Too many bags

By , February 7, 2011 5:46 am

Geez, am I moving in to my office or something?

Thanks for telling me how crazy my hair looked, Steven!

People in my office give me crap about how much stuff I carry to work (I work 50 miles from my house). The messenger bag has my netbook, water and other random stuff in it (tissues, a back-up snack, pens, sometimes a neck pillow, other reading material). The green bag has my lunch and workout clothes in it. And the laptop bag has my work laptop in it (bring it home at the end of the week, return it on Monday). All essential items! Sometimes, when I am lucky, I can leave the green bag behind and just carry my lunch bag with the messenger bag.

No wonder my neck is often sore.

But I like to bring my lunch! And workout at the office gym! And sometimes sleep with my neck pillow on the train! So I don’t mind killing my neck/shoulders and looking like a huge dork all the time… for now.

What do you schlep to work/school/all over?

The funny thing is, I almost never have my wallet on me, and on the weekends, only carry my phone (unless I am driving somewhere by myself). I don’t really carry a purse!

28 Responses to “Too many bags”

  1. Felicia says:

    I am the same! I look like I am moving in and out of my office daily. I carry a bag that has my laptop, workout clothes, tennis shoes, and books/pen/notebook in it. Then I have my lunch box that has my “cold” lunch items and snacks. Then on restock days I have my target bag with cereal, crackers, bread, and chips. I get crap too LOL

  2. Shannon says:

    You have quite a commute. If I couldn’t forget anything at home I would be packing just as much. sometimes when I take the baby out, I feel like I’m carrying just as much!

  3. Christina says:

    Wow! I take my laptop bag with my notebook and work calendar, my purse which has my kindle and another bag to hold my lunch and shoes. I sometimes take another bag for my work out stuff but i keep that i my car.

  4. Jen says:

    That’s funny…Just this morning Kent said, “wow, you’re really loaded down today”. Gym bag, work bag, lunch bag – the norm….

  5. Nicole, RD says:

    I take a ton to work, too. I go from clinic to clinic so I always have a locked bag for patient information, a lab coat, a winter coat, water bottle in hand, a purse, and my lunch bag. It’s a lot!!

  6. Amy says:

    Whoa, that’s a lot to schlep around!
    I think the yoga pose you were looking for might be “Urdhva Kukkutasana” or strutting cock – I am looking for an online link to send you!

  7. Amy says:

    Is this it: ??
    Yes, I have too much time on my hands – time to let my kids on the computer!

    • kilax says:

      That is close! In the move I am thinking of though, you only lift your butt a bit off the ground. Thanks for looking 🙂 You’re a sweetie!

  8. Erin says:

    One day I had my purse, my gym bag, and my laptop bag and someone on the train commented that I had a lot of stuff. Um, okay. Good thing I stuffed my lunch bag in my gym bag!

    I try to condense my stuff into a few bags as possible because there’s not a lot of room on my train but I almost always have at least two.

    • kilax says:

      Ha. Why do people want to comment on that?

      I usually try to stuff everything in to one bag too. That green bag had my lunch, my workout clothes and your workout clothes too! 🙂

  9. If I worked away from my house I’d carry all that stuff too.

  10. J says:

    My dad called me the bad lady this morning because I had –
    my yoga bag, a plastic bag with my lunch, a plastic bag with my shoes for work, and my purse. It will be even worse when I have all that stuff minus the yoga bag and plus the gym bag for my morning workout and shower! I only have a 20 min commute max but I do wish i could work at home!

    • kilax says:

      I haven’t had to carry my yoga mat in yet! I almost did last week but the class I was going to take got canceled. One more thing.

      Bag ladies unite!

  11. Kandi says:

    I sometimes have to carry my laptop to/from work.
    As for my gym bag, I pack it for the week, bring it in on Monday and then take it home on Friday.
    I also carry a bag everyday that usually holds lunch and my wallet and sometimes a book for reading on the train. And every now and then I bring in a new box of cereal and a half gallon of almond milk (my current breakfast obsession).

  12. Jen says:

    AND…funny about your hair. It looks fine, by the way. But, I feel like we should be able to depend on the men in our lives to tell us if we look weird before we walk out the door. But we can’t….they just don’t notice (usually). I ALWAYS make one last check in the bathroom mirror as I walk out. Plus, it’s my favorite mirror in the house. Do you have a favorite mirror in your house?

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 😉 Guys don’t do that for each other, do they? (The, “Hey, you have something in your teeth/makeup smeared/your hair looks funny”).

      I like that mirror in our powder room 🙂

  13. lifestudent says:

    The fact that you carry a neck pillow for the train pretty much cracks me up. Yes, you are a bit of a bag lady. But, better to be prepared then kick yourself for forgetting the one thing you really wanted/needed that day, right?

  14. Mica says:

    It is amazing how much space lunch takes up! Why don’t they make more efficient gladware? I always feel like my bag is bulging from lunch stuff alone…

  15. Holly says:

    Oh my word! No wonder your neck aches! Although….I do schlep quite a bit myself. A big (to me) purse, and a reusable grocery bag that contains my breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks, and randomness. 🙂 I’d rather be achy than not have what I need, though, right??

  16. bobbi says:

    I used to be pretty minimalist, and then I had kids. Now I have one of everything in my purse at all times. It may look reasonably sized, but it weighs 50 pounds and is kind of like Mary Poppins’ carpet bag…

  17. ChezJulie says:

    Maybe it’s time for you to get a wheely cart!

  18. cher says:

    oh, i am the SAME way and i work about 50 miles from home as well. i find that my car ends up looking like i’ve been sleeping in it most of the time. I’ve tried being more organized with it, but it’s just the way of life when you are a commuter!

  19. Shawn says:

    OMG – I should take a picture of what I haul in and out of the house every day! I too work over 50 miles from home so every day is a ‘trek’ for me.

  20. I like to know what I have with me, and usually have my lunch/extras bag + a work bag. I move stuff from my work bag to a weekend purse/bag. Or to my coat pockets.

    Come to yoga with me – lets see if next week works out for yoga!!

    • kilax says:

      I just ordered a yoga bag! Next week does not work well because I am traveling (at the end of the week and have weeknight plans), but are you taking a class at all the following week (week of 2/21)?

  21. I totally can relate to that picture of you with all of the bags! I look like that most days, especially when it snows out and I have to take extra shoes to work and wear snow boots.

  22. Etta says:

    I take a big bag to work whenever there’s bad weather. What if I get stuck there? I need clean underwear!

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