Training Week 72

By , March 6, 2011 11:02 am

My next race is the Rotary Shamrock Shuffle (5K) on March 13th.

Day 498 | February 28, 2011: cross

Ugh. On Monday morning I woke up at 2:30 to use the bathroom and couldn’t fall back asleep so I got up. And stayed up. Needless to say, I was very tired most of the day and felt like I could fall asleep on the bike! Maybe I should have taken a nap instead of worked out during my lunch break!

Recumbent Bike Time: 45:00 | Distance: 7.62 | Set on “Manual,” Resistance Level 5.0

Day 499 | March 1, 2011: 5 m run + strength class

I ran 5 slow and easy “recovery” miles in the morning before work.

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 22° | End Temp: 16° | Time: 50:05 | Avg Pace: 10:00 | 1: 10:24 | 2: 10:02 | 3: 10:13 | 4: 9:42 | 5: 9:40

In the evening, I attended a group workout session with 6 other Grayslake Running Club members. The session was run by Essential Fitness, but we did the workout in one of the club member’s basements. The workout was about 45 minutes of a lot of dynamic movements with weights – running in place, knee highs, squats, forward and side lunges, crunches, pushups, tricep work, deadlifts, and so on, followed by stretching. Needless to say, I loved the workout and am excited for the next session!

Day 500 | March 2, 2011: yoga

I did the YogaWorks Beginners DVD – first time in a long time! My neck was sore, maybe from the workout the night before? My legs were sore all day too, from those deadlifts.

Day 501 | March 3, 2011: 7.2 m run + strength

I ran before work with a few Grayslake Running Club members (3 of us met at 5:00 and 2 others joined at 5:30). My legs were still store from those damn deadlifts, but the run felt easy, otherwise.

I know I’ve said this before, but it’s truly amazing how fast running flies by when I am with friends!

Distance: 7.2 | Start Temp: 29° | End Temp: 30° | Time: 1:06:46 | Avg Pace: 9:15 | 1: 9:46 | 2: 9:03 | 3: 9:17 | 4: 9:27 | 5: 9:02 | 6: 8:58 | 7: 9:18 | 8: 1:52

In the evening Steven and I did Level II of The Thirty Day Shred. Ouch. What is with all of the plank moves? They hurt my hips.

Day 502 | March 4, 2011: 12.9 m run

I met up with a few Grayslake Running Club members for my long run. It was pouring rain when we started, but the rain let off after a few miles and turned out to be a nice temperature for running!

Have you ever run in the pouring rain?

We ran all over Grayslake, which was fun for me, because I am not very familiar with the town yet.

I had a great time running and participating in the conversation, but I started to fall apart at mile 8 (when two of the other runners left and it was just me and one other person). My legs were tired (damn deadlifts!) and my pants were still heavy and wet. My last two miles were my slowest. Darn! During most of the run, I had the Garmin covered and didn’t even see my pace. I wonder if that is a better technique for me – forget the pace and just run. Seeing how slow I was running the last two miles was frustrating.

But the goods news is, I had a very special snack waiting at home for me – bagels from NYC! Gina and Steve sent them to us. They aren’t lasting very long in our house!

The Squirmle is just a toy they sent with, not necessary for bagel consumption but fun to use to tease Data!

Run stats: I wore my orchid Asics Cumulus 12s. I wore capris, a short-sleeved top, a “rain-proof” jacket, and gloves. I took the gloves off at mile 3 because they were soaked. We would stop every few miles to drink water. I had a Vanilla Bean GU at mile 4, a packet of Honey Stingers at mile 8ish (YUM!) and drink about 12 oz. of water.

Distance: 12.9 | Start Temp: 37° | End Temp: 46° | Time: 1:58:31 | Avg Pace: 9:11 | 1: 8:45 | 2: 9:15 | 3: 9:12 | 4: 9:09 | 5: 8:59 | 6: 9:07 | 7: 9:10 | 8: 9:15 | 9: 9:07 | 10: 9:02 | 11: 9:12 | 12: 9:35 | 13: 8:36

Day 503 | March 5, 2011: strength

Steven and I did Level 2 of The 30 Day Shred. It was just as hard as on Thursday!

Day 504 | March 6, 2011: 6.15 m run

In the morning I met 6 other Grayslake Running Club members for a quick run. It was exactly what I needed to get my mind off of my frustrating morning. My breathing was off for the first 3 miles or so, but then I figured it out and felt really good.

Distance: 6.15 | Start Temp: 25° | End Temp: 29° | Time: 52:20 | Avg Pace: 8:30 | 1: 8:39 | 2: 8:40 | 3: 8:19 | 4: 8:21 | 5: 8:25 | 6: 8:39 | 7: 1:14

Week Summary: 31.25 miles

Wow! This is my highest mileage week this year! Pretty cool!

I need to work harder on fitting in yoga and stretching though. It’s not my favorite thing so I get pretty lazy about it. I am going to pick up that yoga package I won later today – maybe that will encourage me!

9 Responses to “Training Week 72”

  1. Mica says:

    …What is a Squirmle? Did you answer this already ? Is it something bagel-related?

    I could use an NYC bagel right now. We don’t have any good bagel places down here. So sad.

    • kilax says:

      Hee hee, when we were in NYC, we were in some tourist shop with our friends and saw a video advertising Squirmles! In the video, the Squirmle moves on its own and does all of these tricks. Our friends sent it to us a joke, and we thought it really moved on its own… NOPE! It has a little string and YOU move it around. Ha ha. Data really likes it 🙂 (watch the vid and you will see why we thought it moved on it’s own –

      Steven and I are going to search for good bagels out here now! 🙂

  2. Kandi says:

    I ran in the pouring ran the other day! We only did 4 miles but it was also a tornado watch. We got lucky and it was only rain though. We stayed close to work in case we needed to run back quickly.
    You are getting really fast! I did a quick 5 miler the other day and had an 8:45 pace. I was pretty proud of that pace.

    • kilax says:

      I cannot believe you are already having tornado watches there!

      Wow! 8:45 is awesome!!!! 🙂

  3. Erin says:

    Whoa. Another amazing week in the books. GRC is fast just like my running club! Although, you don’t slack when you run with them like I do when I run with mine 🙂 Speaking of slacking, this post is making me feel like a lazy bum because I ended up not running at all this weekend. I wimped out ’cause of the rain on Saturday morning.

    • kilax says:

      Ugh, was the rain horrible there too? It was pouring when I ran on Friday… but still not as bad as the 20 miler!

      You will run with the club tomorrow, right? 🙂

  4. Jen says:

    Wowzas! You are a running fool! 😉

  5. Amy says:

    Whoa! big week! and it sounds like you are really enjoying your running club – good for you!
    I am scared to try level 2 of the shred…

  6. J says:

    YAY! We both hit 31 miles this week! Nice job! i need to get back into yoga too – I just get really busy and cross training goes out the window!

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