Training Week 65

By , January 16, 2011 1:17 pm

My next race is the Frozen Zucchini Snowshoe Adventure(5K) on January 30th.

Day 449 | January 10, 2011: strength + stretch

During lunch I tried a SELF magazine workout that Erin recommend to me. It’s called “5 Moves to borrow from the boys” (click to see workout). The workout (1-5 below, using their cheesy names) requires using a barbell. I found out I liked that much better than using the machines. Yay! I did some crunches and stretching after, and was all nice and shaky.

1 Shoulder Shaper: 3 x 12 @ 30 lb 6 20 crunches
2 Lean-Leg Lift: 3 x 8 @ 40 lb 7 20 bicycle crunches (10 ea side)
3 Booty Toner: 3 x 12 @ 30 lb 8 60 second plank
4 Sexy Back: 3 x 16 @ 30 lb
5 Wasit Whittler: 3 x 10 @ 30 lb

Day 450 | January 11, 2011: cross

Highlight of this workout – using my new headphones! They are wireless and use bluetooth – I am now CORD FREE! Hurrah!

I still have to use a little blue tooth adapter (photo below), since my MP3 player doesn’t have bluetooth, but that is fine with me.

You can’t really tell, but the headphones wrap around each ear and connect at your neck. I guess it’s good you can’t tell!

I listened to the TRON: Legacy soundtrack while riding the bike and it got me pumped up!

Recumbent Bike Time: 40:00 | Distance: 7.26 | Set on “Forest Ride”

Day 451 | January 12, 2011: cross + 2 m run

During lunch Erin and I went ice skating!

What a fun thing to do in the middle of the work day!

In the evening, I ran. The run was supposed to be 6×800, but I ran 2×800 and… had enough. I was running on our treadmill (at 1.0 incline) and I just felt too hot. And that it was too hard. Wah wah wah. Maybe I am just not ready for speedwork?

Anyway, I did the 2×800 at 9:06 pace and the other mile (in between) at 10:00 pace.

And I wore my new shoes! So pretty!

Day 452 | January 13, 2011:strength

1 Shoulder Shaper: 3 x 12 @ 30 lb
2 Lean-Leg Lift: 3 x 8 @ 50 lb
3 Booty Toner: 3 x 12 @ 40 lb
4 Sexy Back: 3 x 16 @ 40 lb
5 Wasit Whittler: 3 x 10 @ 40 lb

Day 453 | January 14, 2011: yoga + 5.8 m run

During my lunch break I did the YogaWorks Beginners DVD.

Finally! An awesome run. I felt great.

Okay, one thing though. I didn’t mention this before, but I had to return the first set of wireless headphones I received, because they worked once and stopped. The ones I have been using all week are the second set. This was my first run with them, and they worked for 1.5 miles, then kept stopping. The bluetooth transmitter kept turning off, or stopping or something. They were charged, but I charged them again just in case that was it (and had to go back inside to get wired headphones – there was a bit of stop and go with all the technical difficulties!).

We have snow again. But this run felt nice and warm!

Distance: 5.8 | Start Temp: 25° | End Temp: 24° | Time: 57:42 | Avg Pace: 9:56 | 1: 10:16 | 2: 9:53 | 3: 9:43 | 4: 10:01 | 5: 9:53 | 6: 7:53

Day 454 | January 15, 2011: strength + 3 m run

I did Level 1 of The 30 Day Shred right when I woke up. Nothing like a little Jillian Michaels to get you going in the morning!

Later on, I met the Grayslake Running Club for a Hot Chocolate Fun Run – we ran for 3 miles, then got hot chocolate (chai latte for me – and actually, one group started early and ran 6 miles before meeting us for our 3).

Bobbi joined us to check out the club! We had a fun relaxing run, then had drinks with a few members of the club (I think there were about 20 people there). It was a fun catching up! And it was fun meeting more members of the running club.

This photo of me chatting at the coffee shop makes me laugh:

Blah blah blah.

Distance: 3.0 | Start Temp: 21° | End Temp: 22° | Time: 33:56 | Avg Pace: 11:18 | 1: 10:57 | 2: 11:27 | 3: 11:28

Day 455 | January 16, 2011: 10 m run

Another good run! I did two 5-mile loops on the streets of our neighborhood.

I did have more headphone difficulties. I made sure they were fully charged, but the bluetooth transmitter stopped working at 8.3 miles (they are supposed to last 7 hours – I run slow, but not that slow!). I wonder if the temperature is causing it. The manual says the operating temperatures are from 32°F to 104°F – and it was about 16°. I kept the MP3 player and transmitter close to my core, in a pouch (on a belt) and I think that is what made it last so long.

Has anyone else ever had issues with bluetooth headsets working in the cold? For the record, mine are the Plantronics BackBeat 906.

Run stats: I wore the Asics Cumulus 12s. I drank 4 ounces of water and ate a Chocolate Outrage GU at mile 4.9. I had on wool socks, tights, pants, Under Armour ColdGear, my purple Tek Gear jacket, Under Armour Hood, Tek Gear beanie, and gloves.

Distance: 10.0 | Start Temp: 14° | End Temp: 16° | Time: 1:46:24 | Avg Pace: 10:38 | 1: 10:43 | 2: 10:31 | 3: 10:27 | 4: 10:39 | 5: 10:38 | 6: 10:46 | 7: 10:42 | 8: 10:48 | 9: 10:31 | 10:10:33

Week Summary: 20.8 miles

Despite my whiny run on Wednesday, this was a really good week! And I even did strength training three times. I wonder if that’s a record for me!

I did realize I am not quite ready for speed work and tempos yet. Maybe in a few weeks! I don’t want to rush in to anything.

13 Responses to “Training Week 65”

  1. Erin says:

    I wonder if the problem is with the headset or with the adapter/transmitter thingy. Neither Jason nor my mom have had any problems with their Jaybird ones but A. they aren’t using a transmitter adapter and B. they don’t spend all that much time outside when it’s below freezing.

    Three strength workouts in one week is awesome! And 6×800 seems like a tough speedwork session to start out with. Maybe you should do 400s instead if you want to ease into it.

    • kilax says:

      I think it is the adapter, because when it stops working, it flashes red a few times (that is the sign it is dead or charging).

      Yeah. 400s sound better. I think I should just come up with my own speedwork for now, if I decide to tackle it. And really, I should be doing speedwork for the Feb 5K, not the half!

  2. ChezJulie says:

    Oh, free weights are so much better than machines! That’s all I use when I work out with my trainer.

    That SELF magazine workout looks good, but as a woman I am a bit offended by those cutesy names when those exercises have real names like “deadlift” and “chest press.”

    Sounds like you had quite a varied week of exercise!

    • kilax says:

      I hope I can stick with free weights! We have some at home and I would love to figure out some moves with them.

      The cutesy names offend me too, but I liked the workout!

  3. Mica says:

    I hate cords, but I’ve never tried to go wireless for headphones. Sorry that I don’t have any helpful advice!

    I’d love to get a good strength training routine going, especially one with free weights. I really hate the machines…

    What do you do with your hair when you put on a running hat? I have a Nike hat with a ponytail slit out the back, but I have come to realize that it is too small for my humongous head.

    • kilax says:

      I really like the wireless headphones when they work! 🙂

      I usually have my hair in a ponytail that I just have go down my back, or in a little bun that I put under the hat. I have not tried a hat with a ponytail slit. That sounds cool!

  4. Amy says:

    Will you please tell me what exercises they mean by those silly names? Just curious about the workout!

  5. bobbi says:

    You had a great week! Thanks so much again for running with me. And for the record, I felt like I was going SO FAST in the beginning. But our pace certainly didn’t show that. I’m not sure if it was because we were chatting – I’m not used to having someone to chat with – or because I’m not used to running with no music. But I had absolutely no sense of pace for that. Not that that bothered me at all – I had so much fun! I just found it interesting…

    • kilax says:

      That is interesting! I tend to run faster when I am chatting… then realize it later and have to slow down.

      Do you think you will join GRC? No pressure, just curious 🙂

  6. lifestudent says:

    That showshoe event looks totally cool! How fun!

  7. Bethany says:

    That’s so cool that you went ice skating during the work day! I’ve been wanting to go here but none of my friends will go! They’re crazy…

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