Parrot Cat

By , December 8, 2010 12:33 pm





I’m not sure if it’s work, life, or just certain people, but I am just not feeling like myself. Maybe it’s just the lingering cold (sickness, not the weather), the short days, and the short tempers.

I like to think that planning some “fun” time off around the holidays would make me feel better, but let’s be honest – I have plenty of three (and four and five) day weekends now as it is. What will additional time off from work do? Maybe what I REALLY need is a vacation!

Aruba anyone?

Wah wah wah. Things aren’t that bad. I am just particularily stressed (annoyed?) today. Maybe wrapping some holiday gifts and drinking chai tea tonight will cheer me up!

Do you start to feel “blah” when the days get shorter?

I feel like the darkness is really bumming me out this year!

39 Responses to “Parrot Cat”

  1. Kandi says:

    I’m feeling it too! Not sure why but I haven’t felt myself the past two days or so. Everything has been annoying me. I know a run will at least help with all this but it’s been freezing here the past few days with the wind (probably nothing compared to Chicago though).
    I love the data pictures. I’m sure Delilah would get on my shoulder if she could- all 45 lbs of her.

  2. Chad says:

    Dude, Aruba! Is that Rennaisaance Island? I LOVED that beach. I spent 7 days on that “european style beach” in 2007, and I still think about it weekly. Fish poboys and buckets of beer make me so happy. Here’s my pic:

  3. J says:

    I need a vacation too. Christmas can’t come soon enough, then 10 days off in a row!

  4. Katie H. says:

    I definitely do. Especially with this frigid weather!

  5. Jen says:

    It sounds like you’ve got a touch of the SADs…
    Do you get enought Vit D? Have you ever thought of going tanning? There are a lot of benefits to tanning. Maybe you should just put on your santa suit and wear that all day. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. RunningLaur says:

    I know a free place in sunny, warm Arizona you can stay at to break you out of the funk! I’m 5 minutes from Sky Harbor! Hell, you could even stay here while I’m gone for the holidays and have a ‘vacation home’ ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Holly says:

    Ugh. I. so. feel. you.

    Mine has more so to do with the hatred of my job right now (almost walked out on it yesterday! ended up telling them I had to meet the cable people at my house to work on my TV) ;-), but I don’t think the shorter days help. I just miss being outside! Okay, we can still be outside, I know….but who wants to when it’s 0 degrees, ya know?

    If you can swing a vacay, I would DEFINITELY try that. Even if it’s just a weekend road trip. Or maybe plan one for the spring? In all seriousness, my boss has one of those “S.A.D.” lights and SWEARS by it.

    I hope you start feeling better….the good thing is that whenever we have a bad day, the next one HAS to be better. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Holly! I am so sorry! What is going on at work? In all honestly, this stemmed from a bad morning at work. And I just realized today is my two day anniversary!

      I have heard wonderful things about those lights too. They are expensive though!

  8. I would offer you the warm weather of Texas but it’s cold here (ok, cold for us, probably warm for you)!!! Yuck!!! I vote for packing the bags (and cats) and heading off to somewhere way warm!!!! Shorter days make me so tired and I am usually ready for bed about 6:00pm. No good!! You should try to get Data to help you wrap presents!!! That can only put you in a good mood!!!! A vacation is a good idea!!! A nice get away!!!!

    • kilax says:

      I think Data only unwraps presents! Hee hee.

      It would be nice to go somewhere warm and tropical. We don’t have money for that but I feel better just thinking about it!

  9. Paula says:

    I hear you. I take breaks here and there, otherwise I just get fed up. The dark days make me blue for sure. Data always brightens my day though!

  10. bobbi says:

    It always takes me a while to get used to this perpetual darkness thing. And I find myself irritable and short these days…my kids are growing weary of cranky mom!

  11. k8 says:

    Wonder if you are still in the grief process. It takes a LONG time, my friend. Don’t discount it. Especially around the holidays. You THINK maybe you’re doing okay, but in the back of your mind, there are lingering thoughts that maybe are disrupting your life more than you think they are. I’m always here to listen.

  12. Pauline says:

    “Do you start to feel โ€œblahโ€ when the days get shorter?”

    Oh God yes! Not just blah, but I can feel like total crap for weeks on end!

    But this winter, I made some changes to my routine so hopefully that will help.:)

  13. diane says:

    Something must be in the air, because my co-worker and I have been really snippy with each other the past two days. We usually get along great so it’s very strange.
    I don’t FEEL actively stressed but it seems like my body is telling me otherwise. Hmmm…

    • kilax says:

      I think our bodies are able to carry stress without us even knowing! Then it hits. BAM! Let’s just take the rest of the month OFF! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Marcia says:

    That’s why I seem to think I need to get outside to run–so the maybe 2 millimeters of exposed flesh will soak up some sun.
    I think you’re the Baretta of the feline world!

  15. sizzle says:

    Yes! The long dark days are draining. Then the wet weather makes it a soggy sad mess. Mexico sounds good about now.

  16. Kim says:

    Yes, the long, dark days are hard, even in California! I think everyone feels a little glum this time of year. The holiday season is stressful too! You’re not alone!

  17. ChezJulie says:

    I would definitely have trouble with those early nights and cold days. I have been fantasizing about a trip to Miami Beach ever since watching the show Dexter! But that’s not in our budget either.

    Why don’t you rent or download a movie set on a sunny island to have on while you and Data wrap presents? Mamma Mia?

  18. The trips to and from work in the dark are SO draining!! I hate it.

  19. Let’s go! ๐Ÿ™‚ BTW…I forgot to respond to you about running. Expect an email soon!

  20. Ayla says:

    I definitely start feeling blah when winter arrives. Blah is my middle name right now.

    Can I just say how awesome it is that Data goes on your shoulder like that? If I tried putting Zulu up there she would probably claw my face or drool on me.

  21. Erin says:

    Sometimes I think the bad part about taking a vacation is that it reminds you you have to go back to work.

    Wow, that’s a downer thought.

    Let’s run away to Aruba and find some wealthy guys to take care of us ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Elizabeth says:

    I feel it too! I left the office at 5:00 yesterday, and the woman who walked out with me commented on how disappointed I looked when I saw it was dark outside. ๐Ÿ™

    Sign me up for Aruba…

  23. Mosie sits like that, too.

    I think it’s knowing that Christmas vacation is coming, but it’s not here soon enough!

  24. gina says:

    Sign me up for Aruba! The cold weather makes me really cranky and whiney. Not a winning combination.
    Sorry you have the blahs! I hope the holiday spirit creeps in and makes you smile a bit and combat the things bringing you down. Be open to it.

  25. I totally think a vacation would be perfect. I am not myself since it has started being so dark and gloomy either so I’m sure that is at least a big part of it. I can’t wait until it is summer again!

  26. Courtney Ilax says:

    KIM .. if u want to go on a vacation.. Please o Please take me and nick with you :). Really I think we should plan on together that would be way fun ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kilax says:

      You are more than welcome to come along on our imaginary vacation! Ha ha. I will let you know if we ever plan a real one to somewhere warm ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. martymankins says:

    When our Rocko cat was younger, he used to climb up into the rafters in the laundry room. My step daughter’s cat did the shoulder thing. She was pretty agile.

    As for getting away, the winter time, while enjoyable in some aspects, gets to be too long. So by February, I’m going nuts and need a warmer climate change. Never been to Aruba, but it looks nice and warm.

  28. Christina says:

    i tend t want to hibernate as the days get shorter and colder. I would spend some time outside as long as it is not biting cold but with the wind and the weather that does not happen so much.

  29. Lindsay says:

    Go Cyclones?? I can’t quite tell if that’s what’s on the hat.

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