Shadow Box

By , December 20, 2010 5:31 am

I didn’t mention how Erin gave me my new RoadID on Saturday night – she had it pinned to the center of a Shadow Box (which was wrapped in beautiful paper and tied with a bow)! It was so clever and creative. I should have taken a picture to show you! But I was too anxious to get a closer look at my new RoadID. Ha ha.

Anyway, here is the empty shadow box!

The first thing I did when I woke up Sunday morning was start to put together memorabilia from the Chicago Marathon to put in the shadow box.

Did you know that the Chicago Tribune printed the names and finish times of everyone that finished in under 6:30? I made sure to get my hands on a copy the next day! I don’t see my name in print that often. I copied my name and finish time, and put a red box around it, to put in the shadow box.

At first I had a really boring layout, that looked a bit cluttered and didn’t allow any “shadows,”* so I reworked it with Steven’s help. Ta da:

Much better.

We decided to put it in our office, next to our bookcases. Before:

After** (excuse the change in lighting – it was dark outside):

Yay! I love it! I have never had my achievements on display like that, and am really excited about it. Right now, all of my bibs and medals are hanging in my closet:

(Below is a view that shows the left side of the above photo – there is a huge overlap. And yes, I put the real bib in the shadow box but photocopied a version for my closet!)

It’s fun for me to see them each day, but I can’t really bring people in to my closet to say, “Hey, look at these!” Ha ha.

What achievements do you have on display in your home? Have you ever put together a Shadow Box?

I have my diploma*** up in our office. If you look at the first picture of the shelves, you can see it all the way in the very back corner, on the top of the shelves. We also have our sky diving certificates on the filing cabinet, but I don’t really think of that as an “achievement.”

Hmm, this reminds me – has anyone had one of those “race shirt” quilt things made for them? I want to do something with my race shirts. I have too many and can’t bear to throw them away.

*This may only make sense in my mind.
**I should make note that Steven did all of the work hanging it and was very sweet in helping me with this on Sunday!
***If you click on this link, scroll down to the second post.

17 Responses to “Shadow Box”

  1. Kandi says:

    I LOVE the shadow box! I have never put one together before but I love the idea of showcasing your first marathon!
    I don’t think I have any achievements showcased in my home right now. Growing up I had a shelf in my room that held trophies and plaques that I won in High School. I think they are still there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Kelly says:

    I put one together over the summer. It has my bib # and medal from my first triathlon, my first 10K, and my first triathlon. It was perfect for the time… but now I want to make another one with my first podium medal, my first olympic triathlon, and my first 5K. Soon our bedroom will be overrun with medals and bibs!

  3. bobbi says:

    What a cool gift! I love that she put the roadid IN the shadowbox (Erin, you are my gifting hero right now).

    I ordered all my pictures, but I have yet to do anything with them. When our basement is finally done, I plan on stealing a wall for running accomplishments….I sitll love your closet wall – medals and bibs and pictures to go with them. So cool!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, I cannot wait to see what you do to your basement!

      I should have taken a picture of Erin’s tree and all of the presents under it. It looked so beautiful!

  4. Holly says:

    I have mine and Erin’s half marathon done up in a shadow box like that!

    And I am planning on having a t-shirt quilt made for my guest room next year. I have an online friend who is going to do it for me!

  5. Katie H. says:

    Aw, how sweet of Erin! I love your shadow box- putting together mine from my half has been on my to-do for a while!

  6. gina says:

    GREAT gift idea! The shadow box came out perfect!

    I think my framed diploma is somewhere in the basement. How sad.

  7. Erin says:

    It looks so great. I’m happy you can now display at least one of your running achievements out in “public” ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Susan says:

    Aw I really like the shadow box! Definitely looks better a little messy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have race bibs up on my wall and I put my medals on my bookshelf. My diplomas are at my parents’ house in Chicago…I’ll probably take them when I get my own place because they’re pretty, but a little bit too much in my small NYC apartment!

    My mom (who quilts a lot) has offered to make quilts out of my race shirts, but I can’t part with them yet…I wear them all the time (uh, I’m a tshirt and jeans kind of girl…), so not quite yet. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Holly says:

    Hmmm….I’m not sure where my comment just went!

    I LOVE your shadow box. I definitely want to do that for my next big race. My parents have given me (as presents) frames with my bib numbers, race photo, and medals from 2 of my marathons, so I’m glad I have those. I’d like to do all of my races, if I could afford it!

    • kilax says:

      I looked for your comment in spam and didn’t find it ๐Ÿ™

      Do you have any races in mind? What is your goal? You said you are up to 4 miles right? Do you want to work up to a 10K?

  10. Kristina says:

    That’s so great! I have to admit that I’m terrible about keeping race stuff. Maybe because I just got back into running and I keep thinking that I’ll jinx myself?

    • kilax says:


      You won’t jinx yourself! But don’t hold on to the stuff unless it means something to you ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. I really need to work on a space for all my bibs and stuff. I was going to make a scrapbook but then I would need a way to display it…I wish I was more crafty…

  12. kaylen says:

    I wasn’t really aware of how awesome shadow boxes are until last month when my manager had one made after her dog of 16 years passed away. Hers is something like 4ft x 5 ft, enormous but totally amazing. Her and her spouse aren’t having children so that dog was their only family and the shadow box was such an amazing showcase of their love for him.

    I think yours turned out great!
    I don’t have anything about me up and viewable, other than the volunteer award I won this year, but it doesn’t really have a “place”, it just sits on the desk and I suspect most people don’t even see it. I keep meaning to hang a shelf and give it a good spot to show it off!

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