Friday Question #151

By , March 4, 2011 1:51 pm

Are you similar or vastly different in personality to your parents? Which traits do you share/not share?

If you have children, which of your personality traits do you notice in them?

During my morning run yesterday, one of the runners mentioned how his older daughter is just like him. He sounded somewhat concerned! I think he mentioned how she has a hard time making decisions (gets frustrated by it) and he does too.

So, how are you similar to your parents (or whoever raised you)?

Dad, Mom and me.

Me and my dad:

I am similar to my dad in the sense that I have short temper, am impatient, stubborn and get easily frustrated (sorry dad, that made you sound awful). We also both like to pick at things. But like him, I am also very willing to help friends/family when they need something. I’ve noticed my siblings are like this too. I am also independent like my dad, and like to travel and explore new things like he does. And I share a similar need for speed. Ha.

My dad is somewhat quiet, and I am not quiet at all. He is also very talented on working on cars, can fix anything, and is skilled at building things. I also do not share those skills!

Me and my mom:

I am similar to my mom in the sense that I am giving, constantly thinking of other people, very compulsive, and always spilling food on myself. She is game for trying anything, and I am too. She is usually in a good mood, and I like to think I am too. She is outgoing, and I am too. We never know when to shut up. We both love to have fun!

Here is where we are different – she will drop anything for anyone, and I don’t always. AND, she rarely thinks anything bad of anyone and is super nice to everyone. Again – I am not super nice and have plenty of judgmental thoughts.

Hmm, I wonder what my parents think of this. Ha ha!

Side note: Sorry I left the nasty oatmeal picture up for so long! It’s been a rough week and I couldn’t think of anything to blog about.

22 Responses to “Friday Question #151”

  1. diane says:

    My parents both have very good/weird senses of humor and I definitely inherited that! My dad is very laid back and my mom is very anxious…guess which one I inherited? (luckily my tendency seems to be to hook up with laid back men, so that’s good!) My mom is super talkative, and I have that characteristic as well. Both of my parents are very warm, affectionate, and giving people and I like to think I inherited that too. My dad tends to err more on the side of letting people walk all over him, which I do too. My mom doesn’t have a lot of friends, but my dad does and makes friends with everyone. I’m like my dad that way too.
    The only major difference is that my parents are a lot more conservative than me–especially my mom. She would love me to marry a Republican but that is NOT going to happen! :p
    (sorry for the novel, I should have just made my own blog post!)

    • kilax says:

      I like the novel!

      Oh gosh, I didn’t even get in to politics! Ha ha.

      I love how easily you make friends. I think that is an awesome characteristic.

  2. gina says:

    I’ll have to give this some more thought, but I think I tend to be more like my Dad. I get his corny sense of humor from him, and his stubborness from him, but it’s a more milder form of stubborness. I didn’t inherit any of my mom’s craftiness or artistic skills, boo.

    You spill food on yourself?! Haha, still remembering The Great Strawberry Explosion of 2011. HAHAHA! Don’t worry, I eat all over myself, too. I have since I was little.

    • kilax says:

      I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sense of humor. You are so much fun.

      HA HA HA. I am actually wearing that top today! Thanks for cleaning it for me 🙂

  3. Jen says:

    Hahahah – that’s funny that you mentioned your ugly oatmeal. 🙂

    I’m alot like my mom but I think my biological dad’s blood is in me a little. I have some of his traits even though I didn’t grow up with him. I also share some of my step-dad’s traits. I’m a mixture of 3 people!

  4. bobbi says:

    I could write a book on this question alone. My parents are very different, which is mostly what keeps them from killing each other – their differences make them compatable. My Dad is a shy pleaser with a sweet tooth who says what pops into his mouth before he actually considers the affects. I am SO SO much like him. My mom is very career driven and rather selfish, although she’d deny it. My sister is SO much like her. All that said, we all get along very well usually.

    My oldest daughter is so much like me it makes me cringe at times. I can remember being her as a middle school kid. It helps, becuase often I understand exactly where she’s coming from. But she is so much braver and confident than I was as a middle schooler. Which will only help her I think.

  5. Susan says:

    I’m a lot like my mom…I have the build from her side of the family, and my mom always tells me that I remind her of herself when she was younger. I think my mom is awesome sooo fine by me! It’s funny because I always think of my mom as a really outgoing person, but she always tells me how scary it was when she went to her first PTA meeting…she walked out because she was too nervous to be around so many new people, which is just how I am.

    I get my sense of humor from my dad. 🙂

    The more I see my brother and sister, they more I realize how alike they really are…which is odd since it definitely wasn’t like that when we were younger. Not sure where it came from, however.

  6. Kandi says:

    I’m calm and patient like my mom most of the time and I gained her witty sense of humor. I can sometimes be stubborn like my dad but I’m learning to let go more. I have a knack for numbers like my dad (but sometimes in a different way) and I often analyze things a lot before making decisions just like my dad.

  7. Stephany says:

    I hope everything is OK!

    I am so like my mom, it’s a little ridiculous. We have so many of the same nuances, likes and dislikes, and personality traits. We finish each other’s sentences and usually, can always tell what each other is thinking. I swear we’re sometimes more like an old, married couple than mother & daughter! 😉

  8. Kate says:

    I have actually been thinking about this very topic lately! I definitely share some traits with my mom — we both speak our mind, are always thinking about the people we love and have pretty nasty tempers once someone pushes us too far. But I’m also really different from her. I didn’t spend much time with my dad’s family until the last five years. I’ve been realizing more and more how much I am like him and his side of the family. We tend to like time to ourselves, are pretty cerebral, tease people to show we love them and have a strong interest in music (playing instruments, singing and that sort of thing). My dad and I also share a love of travel — he was a flight engineer most of his adult career and has seen the world — and spicy food.

  9. Holly says:

    ha! I am definitely like my mom in that I spill food on myself, too. Is that just a female thing??

    Gosh…this is hard for me. My parents’ personalities are so different! My dad is very outgoing (I think I kind of am), kind (totally me, hahaha), and a “go go go” person. He gets cranky when he can’t run —-> I am SO his daughter. But I’m also like my mom in that sometimes I get social anxiety when I’m forced to be around a lot of people I don’t know. I also am very sensitive….I don’t know which parent I get that from!

  10. I’m like my dad. Super stubborn, will not let someone treat me poorly, will standup for myself, and I also will give you the shirt off my back as long as I like you. I’m not like my mom at all, our personalities are vastly different.

  11. Kate says:

    This is so interesting. I’m like my dad was in that I love to read and can be pretty oblivious when focused on my own stuff. I’m like my mom in that I tend toward depression, waiting on things to happen for me, and feeling sorry for myself; but recognizing those things makes me determined to ward them off, so some of the things I do are expressly because they AREN’T what my mom would do, even though they might make me uncomfortable. On the plus side, I’m a very welcoming hostess, as is my mom.

    My kids are much like me, but often the ways I recognize are the negative ways! At the same time, they’re very much their own people.

  12. Adam says:

    I am back in ia this weekend and realized I am totally like my dad. And that is a good thing I think

  13. martymankins says:

    I think I have some of my mom in me, but we were quite different in many ways.

    As for my daughter, she inherited my way of walking. I’ve been told I walk like a penguin and so does she. It’s uncanny to many when they see us together.

  14. Mica says:

    I used to think that I was a lot like my parents, but I’m starting to realize that I’m not. I mean, I have superficial similarities which I can obviously trace to the value systems that they instilled in me (Used cars > New cars!). It is actually a weird issue (not weird in an awkward, uncomfortable way) for me because I wonder how much of personality is nature vs. nurture. Once I can talk to my birth mom more, I want to see how we are similar. Though when we were in Korea, we determined that she is a lot more patient than I am. At one point, her car GPS was refusing to accept the input that she was giving it, and she patiently tried and tried until it worked. Harrison noted that I, by contrast, would have had a temper tantrum and thrown it out the window.

    • kilax says:

      I would love to hear more about what you find out! Because I wonder the same thing – nature vs. nurture.

      I wish I had inherited my mom’s patience! I am the most impatient person EVER!

      Any ideas on your next Korea trip?

      • kilax says:

        Oh gosh. I totally know what you are talking about. Awhile ago, I saw on the cover “quit bingeing for good” (since I have binge-eating problems) then it was so article about the progress of weight loss that three women featured in the magazine were making. Huh? And another time, I saw a similar title like that and it referred to a page of snack ideas.

        And it often is some small blurb that they are referencing. It’s so dumb.

        I actually like SELF though! I am anxious to hear what you think.

  15. I think I take after YOUR mom more than my own parents! I do think I am like my dad a tiny bit in that I have almost no patience for people that don’t want to take care of themselves or work to make whatever they are complaining about better. I am different because I am frustrated because I care and don’t want them to be hurting, not because I don’t like weakness in people (like my dad).

    My kids all take after me in different ways. In my boys I see a lot of the “bad” things from my childhood..crazy vivid imagination that makes them scared of their bedroom, lost in making up stories all the time and other things like that, and in my girls, especially the long haired one, I see the good stuff that is going to make her life hard in middle school. Girls always frustrated me because why do they have to be so mean???? I always hung out with boys because I just didn’t get the girls meanness. She’s also super sensitive and cries easily and gets her feelings hurt. She is always doing thoughtful things for other people and often puts other people before her. That is exactly me, even though it isn’t always the best thing. But she’s also happy almost all the time and has an infectious happiness and love that spreads to everyone around her.

    • kilax says:

      You are too sweet. I am going to have to tell my mom you said that.

      Why are girls so mean in school? When I hear about school now, I remember how awful it is and am just happy I made it through. Your kids will do wonderfully because you are such a great mom 🙂

  16. Erin says:

    My mom thinks I’m like my dad. I think I’m like my mom 🙂 Actually, I think one of the reasons my dad and I aren’t close is because we are TOO much alike.

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