Random Wednesday

By , January 12, 2011 6:04 am

It’s my best buddy Erin‘s birthday today! Visit her blog and wish her a good day! And you might want to subscribe to her blog while you’re over there. She has a very special talent that I don’t when it comes to writing about running – she makes it interesting!

How many of you saw Hood to Coast last night? How many of you immediately wanted to sign up for a relay race?

Steven and I saw the movie with the running club. Of course, I loved it. It showed what I love about running – the very large variety of people who do it, and the stories of how they got there/why they run. And most importantly, the comradeship and compassion for the fellow runner.

Maybe the running club will have room for me on one of the Ragnar Madison to Chicago teams…

Speaking of the Grayslake Running Club, why the heck did I wait so long to join? It’s only been a week, but so far it’s been the best week of the year (ha)! I instantly connect with everyone. Hmm, join a group based on one of your major interests? Who would have thought of that?!

Are you guys getting extremely sick of me using holiday gifts as prompts for posts?

It seems kind of tacky to me, but kind of not. Maybe there will be a few more.

Gina sent me this cute “Little Gifts of Kindness” calendar. Each day has little suggestions on how to be kinder (tips I can definitely use!).

I loved the January 4th tip – “Love where you are.”

I interpret it to mean love where you are physically as well as love where you are in life – in your relationships, with your work, with your happiness level…

I think it’s a great saying, and a good way to remind myself to be happy and grateful when I am feeling less so.

What do you love about “where you are”?

16 Responses to “Random Wednesday”

  1. Kandi says:

    I have not seen Hood to Coast but oh how I want to do a relay someday. My coworkers and I considered doing the DC Ragnar but we couldn’t field a whole team. Not even sure we would have been able to field half of a team. Eventually I will do one of these races though!

    • kilax says:

      I would never be able to even think about doing it if I hadn’t joined the club. I am not even sure I knew 11 local runners, before!

      Maybe you could find some semi-local bloggers to join you?

  2. This movie sounds so interesting since reading about a couple of bloggers’ experiences watching it. I’ll have to track it down.

    • kilax says:

      I hope you can see it! I know it was a one night event last night, but maybe it will go directly to DVD or back to the theater 🙂

  3. bobbi says:

    I’m so glad you got to go! AND that you’re loving the club!

    I have always thought that a relay would be so much fun to do…can’t wait til HTC comes out on dvd (or ends up back at the theater)…

  4. Erin says:

    Thanks for the birthday shout-out!

    I don’t know why you waited so long to join Grayslake! Look at you; you’re going to know those people who run the Frosty Footrace this year. Maybe you can talk the fast people out of showing up 🙂

    Hood to Coast was a fun movie although I think they may have put out some mixed messages about running. Not bothering to train? Ignoring doctor’s advice? Of course, I still want to do a relay some day!

  5. J says:

    I wish I could have seen Hood to Coast but we were scheduled to get dumped with snow last night, and we did, so I didn’t want to be out driving!

  6. Have not yet heard of that movie! Your calendar’s saying reminds me of one of my mottos: “Bloom where you’re planted.” Kind of the same idea!

  7. Jen says:

    I wish I had seen that movie – maybe it’ll be online at some point? Or maybe Netflix?

    I love where I am professionally – I love my job!

    That’s SO cool that you’re in a running club now. What a great idea! Maybe Kent and I need to find some sort of club or something like that.

  8. gina says:

    Happy Birthday, Erin!

    Let’s see, what do I love about where I am…since I’m at work at the moment…I’ll say I love who I work with. Most of them. : )

  9. i sooo wanted to see that movie and am bummed i had to work late, but i just finished a relay so now… I just need lots of you to get excited so i can do another!

  10. Pauline says:

    That calendar is such a great idea! In terms of location, I love Ottawa’s parks, museums and changing seasons and in terms of my life, I love my renewed sense of focus on what’s important.:)

  11. I really want to see that movie! My good friend lives in Portland, OR and always talks about the race. Do they show amazing scenery too?! Sigh. I loved OR when I visited.

    Happy Birthday to another Erin (best name ever!)

    • kilax says:

      Oh yeah, they show them starting at Mt Hood and it is breathtaking. Most of it is breathtaking!

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. Susan says:

    I’m already signed up for Reach the Beach in May, but the movie got me REALLY excited for it, especially since I went to see it with my relay teammates. 🙂 SO PUMPED.

    I had thoughts of doing the Madison to Chicago relay but at the time I didn’t know enough runners in the Chicago land area who were crazy enough to do it with me!

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