How to fold a fitted sheet

By , November 23, 2010 5:39 am

For the LIFE of me, I cannot get our kitchen stove top clean. And it’s making me lose my mind. I was so frustrated last night, I decided to make a video of something I actually know how to do – fold a fitted sheet.

I will show you how to go from this:

to this:

What household tricks do you know how to do?

Did you already know how to fold a fitted sheet? Was this “video” helpful? Should I never make another video?

Can you tell I seem annoyed in the video? I was… about the stove top.

36 Responses to “How to fold a fitted sheet”

  1. I’ll have to watch this later. My mom always folds fitted sheets so neatly but I just make a half-hearted try and shove them in the linen closet. :/

  2. Kandi says:

    I love the video! And I seriously did not know you could fold a fitted sheet so it had squared edges. I’ll have to see if I’m capable of this! I haven’t had to fold a fitted sheet in a long time because I wash my sheets and then put them back on the bed once they are dry. πŸ™‚

  3. Jen says:

    That was awesome! We’re still on for the run next weekend, right? I’m up to 4 miles on the treadmill so I should be ok.

  4. Shutupandrun says:


    1. You are so cute. You do a great video
    2. This is totally something I had no CLUE how to do. No clue about the corners. I can’t wait to try it. Seriously. I love stuff like this. I didn’t have a grandma to give me such tips, so I can rely on you.

  5. Christina says:

    This is awesome, I will have to try this.

  6. teamarcia says:

    Oooh that is a valuable skill–one I do not possess! I think I saw Martha S. do it once but I did not retain it. Sadly the only household trick I know is how to dial up the cleaning crew.

  7. Christina says:

    The nipping out was my favorite part!! Gotta love those Greek nips!

  8. Adam says:

    HA!! For some reason the video is exactly what I needed this morning. πŸ™‚ Have a great holiday!

  9. Susan says:

    My mother showed me how to do this at some point in my life, but my fitted sheets still end up looking like a mess!

  10. Alice says:

    OH MY GOODNESS this was amazing. i always tuck the first two corners into their pockets like that, but NEVER THOUGHT TO TUCK THEM INTO EACH OTHER on the second fold. i can’t believe i’m about to say this, but i think this is going to change my (sheet-folding) life! YAY! i get so annoyed with how sloppy fitted sheets fold!!

  11. Erin says:

    Okay, I swear I do exactly what you do in the video but my sheets never come out looking like that! Apparently I’m doing something wrong and I don’t even know it. I think I need an in-person, hands-on tutorial πŸ™‚

    Also, the secret to a really clean stove top? Mr. Clean Magic Eraser followed by Windex. It will change your life.

    • bobbi says:

      I am SO going to try the magic eraser. windex alone just does NOT do it. THANK YOU!

    • kilax says:

      Ha! I can show you the next time I am over! I do notice that some sheets fold easier depending on the fabric. One set we have will not cooperate at all!

      I will have to try one of those Magic Erasers! Seriously… our stove is so caked in stuff… I cannot get it off for the life of me!

  12. bobbi says:

    1. I knew this one! Comes from working cleaning motel rooms in college.
    2. Hehe, I can also tell you are very annoyed by your stove. I hate when stuff that should be easy gets under my skin like that (but it happens all the time!)…

  13. OMG I LOVE you!! I’ve never been able to fold a fitted sheet before. I asked my mom and she just said “you roll it up and pretend its folded”

  14. Karin says:

    Great video! I’m such a disaster when it comes to housework πŸ˜‰

  15. Ali says:

    Next time I do the bedding I am watching this. Although my way makes it really easy to find the fitted sheets in the linen cupboard, they are the ones rolled into a ball!

  16. Mica says:

    Man, this is so useful! I was seriously so excited when you told me and Erin that you knew how to do this. Messy fitted sheets is the WORST.

    Here’s my favorite trick: if you get deodorant marks on a dark shirt, you can use a balled up pair of socks to rub it right out. (Like, the ball of socks with the rough part of the sock on the outside.) It works every time!

  17. RunningLaur says:

    1. This makes me want to go refold every fitted sheet I have.
    2. I like the vlog!
    3. That shirt looks particularly flattering on you, I like πŸ™‚

  18. RunningLaur says:

    and, 4. I like how Mica and I always take forever to comment on your posts… almost every time. We still love you!

  19. HA! I want more videos… and some that are happy-Kim! πŸ™‚

  20. Elizabeth says:

    You are totally my hero! My fitted sheets look awful. And now Tom says he knows how to do that too and he’s sad he missed the opportunity to be my hero…lol. Really, I just don’t get why he’s been letting me fold fitted sheets!

  21. Etta says:

    It amazes me how many people don’t know how to do this. When I was training to become a CNA, our teacher made us learn how to do it.

  22. I hate those damn fitted sheets!

  23. I’m never going to remember all those tucks and folds!!!!!

  24. J says:

    I always try to fold a fitted sheet into a square – sometimes I get it, sometimes I don’t! Its tough!

  25. lifestudent says:

    So funny. Ive been intending on finding out how to do this for years! Instead, i just leave them in a huge ball on top of the dryer and grab the ball of sheets when I need to do a change πŸ˜‰

  26. Sarah says:

    I struggle with folding a fitted sheet–thanks for the video! I’m going to try this. My sheets have to be all folded “nicely” in my linen closet or I get all bent out of shape about it. Haha!

  27. *lynne* says:

    Hi Kim,
    I’m catching up on a whole bunch of blogs/posts, but *had* to drop a line here to tell you — hey I fold fitted sheets the exact same way! πŸ™‚ Yay! High five!! πŸ™‚ Funnily enough, every time I’m folding ’em on laundry days I idly imagine myself giving instructions on how to get it done. Now I need to find something else to occupy my mind while I fold, LoL! πŸ™‚

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