Training Week 69

By , February 13, 2011 6:18 pm

My next race is the Frosty Footrace (5K) on February 27th.

Day 477 | February 7, 2011: strength

Level 1 of The 30 Day Shred with Steven.

Day 478 | February 8, 2011: 4.5 m run (6x400s) + yoga

More 400s. I think next week I will venture in to 800s or ladder workouts.

1st 400 @ 7.0mph/8:34mm 4th 400 @ 7.3mph/8:13mm
2nd 400 @ 7.1mph/8:27mm 5th 400 @ 7.4mph/8:06mm
3rd 400 @ 7.2mph/8:20mm 6th 400 @ 7.5mph/8:00mm

I did a 1-mile warm-up (@6.3mph/9:31mm), 6×400 with 2:00 minutes of recovery (@6.3mph/9:31mm), then a 1-mile cool-down (@6.3mph/9:31mm). The workout was challenging, but in a good way. I really pumped my arms during those last two 400s to help keep up the momentum!

Distance: 4.5 | Time: 41:04 | Incline: 1.0

I did the YogaWorks Beginners DVD in the evening while Steven made dinner. I definitely think Steven will be in the running for the Awesome Husband of the Year award!

Day 479 | February 9, 2011: cross + strength

I was really hoping riding the bike during lunch would help with some work stress, but it was all waiting for me when I got back to my desk. Boo. At least I took a lunch break!

Bike Time: 45:00 | Distance: 8.61 | Set on “Manual,”  Resistance Level 5.0

Getting home and doing Level 1 of The 30 Day Shred did seem to help me de-stress. A bit.

Day 480 | February 10, 2011: rest

Day 481 | February 11, 2011: strength + 5.1 m run (tempo)

During my lunch break, Steven and I did Level 1 of The 30 Day Shred.

After work, I was ready to run. What a stressful week I had. Blah.

I thought Data was going to run with me, but he chickened out, so I went on my own.

My goal was a 1-mile warm-up, 3 miles at 9:00mm, and an 1-mile cool-down. I ended up with 9:08, 8:39, and 8:22 – good enough for me! The fast miles felt good. I remembered to pump my arms, like I did during my speedwork earlier in the week.

Aww, cat paw marks!

Distance: 5.1 | Start Temp: 22° | End Temp: 22° | Time: 46:14 | Avg Pace: 9:04 | 1: 9:31 | 2: 9:08 | 3: 8:39 | 4: 8:22 | 5: 9:27 | 6: 0:55

Day 482 | February 12, 2011: 12.35 m run (3 + 9.35) + yoga

Saturday was another social run with the Grayslake Running Club. Everyone met to run, take a club photo, then eat pancakes to support the Grayslake Youth Baseball Association (we met at the Grayslake Fire Department because the pancake social was there).

Photo Credit: Matt Huber

Look at how many people showed up!!! Do you see me?

I started by running 3 miles at home, because I knew I wouldn’t get all 12 in with the club. After running my 3 (in the dark with a headlamp) I drove to Grayslake and met up with the “early” running crew. There were three waves of runners, at 7:00 am, 7:30 am, and 8:00 am. After running loops, we ran back to the starting point so more people could join.

Photo Credit: Matt Huber

Back at the start for the second wave

I had so much fun. The run felt awesome and flew by. I was full of energy, loved being around so many people, and having so many different conversations! And I kept up my pace up pretty good with the club (averaged 9:33mm for the last 9.35 miles) – another benefit of being in the club!

And Bobbi joined us! I didn’t have a chance to run with her (my group came back to late to the starting point), but we got to chat afterward.  Runs like this remind me why I love running so much! And reminds me of a link I wanted to share – The Running Peanut‘s post this week on why she loves to run with a group – check it out here.

Photo Credit: Matt Huber

Bobbi and me chatting it up with another club member!

Later in the afternoon, I did the YogaWorks Beginners DVD. I really feel like I am becoming more flexible!

Distance: 3.0 | Start Temp: 29° | End Temp: 23° | Time: 30:15 | Avg Pace: 10:04 | 1: 10:13 | 2: 10:00 | 3: 9:59
Distance: 9.35 | Start Temp: 23° | End Temp: 27° | Time: 1:29:18 | Avg Pace: 9:33 | 1: 9:41 | 2: 9:37 | 3: 9:53 | 4: 9:39 | 5: 9:22 | 6: 9:18 | 7: 9:23 | 8: 9:20 | 9: 9:37 | 10: 3:23

Day 483 | February 13, 2011: 3 m run + cross

Originally, Sunday was going to be a rest day (if you don’t count walking around the Chicago Auto Show with Steven and Erin and her husband). I just felt tired all day. But it was so nice out – in the 40s!!! – that I had to get a run in. So I ran 3 miles, then Steven and I walked 1.6 miles together.

Distance: 3.0 | Start Temp: 43° | End Temp: 43° | Time: 26:10 | Avg Pace: 8:41 | 1: 9:06 | 2: 8:39 | 3: 8:21
Distance: 1.6 | Start Temp: 43° | End Temp: 43° | Time: 28:55 | Avg Pace: 18:04

Week Summary: 24.95 miles

This was a good week, running-wise! I cannot remember the last time I got in three quality workouts (speed, tempo and long-run). I wish every week worked out that nicely!

The paces I hit this week make me think I might be able to break my half marathon PR, but we’ll see. I’d rather run injury-free than worry about breaking my PR, so I am going to be careful about how much I think over it.

12 Responses to “Training Week 69”

  1. J says:

    Great job on the week! You ran a lot of great miles! The 400 workouts are my favorite! I love how you got faster on each one! Well done! You racked up some great mileage for this week! Keep it up!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks J! You’ve been inspiring me to run more than one day and a row – and to push it 😉 I did your method – run yesterday morning/today in the afternoon.

  2. Kandi says:

    Awwww, Data paw prints in the snow! Too cute. He didn’t seem to mind the snow as much as Sully does. Maybe he’s used to it from being a Chicago cat?
    Great week of workouts for you! I didn’t do as many miles as you but I had a great week of workouts too. I think it was the nicer weather. It’s supposed to be beautiful all week too so I know I’ll be getting out this week too.. until I go to FL at the end of the week at least.

    • kilax says:

      Ha. Data only lasted out in the snow for a little bit!

      I still need to read your report of the race you did this weekend! And, yay FL!!!

  3. Isn’t running with a group so great? I hope you’re getting friendly with people 🙂 that’s my big reason for doing group running!

  4. bobbi says:

    I was also going to ask how Data likes the snow…I find kitty paw prints around my house all the time, and it always makes me smile.

    It was so nice to see you yesterday! I think I’m really going to enjoy having the club to run with. Your paces lately have been FANTASTIC! Mine are creeping faster too. It’s fun to see that progression…

    • kilax says:

      Ha. Data does not care for the snow that much, but this morning he wanted to go outside when I lef the house!

      I am happy your paces are getting faster! Are you going to run with the club this week at all? I may do one of the Thursday morning runs.

  5. Erin says:

    What a great week! I’m totally jealous of those paces you were running.

  6. Amy says:

    Whoa, you had a great week! But I am with Data – brrrr!

  7. Awwww!!!! Data’s snow paw prints!!!! We actually had a few of those over the last few weeks, something I had never ever seen before down here!!! I love that picture!!!

  8. ChezJulie says:

    Data paw prints! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    And no, I couldn’t see you in the picture. 😉

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