Guess who Gina and I said hello to (and he said “hey” back) at the Borders by Columbus Circle?
I saw his stand-up routine with Steven and my parents in September of 2008. Totally hilarious.
Have you ever run in to a celebrity?
I ran in to Tony Hawk in Chicago a few years ago, and saw one of the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy stars in NYC in 2005.
Ha, awesome stalker photo!
I once saw Ice-T and his wife Coco at the Omaha airport (in 2006?) – I went through security right next to them. Was kinda totally in shock because they were such characters (between all of, well, her in a white, semi-transparent pant suit and 6″ heels and him with the voice, braided rat-tail, and the best purple alligator skin shoes I’ve ever seen). I didn’t say anything because I figured they get bothered enough, but was within inches.
Ha! That is awesome! I guess they weren’t worried about drawing attention to themselves
All I have to say is OMG.
Still waiting for a celeb spotting bigger than Kevin Dillon. Although I still can’t believe that I met him and he had his arm around me… even if just for 5 seconds!
Way cool!
Do you know, I work off of Columbus Circle and am there nearly every day and I’ve never seen a celebrity over there? No justice!!
I still think it is so bizarre that I ran in to him!
I am sorry we did not meet up. We were with our friends all weekend. I thought of you Sunday morning when I was running. How was your race?!
Laura and I ran into Roger Daltrey from The Who in London’s Hyde Park. We was walking through the park and he was there filming a piece for the BBC with a director and camera guy.
Aw, man, that’s a good one!
At first I thought that was a picture of Dennis Hopper, which wouldn’t make sense because he’s dead.
I sold movie tickets to one of the guys in ZZ Top.
That is so cool!!!! I can’t wait to see your pictures of NYC!!!
I am going to put up some of the food pics tomorrow and will have to do a little FB album (make public) to show you.
We thought of you a lot this weekend!
I will never doubt you again.
Ha. And I will try to be more calm the next time
Cool! I think if I ever ran into a celebrity I wouldn’t even know that I did because I have no idea what anyone looks like or who anyone is.
My husband met the singer of a band once in the elevator of a hotel he was staying at…it was a popular group, I just can’t think of the name.
Wow. Robin Williams is a pretty cool sighting.
Back when he was funny, my (now) ex-wife and I met and talked with Jay Leno at a book signing in San Diego. I think that was in 1992.
For a time in the mid to late 90’s, I did a lot of music writing and did some IT work for a local alternative radio station and was able to meet Howard Jones and had a nice sit down with him.
Since then, quite a few other musicians that my daughter and I have met after their respective shows.
Ha, I like the “when he was funny” disclaimer
OMG!! I would have peed myself.
I met Depeche Mode at a Nitzer Ebb gig in London in around 1991 ish. I was floored because DM are my favorite band and to see them in the audience just feet away from me was awesome. They were at the bar afterwards so I spoke to them for a while and got their autographs. Yep, total fanboy me.
Whoa! That is AWESOME!!! I would have been totally geeking out if I was a huge fan
wow, that is a great one! i haven’t had anything that exciting at all! i saw Adam Carolla at LAX and then I met Sheryl Crow, but it wasn’t in a random setting at all…how exciting!
He looks homeless!
Oh my gosh! I LOVE Robin! It’s so funny and strange that I forget celebs do everyday things, too…like go to bookstores.
Peyton Manning? I’ve never had a movie star/singer celeb sighting, though. I am pretty sure I would freeze and be unable to speak.
That is sooo cool! Totally random, but I was hiking down a volcano in Guatemala a few summers ago and guess who was walking right up past me… Julia Stiles. It was so crazy. I just kept looking at her like “gosh she is so familiar” and didn’t even realize who she was until she was already gone.
Ha! That is too funny that you could not figure out why she looked familiar
I don’t think I’ve had any celebrity sitings. It is funny though if I go out to lunch with coworkers sometimes… and they point out politicians… and I have no idea who they are talking about. hehe.
That’s awesome! I once saw Leah Remini and her daughter in an airport. Flights were running late so I played with her daughter. I think that’s about it.lol.
I saw Bono in Dublin. He was walking toward us with his cell phone to his ear while I was waiting for a bus across from St. Stephen’s Green. My Irish friend said Hey Bono but he, of course, didn’t respond back.