Friday Question #145

By , January 21, 2011 3:11 pm

Do you have any travel planned for 2011? Where/when and why?

We love to travel. So much that we have an entire bookshelf dedicated to travel literature* and a large travel map where we put pins on the places we’ve been.

We haven’t been able to travel much outside of our normal routes lately (Cedar Falls, IA, Guttenberg, IA and Kansas City, MO) because of our limited budget, but I got enough money in my bonus this year to buy tickets to New York City! Yay! We are going in February to spend time with our friends Gina and Steve. I cannot wait to explore NYC with them.

And I would really love to do a destination marathon this year, but yeah. We’ll see!

*We haven’t been to all of the places I have books on… I just like to read about places I haven’t been to.

46 Responses to “Friday Question #145”

  1. We’re headed to Fort Lauderdale (waaaarm!) in February and I’ll do a half down there!

  2. Chad says:

    Headed to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to volunteer and register at Ironman. I can’t wait!

  3. Tentative plans to visit a friend in China this fall and definite weekend trips around the country — Nashville, Chicago and San Francisco top the list. I want to plan a bigger summer trip but can’t find anyone to go with me. 🙁

  4. Tracy says:

    Well, as I’m writing this from Egypt right now…

    When are you going to be in NYC? Drop me a line if you think you’ll have any extra time! We should go running!

  5. Holly says:

    Oh my gosh – NYC will be a blast! I LOVE it there but haven’t been in awhile. There is just so much to do, I could live there for a whole year and still be amazed.

    I LOVE to travel. It’s hard to pick where to go, though! I would also really, really love to do a destination marathon, too – at least that would make me feel less guilty about the $$. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Grand Rapids!!! 😉

      (Well, I had something else in mind (Rome, California), but that will have to do for now!)

  6. Amy says:

    I don’t want to do any more big plane trips this year – I am all flown out! And sick of the jet lag…
    But we are taking our youngest to Germany for spring break (the oldest will be on a trip to Poland with school and the middle one will be on a ski trip to Austria with school) and in the summer, when my oldest goes to visit grandma and grandpa in Texas (his first big international trip all by himself!) we are planning to spend a week with the other two kids in southern Czech Republic, where we have never been…but we can DRIVE there, yay!!!

  7. Amy says:

    PS if you and Steven want to come to Belgium, we have a guest room…but I bet you will have a great time in NY – I have never been there but it seems like such a vibrant place!

  8. bobbi says:

    I have pretty much used up our travel budget for the year. I would totally go if I could get someone to watch my kids for a week – travelling by 2 is MUCH cheaper and easier than travelling by 6…

    I LOVE NYC. You’ll have a great time!

  9. martymankins says:

    My wife and I are heading to Myrtle Beach, SC in May for a week. Excited as I have never been there.

  10. diane says:

    Yay!! That is awesome!
    I have a bug up my butt so bad to go back to southern California. I really, really hope I figure out a way to pull it off.

  11. Sarah says:

    I hope you get to all of those wonderful places. We are going to Illinois next week (to visit his family), Whistler in Feb, and – I HOPE – Bali some time this summer or next fall…

  12. RunningLaur says:

    hahahahaha just reading the first line to this made me burst out laughing uncontrollably. Let’s just say that my computer next to this right now has up google maps with my travel for next week planned out, and it’s a little intimidating (NYC!).

  13. gina says:

    Traveling is one of my most favorite things to do! I really need to do a travel map like that!

    Can’t not wait to hear what you want to do in NYC! If you decide to do a marathon on the East Coast (particularly New England; even more particularly NYC…), I will go see you and cheer you on!

    • kilax says:

      We need to put together our NYC list! All I can think about right now is bagels 🙂 And the vegan bakery!

      Should I enter the lottery for the NYC marathon next year? Don’t tempt me!!!

  14. Ren says:

    New Orleans (Mardi Gras) and Colorado (skiing) in March. Probably the Texas coast (beach) in the summer. I’d really like to get back to Chicago this year and I’m always up for a NYC trip. Oh, and I’ll make an effort to attend TequilaCon, depending on where it ends up being this year.

  15. sizzle says:

    I seem to get stuck traveling to the same 3 places- Oregon, New Jersey and California. Sometimes Canada (just Vancouver). I would LOVE to go back to Mexico or visit Hawaii for the first time. I’ve never been to NY. I would like to make one of those 3 things happen this year.

  16. ChezJulie says:

    I’ll be going to L.A. for the first time this summer… looking forward to checking it out!

    • kilax says:

      Oh cool! My coworker is there right now and it is her first time visiting! I am excited to hear about it!

    • Kristina says:

      If you want/need any recommendations, shoot me an email (or something). LA is a great city with tons to offer, just depending on what you want to see and do.

  17. Erin says:

    I wish we both could travel more, but only together. I like to travel with adventurous people because otherwise I won’t be adventurous on my own.

    This year we’re going to Flagstaff in March and then probably nothing until December when we go to Vegas. Unless you could going to San Antonio and D.C. for work conferences.

    • kilax says:

      I still think we should go to Italy to visit your in-laws. Yeah? YEAH?! No…? 🙁

      Ha ha. Since we both are so RICH!

      I think we should plan something fun together, maybe for 2012, or something close and fun for 2011!

  18. Etta says:

    I’m going to Indianapolis in a month, does that count? I know it’s only a couple of hours away, but I’ve never actually been to Indiana.

    I’m really hoping we can go someplace this year. I haven’t done a lot of traveling in my life and would love a chance to see the world!

  19. Denise says:

    I will be going on an Honor Flight with my Dad in May as his guardian. I can’t wait!!! I’ve never been to Washington DC. It will be awesome!!!

  20. Anne says:

    Have a blast in NYC! In 2012, my husband will be on sabbatical and so a little more travelling should occur 🙂

  21. Susan says:

    Let me know when you’ll be in NYC, I’d love to meet up for a meal or something. 🙂 Keep me posted!

    I’m hoping to go to Africa this year, as well as running Big Sur in California in May!

    • kilax says:

      I will shoot you an email!

      I hope you get to go to Africa! I really want to visit there some day. Especially Egypt 😉

  22. Mica says:

    Yay, New York City with friends sounds like fun! (It’s not as fun when you’re there as a tourist, I think.)

    No plans to travel this year, due to monetary constraints. I’d love to go back to Korea and see my family though. :-\

  23. Kandi says:

    I just booked a flight to Jacksonville for President’s weekend for my best high school friend’s bachelorette party! I’m so excited! She also mentioned that we might go down to Orlando and do Disney for a day or two. I’ve never been to Disney before.
    I’ll also be back in Jacksonville in May for her wedding but I think Joey and I will be driving down and creating adventures along the way.
    I’m sure we’ll do a beach vacation at the end of summer and hopefully a few short trips here and there throughout the year… depending on my budget.

  24. Kristina says:

    We have already taken a short trip to the San Francisco area and we’ll be heading to Yosemite for next weekend (SOOO excited about that!). Most of our trips do revolve around seeing friends and family, but the Yosemite will be all about outdoor fun and adventure! Since I’m a teacher, summer is my main travel time. We took a major trip last year and that will NOT happen this year, but we’re thinking about an East Coast trip to visit family in June.
    Other than that, I really want to explore a LOT of California – especially the Sierra Nevada and maybe make it up to Northern CA to explore those mountains. Hike, camp, be outside… That’s kind of my dream summer.

  25. I love to travel. We are heading to Orlando in three weeks and I am so looking forward to it! We’ll check out Universal, Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Kennedy Space Center. Oh, and we are staying right by the outlet mall, so I am super psyched for that!

  26. Aileen says:

    I did the Dublin marathon (Ireland…not the one in Ohio…just thought I should specify) and I recommend it as a destination marathon for sure!

  27. I would love to get out but my life has no plan at all! hope you get to travel and race; that always sounds so fun to me

  28. I am traveling more this year than any other I think…Virginia, Boston, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire and a few others. I did a lot in 2010 too- I love to travel!

  29. Bethany says:

    Eh…I wish! I will be going to the state of Delaware in June for my sister’s wedding. My bosses and their family are going away in August for week, so I might try and go somewhere then– likely Rhode Island/Ma since that’s where I usually head 🙂

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