I think I had one a few months ago and thought it was good! We will probably give them a try!
Ick- Dunkin Donuts bagels are the worst. I would rather have Thomas’s from the grocery store. NYC bagels are the best- when I visit my friend in Long Island we always make sure to grab some
I was told there is a “real” bagel place staffed by old Jewish people in Lincolnwood. Never tried it but, then again, I don’t think I’ve ever had a “real” bagel so I don’t know what I’m missing.
i think i could literally live on bagels. I love them. i don’t think there is anything quite like an NYC bagel. i do like Einsteins plain bagels though, in a pinch.
I don’t eat bagels too often and I guess I’m not terribly picky about them. Looking forward to hear about your bagel quest though. Good luck!
A few other options:
-Bagels on Damen (Wicker Park, and another in Roscoe?)
-Chicago Bagel Authority – Lincoln Park, Armitage Ave
I haven’t done an official bagel challenge, only eat them when I’m craving a bagel – and missing them so much! I liked the Bagel Authority though… maybe it was the winter
Thanks for the recommendations! Will I be able to pick one up there when we finally go on our hot yoga date?!
I am surprised Steven hasn’t tried to make them yet. He’s always so adventerous when it comes to that kind of stuff. The kids and I made bagels once before but I think I let them help a little too much and they didn’t turn out great. You have made me curious though, and I might give it a try again.
We actually have a recipe a friend gave us (I think from one of the Reinhart (sp?)) books that we have been meaning to try. Steven said he is warming up to the idea of it!
I’ve definitely taken to eating my fair share of bagels here in NYC…so easy and delicious, with about eight million options for cream cheese. I hope you find some good ones in Illinois!
It is very much the water, same reason why the pizza dough is different. I miss the NYC bagels. But one place in the city that has very good bagels that are close to the NYC ones is a store called Bean’s in Bagels. They are on the Northside one on Rockwell and the second location on Montrose.
You are making me miss my deli, which was the one that was downstairs of my building when I worked in NYC!
I’m in love with Panera’s Cinnamon Crunch bagels with hazelnut cream cheese.