
By , February 20, 2011 8:15 pm

Guess who Gina and I said hello to (and he said “hey” back) at the Borders by Columbus Circle?

I saw his stand-up routine with Steven and my parents in September of 2008. Totally hilarious.

Have you ever run in to a celebrity?

I ran in to Tony Hawk in Chicago a few years ago, and saw one of the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy stars in NYC in 2005.

28 Responses to “Celebrity”

  1. RunningLaur says:

    Ha, awesome stalker photo!

    I once saw Ice-T and his wife Coco at the Omaha airport (in 2006?) – I went through security right next to them. Was kinda totally in shock because they were such characters (between all of, well, her in a white, semi-transparent pant suit and 6″ heels and him with the voice, braided rat-tail, and the best purple alligator skin shoes I’ve ever seen). I didn’t say anything because I figured they get bothered enough, but was within inches.

  2. All I have to say is OMG.

    Still waiting for a celeb spotting bigger than Kevin Dillon. Although I still can’t believe that I met him and he had his arm around me… even if just for 5 seconds!

  3. Christina says:

    Way cool!

  4. Tracy says:

    Do you know, I work off of Columbus Circle and am there nearly every day and I’ve never seen a celebrity over there? No justice!!

    • kilax says:

      I still think it is so bizarre that I ran in to him!

      I am sorry we did not meet up. We were with our friends all weekend. I thought of you Sunday morning when I was running. How was your race?! 🙂

  5. Ian says:

    Laura and I ran into Roger Daltrey from The Who in London’s Hyde Park. We was walking through the park and he was there filming a piece for the BBC with a director and camera guy.

  6. ChezJulie says:

    At first I thought that was a picture of Dennis Hopper, which wouldn’t make sense because he’s dead.

    I sold movie tickets to one of the guys in ZZ Top.

  7. That is so cool!!!! I can’t wait to see your pictures of NYC!!!

    • kilax says:

      I am going to put up some of the food pics tomorrow and will have to do a little FB album (make public) to show you.

      We thought of you a lot this weekend! 🙂

  8. Gina/Mannyed says:

    I will never doubt you again.

  9. Cool! I think if I ever ran into a celebrity I wouldn’t even know that I did because I have no idea what anyone looks like or who anyone is.

    My husband met the singer of a band once in the elevator of a hotel he was staying at…it was a popular group, I just can’t think of the name.

  10. martymankins says:

    Wow. Robin Williams is a pretty cool sighting.

    Back when he was funny, my (now) ex-wife and I met and talked with Jay Leno at a book signing in San Diego. I think that was in 1992.

    For a time in the mid to late 90’s, I did a lot of music writing and did some IT work for a local alternative radio station and was able to meet Howard Jones and had a nice sit down with him.

    Since then, quite a few other musicians that my daughter and I have met after their respective shows.

  11. OMG!! I would have peed myself. 🙂

  12. I met Depeche Mode at a Nitzer Ebb gig in London in around 1991 ish. I was floored because DM are my favorite band and to see them in the audience just feet away from me was awesome. They were at the bar afterwards so I spoke to them for a while and got their autographs. Yep, total fanboy me.

  13. cher says:

    wow, that is a great one! i haven’t had anything that exciting at all! i saw Adam Carolla at LAX and then I met Sheryl Crow, but it wasn’t in a random setting at all…how exciting!

  14. Etta says:

    He looks homeless!

  15. Holly says:

    Oh my gosh! I LOVE Robin! It’s so funny and strange that I forget celebs do everyday things, too…like go to bookstores.

    Peyton Manning? I’ve never had a movie star/singer celeb sighting, though. I am pretty sure I would freeze and be unable to speak.

  16. That is sooo cool! Totally random, but I was hiking down a volcano in Guatemala a few summers ago and guess who was walking right up past me… Julia Stiles. It was so crazy. I just kept looking at her like “gosh she is so familiar” and didn’t even realize who she was until she was already gone.

  17. Kandi says:

    I don’t think I’ve had any celebrity sitings. It is funny though if I go out to lunch with coworkers sometimes… and they point out politicians… and I have no idea who they are talking about. hehe.

  18. Bethany says:

    That’s awesome! I once saw Leah Remini and her daughter in an airport. Flights were running late so I played with her daughter. I think that’s about it.lol.

  19. Lindsay says:

    I saw Bono in Dublin. He was walking toward us with his cell phone to his ear while I was waiting for a bus across from St. Stephen’s Green. My Irish friend said Hey Bono but he, of course, didn’t respond back.

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