Friday Question #138
What fashion fads from the past would you like to ban from ever making a comeback?
- Shoulder Pads
- Leggings with Stirrups
- Skorts
Ha ha, okay, not EXACTLY like that, but this picture is funny. I was thinking more along these lines.
Oh wait, I just bought the equivalent of a running skort last weekend. And I am doing almost the same pose in it! At least it’s a “skirt” in the back too!
I know it’s too late – these things are already back in style – the images I found were from current fashion.
It’s funny that I can remember hating wearing shoulder pads and leggings with stirrups when I was a young girl. You would think I wouldn’t have an answer to this question since I am kind of young (now) and not in to fashion… but there you go!
Awwww, look at you as a little girl!
I own a couple skorts but like your running skort, they are “skirts” in the back too.
I would never wear shoulder pads again and never plan to wear stirrup pants, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they make a comeback since skinny jeans and leggings are making a comeback.
I could do without MC Hammer pants.
Cute new running outfit!
Do you remember Hypercolor shirts? The ones that change color when they get warm? I saw an equivalent type of shirt at Kohls recently. Never thought I’d see those again.
I never had a shirt that changed color! That sounds pretty sweet
Haha! What a great Friday question. I listed five things but could have went on and on. Love it! =)
I LOVED stirrup pants! I wore them as pj bottoms because the legs never rode up while I slept. Perfection. If they are back in style I’m totally getting some for pjs again. Sexah!
Actually a lot of 80s style fashions are coming back in now. When I shop everything is sparkly with big angle collars and cuffs and weird things. It’s like Prince is having a yard sale.
I’ve only just finally accepted leggings back into my life. I even bought a pair of jeggings, though I haven’t been able to bring myself to wear them…
Not sure about what I’d like to come back. The 80s already seem to be back in full off-the-shoulder, tye-dye force…
I have been struggling with the leggings thing for over a year. I just don’t think I am meant to wear them!
And I agree. The 80s do seem to be back to stay. For awhile.
Dumb question: what’s the difference between leggings and tights? I just don’t get it.
I am not 100% sure! Maybe tights are more sheer and thinner? It’s confusing, because I see tons of people using leggings as tights now.
I not so thrilled with the fact that denim leggings have come back into style. I wore those SO MUCH in junior high…and probably should not have.
I had so many leggings with stirrups as a little girl! I loved them… not sure how I feel about them now, though!
I got a little concerned when I heard the advice ‘if you remember it the first time it was in style you’re probably too old to wear it again.’ Say it isn’t so! IF I go the stirrup route again (haven’t yet and don’t anticipate, but who knows?) it will be the third time around—EEK!
oh, the worst EVER was the pegged pant legs. that is NOT flattering on anyone…i don’t know why we thought that magically creating skinny little ankles that led up to our naturally sized hips were EVER o.k.
“It’s funny that I can remember hating wearing shoulder pads and leggings with stirrups when I was a young girl.”
I did as well and hated them then too! (I had to wear whatever my mom picked out for me) Todays teens obsession with ugly 80s clothing is dumb. Seriously, that stuff needs to stay in the past!
Angel’s Flight pants. I had a few pairs back in the day, but I really would not like to see them make their return ever again.
And thankful that no photos exist of me wearing them (just images in my head)
I’m not a fan of a vest on a woman. I tried to work that fashion back in the day but I have big boobs and it just looks…ridiculous.
That skort photo is a crack up!
Ha! Vests! Oh gosh. My mom used to make me wear them when I was a kid. I can’t imagine wearing one now. Although I swear I saw someone in my office wearing one the other day and thinking she looked cute.
I HATE shoulder pads very much. I have very broad shoulders, and they make me feel like a football player. Hate them.
I had stirrup pajama pants and seriously thought they were the coolest things ever. Then I got them as leggings and I was definitely The Cool Girl.
…yeah, I had some problems with tastes growing up. (But didn’t everyone in the 90s?)
80’s fashion needs to stay in the 80’s. shoulder pads may be the worst fashion invention ever!
Ooh my god, skorts! I’m not sure what I think of those rompers that are in style now. They remind me of skorts. Anyway, I do not want to see flannel, plaid shirts come back. Yuck. We don’t need women looking like lumberjacks…again. Also, remember when it was cool to wear a jean jacket with a bunch of “flair” (buttons, safety pins, etc)? That does not need to come back either.
I can’t believe shoulder pads are in again. That’s horrifying to me.
I kind of wish those jelly shoes would come back. Those things were awesome.
I miss jelly-shoes.
Thinking of you as I sit in O’Hare…cute pic of you as a teen! I hated shoulder pads too – just saw that movie “The Wedding Singer” on the plane and was enjoying all the 80s music but definitely NOT the fashion!
arrgghhh shoulder pads. i’m infuriated that they’re making a comeback, because i already have LARGE AND IN CHARGE shoulders which very much do NOT need help or enhancement. i’ll find a cute jacket and try it on and.. oh hey! i’m a linebacker! merde.
I’m curious why Gaga thinks those shoulder pads are necessary? Haha. I was actually staring at someone yesterday wondering why she felt shoulder pads needed to be worn in her cute little jacket. This person had some credibility until I saw the shoulder pads. Snap!
I hope skinny jeans never come back. I really, really disklike them. Especially on men (er, boys).
I’m not sure what I don’t want to come back.. seems like everything is! I don’t like hugely accentuated shoulder pads but small ones aren’t bad. Skorts can definitely stay away though. As can most other 80s and 90s clothing.
Those aren’t shoulder pads. She looks like she’s wearing a pillow.